Friday, July 16, 2010

By the way

The young man who used to work for me and I am so proud of, I never asked him to learn to be like me. I asked him to see the world, I pray I taught him to see behind the veil not to be like me. I always told him to be him, to understand the world but to deal with it as him, not to replicate me.

That is teaching rather than training. That is freedom rather that tyranny. That is the difference between love and adoration. It is how we should learn rather than what we can get. Two of my daughters believe me to be an ass because I will not conform to their wishes, I will not conform to anyone's wishes and I do not ask others to conform to mine, I live my life and show by example. Their choices are their choices. That is how I believe it should be, not force, self definition.

As for my not "Son in law", he need not worry what I think. He apparently wishes to tell me who I am. His opinion on that matter is meaningless unless I get to tell him who to be. My answer for those who have always attempted to tell me who to be is (I am going to cuss) F You. My number one priority in life was to tell people to be themselves and to attempt to be the best themselves that they could. I will die on that mountain, it is a good place to die on.

BE YOU. Be loving, be giving, be forgiving; but, be those things because they are lessons you wish to learn. Be true to yourself and be willing to live with the consequences, be so committed to live with the penalties of being wrong, of learning again. Be well.

Jesus was asked to sum up the bible. He said love God with all you heart and your neighbor as yourself. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, does it mean to admit that you are not perfect, that there is more of a penalty for being perfect than you are willing to take on? If you wish to be God, what price are you willing to pay? What price are you willing to pay to be perfect? Are you willing to accept the pain of loving people who are not?

Carl Jung, Gnostics and Jim Carey.

I bet you that you don't know the connection. The title reads like something the Amazing Karnak would say on "The Tonight Show".

Carl Jung is one of the most famous people in Psychiatry. He created the theory of individuation. That is Jung's belief that we must unite our conscious with the subconscious. Your "heart", feelings, intuition and your mind while keeping the mind autonomous. What does that sound like to you? Something we have talked about before.

Carl Jung was also famous for his belief in gnosticism. He was an avowed alchemist also. I passed an article on it today and cannot remember where or I would post the link. Now lets return to what he taught. He was teaching to reach for spirits to share your skin and guide you.

Gnosticism and Mystery Religions always do the same thing with different words. The "Initiate" is in search of higher spiritual knowledge. The initiate is taught to feel the universal consciousness, the higher self, the other being inside you. As a Christian I would refer to this as channeling. The allowing of spirits inside you to become one with them, to share space.

Now watch this speech by the comedian Jim Carey. He took DMT to find the spiritual. I wrote about DMT sometime back. DMT is a chemical released from the Pineal Gland when one is dying. It is becoming very popular, it should absolutely NOT be taken by people. It occurs naturally when it is needed, just how the body was designed. It has a purpose; but, the purpose is not to have an forced experience.

Mr. Carey's description of his experience is that he became one with everything and was his bigger self. He says there was no distinction between him and everyone else. That then is something he says he keeps trying to get back to. Here is a video talking about the "Spiritual Awakening" that many say is coming. I don't care if it is right or wrong, not the issue. I am more interested in the description of the experience.

The people in the video are describing a DMT experience. I am not saying they took the drug, it is the type of experience one would have on DMT. The pineal gland is the area known as the third eye. It is where occultists have said for years the psychic center was. Again, I am not taking a position at the moment; but, am looking at the nature of these experiences.

After one has one of these experiences they are supposed to find a guide (this world or other world) who is supposed to help explain the experience to them. The experiences most of these people are discussing are basically channeling, possession. You no longer are part of everything, everything is part of you, you become God. How funny Jim Carey took it, he made a movie about wanting to be God called "Bruce Almighty".

So, Jim Carey wants to feel like he is God again, uniting with everything and everyone. Carl Jung wanted us to do the same and it all comes from Gnostic religions. If there is a coming "awakening" it will not be good, it may feel wonderful, but, it will not be good. Imagine a five year old on LSD, he truly is not ready and will be screwed up afterwards not knowing up from down.

Quite a lot of "magic" spells and incantations were created by Christian monks. They thought if they had power over demons then they could use that power to gain cookies from the demons. Again, this is not about their being right or wrong, it is about their intent, where were they coming from.

