Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gets weirder

You got to read this article. It is from an English newspaper and is about the Vatican. I couldn't make it up.

Intentional molestation

Pension Fun

So, as I have posted before, there is corruption in the Government Pension system. There is a criminal investigation in California. It will be very messy.

Isn't that fine

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Very blessed man

I am a very blessed man. I have met some very interesting people. Two I will discuss togight. Lori Cardille and Jessica Harper. Not the most famous but both celebrities. Lori Cardille is less known.

Lori Cardille was in a movie called "Day of the Dawn". She is the daughter of some guy in Pennsilvania, I mispelled. He was a horror movie guy on tv. She made a zombie movie, I saw the movie and thought she was wonderful in it. Many years ago, I looked her up when the web was new. She became a photogropher. For a band.

I contacted the band. I asked if it was the same lady. Nobody in the band knew about the movie she was in. She did not tell them. She was a pretty girl. They did not know. I received a response, they told me they did not know of her being in a film; but, they knew her father was in television. It was the same girl.

They later asked her. She let them know it was her in the movie. She later let them know she had been molested by her uncle. She wrote a book about it. I have anguished for years that I may have brought it back up. I did not know she was hiding out. How could I. I just like her.

Now to Ms. Harper. Jessica Harper was in a movie that I love. She was in Phantom of the Paradise. The director was Brian DePalma. Great film. She was so lovely and had a great voice. She started a blog. I said hello. I do not know much about her. I only know that she had children and made records for kids. Very nice.

I sent her an e-mail. I just said thank you for being her. For how she made me happy. She responded. She said you are welcome. Aint that cool. Two names most people will not know. Two ladies most people will not know. Two amazing ladies who said thanks for knowing them. What a world.

I am just a snivel servant. I do not know fame. Some have it for a moment. Some for a lifetime. What it is like we cannot understand. Yet those who do have a burden, people they do not know, know them. How they handle it defines them. A burden we cannot understand. I thank them both for taking the time to say hello.

I do not know if either of them will ever read my pitiful blog. If they do, I want to say thank you. And to Jessica Harper I send a special thank you. Isn't life neat?

Just have to say

I know a "sex worker", I do. She is very young, Australian and I met her in a very odd way. She rented a house to a friend of a friend. Then she came to America on a trip. I met her, she is friends with my daughter. I have no explanation for it. She is just some kid I know.

Anyways, she is in Haiti. Oh, she is also a pediatric nurse. I could not explain her life any better than I can explain my own. Still, she went to Haiti to help. Says something about her. Rather than making a thousand a night, she is living in some tent and taking care of people. Pretty cool.

I have known many differant types of people. I have known assasins, billionaires and sex workers. How odd. I am the squarest guy in the world; but, have met a wide range of wackos. One of them is in Haiti, how nice.

I must praise her love of others. Be well.


This man who claims to love god is filth.

The article

He complained about his health after molesting 200 plus young boys. Screw his health. He says he repented, I pray he did; but, I distrust those who repent after being caught. I am much more trusting of those who repent on their own.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sex without love

Is nothing more than masturbation with a partner. Think about it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obama, by the way

President Obama's "secret trip to Afghanistan" was not to just Afghanistan. This is an old ploy. He went to Russia, bet me. He went to Russia to discuss Korea, North Korea. You kids need to learn the game.

North Korea sank a South Korean warship. Obama goes to Afghanistan, see a disconnect. North Korea threatened to use nuclear bombs on South Korea, Afghanistan is a joke. It is not a relevant. Kids, the North Koreans are threatening nuclear war. What do you think the President's priority is? Wake up.

Obama went to Russia and China. Learn to read the new properly, not like sheep.

By the way

Locust, one of the plagues has returned.

The story

God and religion

I am a Christian. Knowing God is very important to me. My relationship with him helps shape my life and choices. Having said that, I believe most people who claim to be spiritual are not. Their professed belief in God does not impact their choices. Jesus said not everyone who cried out "Lord, Lord" would make it to heaven. Some would lay claim to their "good works" and he will say, "I never knew you. depart from me, you who practice lawlessness".

The word profane means outside of the church. It refers to things that do not belong inside the church. Things that are offensive to God. Someone was discussing the word and as an example they mentioned an adulterer bringing his mistress into the church with him. It hit home because the ex did that with her adulterous partner, both married. She saw no irony in it.

This is not about the ex, it is about faith. Faith is not belief, it is action based on belief. It is living your beliefs. I grew up Catholic, I left the church; but, have many fond memories of nuns and priests that I knew. I left because of a doctrinal issue, I do not believe the Pope speaks the innate word of God. So I left.

For me, spirituality is not about "religion" or a church, it is about faith. It is about how we live. Currently, information has come out about the Pope. It is sad information for many Catholics. The information involves the Pope and his failure to appropriately deal with child molestors who were priests. The information was hid, the activities were secret.

One priest molested 200 deaf children. That is about a low as one can get. I do not consider him a Christian. He is not. He does not do God's work, he does not follow Jesus' teachings. He does evil. All sin and all may be forgiven; but, there is a price tag. It requires repentance and a turning of one's heart away from evil. It also requires the truth.

The lawyer and his evidence.

Not long ago the exorcist for the Vatican said that the Devil was in the Vatican. He said there were Bishops and Cardinals who were satanists and did not believe in Jesus. How then can we call them Christians? If they call themselves chairs, it does not make them chairs.

One might ask how they reconcile their actions with their professed beliefs. One might ask how the Pope could fail so miserably to correct and bring these things to light. The abuse and paedophilia that occurred in Ireland and Germany and the United States is staggering. Some will lose faith in the church and even in God. That is the worst part.

One might also ask why a satanist would choose to join the church. The answer is twofold. Firstly, to learn the rituals. Satanists, Luciferians, whatever, occultists, are very big on ritual. They believe there is power in ritual. If one studies the history of occultism you come across a belief in "sex majik". It is the idea that certain types of sex bring power. Some believe that paedophilia takes the innocence and strength of young boys. It is a very disgusting and corrupt belief set.

The other reason some people become priests is to degrade the church. To turn people away from it. There have been many attempts at this over the decades and often the people were routed out. That appears not to be happening anymore. That is a shame.

There are those in the Christian community that believe the Catholic church is the "whore of Babylon". This is incorrect. The whore of Babylon is the Mystery religion of Babylon, it can be found in many places. A wonderful summary of it's beliefs can be found on You Tube by a man called "Bill Cooper".

Bill Cooper and Myster Babylon

The belief set, in a nutshell, is that we can become Gods. Ahhh, but therein lies the rub. Jesus said that their law said that God called them little Gods. But what did it mean?

One writer said, "Athanasius, in his famous work, On the Incarnation of the Word of God, wrote, "The Word was made man in order that we might be made gods." Athanasius is consider very orthodox." That, my friends, is the teaching of mystery babylon. It is corrupt and foolish.

It misses the most fundamental sayings of Jesus. Paul said, "Have this attitude which was also in Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself taking the form of a bond servant, and being made in the linkeness of men". Phillipians 2:7.

I rarely quote scripture directly preferring to discuss the issues; however, it is necessary in this instance. God created us to have relationship with him, not to become him or like him. There is a movement with some churches which says just the opposite. That movement is the mystery babylon religion.

What is interesting is that none understand what it means to be God. They are just fascinated with the perceived cookies. God referred to himself as "I am". His essence is awareness, consciousness. A seperate and unique being. We are also self aware beings. That is our similarity to God. The differance is that he creates consciousness in new beings, we do not.

When Paul said equality with God was not a thing to be sought, he had his reasons. Prior to creating us, God was alone. An alone consciousness. That is what it is to be like him, complete power over oneself and the absence of relationship with others. An eternity by yourself, apart from God, that is the definition of hell. Solitary confinement of our own choice. It is the result of selfishness, self-centeredness.

This post is probably the most spiritual of any that I have written. I make no apologies, it is my blog and I am free to say what I believe to be true. I welcome comments as always. I am sure may reading this will not be interested, that is okay. I have studied many religions and beliefs and have opinions. They are just mine.

The essence of New Age religions is nothing new. It is the same as it has always been, the belief that we can become perfect, become like God. I do not wish to be God, he is better at it. I do however wish to have relationship with him. That is exciting.

The Catholic church is teaching Deacons that God is dead. The idea is an old gnostic approach. The concept is that God created us and left, he went away and we are on our own. We are to become like him, perfect. That is not what the bible says.

Now I want to talk a little bit about the Devil. A very misunderstood being. Firstly, we know he was an angel who rebelled against God. The Devil was the most beautiful of the angels. Problem was, he thought so too. God created man and the Devil thought itself better than us and that is should not be subjected to being put underneath humans.

Angels have free will. That is clear. Yet they lack something that we have, growth. We are not born perfect; but, we are capable of improving. The angels did not face the same challenges that we face. Perhaps they are immune from chasing cookies. Yet, Satan wished to prove he was more deserving. An interesting dilemma. How does one prove they are better than humans without doing evil?

LOL. That is the joke, it is the issue. Consider Job, that is what God said to Satan. Consider my servant Job. And Satan said Job was only good because God had blessed him. Satan was allowed to take away all that Job had; but, Job still clung to a love of God. That horrified Satan, he proved himself less than Job. Job hated the experience; but, proved himself worthy. That is the purpose of life partly. It is not about becoming perfect, it is about faith and love and heart and endurance. Metal is cured in a fire. Only through challenge can we truly define ourselves.

Satan would no doubt say that he does nothing evil. He merely provides and opportunity to humans, they choose. We blame him, that is incorrect. We must take responsibility for our choices. We can see this in the mortgage scandals. People lied about how much money they made and blamed the mortgage companies. The mortgage lenders would say it was the borrowers fault. They are both corrupt, fault is meaningless.

In the end, it is not about our faults. It is not about being free of fault or sin, it is about the good we do from the heart. If we are loving, it will show itself in our works. We will seek to do good. We may be forgiven our sins; but, that does not excuse us for doing evil or failing to do good.

There are many who claim to be Christian and seek to hide from the evil of this world. They hide their light from the world so as to not be corrupted by it. We are told to do the opposite. We are told to be the light of this world. We cannot do that if we hide from the world.

So much evil in the world. Sometimes it looks as if evil will triumph, it cannot. If evil triumphs it has only evil. What type of win is that? Satan seeks followers that it despises and looks down on. What type of win is that?

Do you remember what the Devil said to Eve? He said that God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge because God did not want them to become like God knowing the differance between good and evil. The same deception, that we can become like God is what Satan tempted Eve with. That is the mystery religion, it is still around, that we can become like God.

Satan always tells just part of the story. That is deception, the great deceiver. The Mystery religion of Babylon was just that. It is played out in many religions and beliefs. The idea that we start out profane and work our way up, above others with less knowledge, and eventually achieve perfection, God status.

We are so willing to be told about our good points, we love flattery. We despise being told how we can improve. We love awards and degrees and bullshit, we claim our greatness because we have been recognized as such. Not unlike the Wizard of Oz, The tin man needed the Wizard to give him a crappy trinket heart to know that he had one.

I have many degrees and awards, I know where some of them are, none are displayed. They are meaningless to me. They do not define me, they are paper, they do not reveal my heart. They do not make me, me.


While I was writing, a very nice young man called me, we had a conversation about spiritual things. I like him, he is a nice and intelligent young man. The conversation, oddly enough, related to what I was writing about. About being us, being truthful.

I have completely lost my train of thought. I have no idea where I was going, that is okay. I said enough for now. I may write more tonight, we shall see. I have Monday off and wine to enjoy. I hope you have a great night. I am facing a challenge today, not spiritual. I cannot discuss it; but, there is a problem, not mine. Someone has a problem and they matter to me. I keep busy and wait. Be well. May God love you.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Old issue, new post

Pensions. Followers may recall a couple months back I started talking about CalPers and the City of Los Angeles pensions. I talked about the misuse of the funds and tied it into an arrest in New York.

Criminal Investigation of CalPers

Now it is in the Daily News. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls. What happens when the biggest pension fund of any state goes bankrupt and all the misdeeds come to light? CalPers is responsible for the pensions and healthcare of 1.6 million people. It had $250 billion in assets.

What are the options? Firstly, they will expose the misdeeds and misuse. There will be arrests. Insider trading will be exposed. A flurry, a scandal. Some of the guilty will commit suicide. Accusations, anger, fear. All of these occur when these type of things come to light. In the end, the problem remains. The bad guys may be arrested, the system cleaned up; but, what about the money, it doesn't reappear.

Most people in California do not yet know what will be found out. This blogs readers should know. I wrote about it in detail. How does the problem get fixed. Additional taxes? I think not. Bankruptcy and change the benefits of retirees, perhaps. Or maybe, the Fed will assist. We shall see.

No matter what, the solution will also ensure that future government employees are not not given the same benefits. Government pensions often had a defined benefit. For every year you work, the employee was guarenteed a percentage at retirement. GM and other large companies did the same thing.

The purpose of having a defined benefit is to retain employees. After 20 years with a company, people with knowledge did not leave because they would lose their retirement. See, defined benefit retirements require you to have worked a specified number of years and reach a certain age to get the retirement.

The City of Los Angeles is not part of CalPers, yet it has a similar retirement system. I am 50, I cannot retire till I am 55. While I make a very good salary, I could make and have been offerred 7 times as much in private industry. I will not put the amount as it would probably shock people. It is a lot.

The reason for staying, in part, is that I would lose my health benefits and retirment. If I do stay I will retire and receive over $100,000 a year for life. I have made hundreds of millions of dollars for LA. While most cannot even understand doing such a thing, it is true. It is why I can be so brazen. I make a lot of cookies for others.

In the near future pensions that were "defined benefit" will be changed to pensions that are "defined contribution". In other words, government pensions will become like private pensions, 401ks. The government will not guarentee how much a pensioner receives, only guarentee what they contribute. The employee will decide where the money goes and can take it with him or her.

If I had a defined contribution pension, I would leave today. I would walk into the office on Tuesday and retire. I would then take a job with someone who wanted to contract with the government. I would be a consultant. I would show them how to bid contracts and get them. I can do that. I know the secrets. I am an expert at governmental accounting and purchasing.

As an alternate, I would consult for government. Charging three times what I currently make. They would pay. I know the rules, I know how things work. I apologize if this sounds like bragging, it is not the point. The point is that as screwed up as government is, some people make it work. They are the ones we need to keep in government. They are the ones who can make more on the outside.

Now, personally, I really don't care about my pension or my health benefits. Not why I joined government. Heck, I planned my career. I have a degree in Political Science for a reason. I do not expect to live long enough to get my pension. Very unlikely. I refuse to take the pills or see my doctor, don't care. Waste of time and very annoying to me. I do not need to be told that I should be dead anymore. I won't listen, don't care.

What I am discussing is what government will look like in the future. A change in benefits changes who enters government. It will no longer be able to compete for the best and brightest. It will not be able to retain them. That is the bigger problem.

The problem with short sightedness is that it guarentees collapse. The auto industry did not need to collapse, they focused on short term goals because the employees benefited short term, as did the stockholders. Immediate gratification and short term thinking led to our demise. Selfishness.

People will join the government with the intent of leaving once they know it's long term plans. They will then work in private industry to benefit from this knowledge. This is a bad thing. Most people are cookie chasers. If you prefer, rats looking for cheese.

After alimony, pay cut and taxes, I keep 38% of what I make. That is all. Not much reason to stay in such a job; but, I do. My motto, though I have many, is if you are playing poker and have four kings and your opponent has four aces, the thing to do is kick over the poker table. Yet, I do not.

Rambling, it is early and I am sleepy still. Oh, I should mention something. The reason retired government employees keep secrets, as in those who had "top secret" clearances is because they live under the threat for life of losing their retirement. I do not have top secret clearance, I was approved; but, did not join the fed. Many of my family and friends do have it.

What type of society are we creating. That is the issue above all others except one. The question of who we choose to be is the greatest. Are we creating a system that leads the weak willed to corruption or one that rewards the best in us?

Our prior society was corrupted, it led to it. Statements such as "greed is good" and "Looking out for number one" were corrupt and led to a consequence. Promoting such filth to children directed them to such filth as adults. People justify stealing millions because they give a thousand dollars to charity. We must justify our wrong doing. The ex does, so do many.

When Cain slew Abel he told God that he was not his brother's keeper. Are we not? We should reward those who help their fellow man. We should reward honesty, integrity, love and concern. We should promote those attitudes. We do not and will not. There are consequences for both them and us.

It is about balancing self interest and community interest. We are trending away from self interest to community interest. Neither works, there must be balance. The balance is achieved by defining oneself and working on our hearts. Neither reward nor punishment should outweigh what is right. That is heart.

Well, I have rambled enough. Silly words from a silly man. I am going back to bed. Because I can and want to. Be well.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hmmmm, Dialogue

My anonamous commentor mentioned new conversation. Perhaps, or just differant. LOL. When my brother was very young, he stepped on a dead bee. He told me that dead bees could still sting. In the movie "Key Largo" Bogart's assistant says the same.

I may speak of silliness, I may speak of fame, I may speak of treachory or I may speak of shame. Of what I speak, I do not know, that is to keep reader on their toes.

The mind does not rest and so much to test.

I continue to read the papers. I consider Thucidides, the same is said today as was ever said. The only differance is the environment, the urges and fears remain the same.

A new direction. Same conversation, differant points of light. I must be differant if any are to follow my poor example of a blog. I have talked of philosophy, of current events and criminals, where shall we go next. My doctor declared me no longer nuckin futs. He just likes my stories.

Now is passover. A time when the jews were saved and the Egyptians not. Spiked by their own petard, so to speak. The jews were saved, their firstborn were not killed. That is passover. A rememberance of being spared the fate we all deserve.

I will celebrate passover; none are good but God. I shall eat lamb, not a Kabuki dance, I like lamb. Mustard crusted rack of lamb. It must be served medium rare. Hmmm, what is the theme, perhaps none. Perhaps merely the ramblings of a deluded soul. We shall see. Be well.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Seems as if I have deleted all my posts. Oh well, a conversation not a diary.