The experience for these people is about them, being one with everything; but, they are the God, everyone absorbs into them. It is completely self-centered and completely un-Christian. It mocks relationship, everyone conforming to you rather than interacting with separate, self-defined beings.

Now I am going to talk about the bible. The bible says that we should never attempt to speak to spirits. It also says that demons are cast down angels, they are still angels, not all angels are good. No doubt the Devil classifies itself as an Angel (at least in years when they win a pennant). ROFL, hey, that was pretty good.

I wrote recently on the "Purpose of life". Someone's chosen purpose in life decides their direction in life, it is their need to be. It is what gets them up in the morning. If your purpose in life is to become like God with everything becoming part of you, what kind of choices will you make?

It says in the bible that the Devil is the king of deceit, why would anyone think that they are capable of dealing with spirits if they believe in spirits? Read about the lives of Aleister Crowley and Anton LeVay, they dies miserable deaths after losing everything. Why do people seek the spirit world, to everything a time and we shall all die soon enough. I guarantee, we will all know when we get there. You may discover that God is a woman or a Mormon or whatever, heck the Scandinavians believed he was turtle.

What if this life was about preparing for a spiritual existence? If it was than that would be defeated by taking the shortcut. What if rather than becoming one we shared completely openly and they with us; but, still completely distinct and free? That is what Christianity calls for. Gnosticism is a twist, yes I know it predates it, on Judaism and Christianity. It is another side of the coin.

I was once asked what I would do if I were God. I answered that I would kill myself because I could not handle the responsibility. If you are reading my blog you have probably decided I am not a complete moron or you like to laugh at the little retarded kid (bad people, bad). I know I am fairly bright, I am not that bright. I would never want to be God, the smallest mistake could be devastating. What sort of Narcissist thinks they can handle being God, not even Satan. It is the unpardonable sin, the only one that one cannot be saved from, it goes way beyond idolatry. I have always said that I would be happy to sweep the streets in heaven.

Imagine every cookie, goody, pleasurable thing being given to you at one time. Could you stand up to that or would your pleasure be too much for you to take? Too much pleasure (gluttony, lust and the other deadly sins) takes over weak willed people. The temptation is too much for most, almost all of us. The DMT experience is like that, like having all your pleasure sensors turned on at once. Hell, people cannot even handle methamphetamine.

I asked one of my daughters, an ex-meth user, what it was like. She said it made you feel as if you were perfect, the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most. That sounded to me like a pretty strong drug. DMT is worse, it makes you feel like you are God if it is intentionally taken. People who have Near Death Experiences, have DMT naturally released, they feel as if they meet God or their loved ones, not quite the same experience. How funny that scientists will admit that DMT causes spiritual experiences when taken intentionally, yet, they deny the Near Death Experience where DMT is released naturally.

Why would anyone want to become a God? For the responsibility, for the knowledge of the meaning of everything - no surprises, sound boring. People always want to be God for the same reason, the power, to have everything and anything you want. Without surprise that condemns one to a eternity of boredom. Once the initial thrill wore off, eternity would be boring, that would be hell.

People are inconvenient at times, they are messy, they don't do the right thing all the time; but, they are very interesting. My blog is about how interesting the differences in us are, it is about what wild differences there are in the universe, it is certainly not about conformity or agreement. I had a psychologist once tell a class that I was a polarizing individual, upon meeting me people either hated or loved me. I used to post on a relationship website, I had exactly that effect, I was the most hated and loved. I never understood either reaction.

If we understood people's deepest meaning, beliefs we would react strongly, we might not react with compassion. Compassion comes with time, it comes with learning, it comes with thought. It comes when we learn that others feel the same pain. I learned it when I slammed a door on a young man's hand. I cannot thank him enough for forgiving a 11 year old idiot, me.

I had lunch with one of your fellow readers, he is not on the Follower's list. He used to work with me. He makes me so proud, he learned so much and such integrity. I love watching him use what he learned to make things better and right wrongs. He helped me when I was very down, when my world had deconstructed. He reminded me how he starts each day by reading my stupid blog. I told him that I try and mix up the stuff I write. I hope I continue to amuse him and the readers.

I did not write this blog to gain a world following. I do not monetize it or have click through's that make me money. I do not cuss on it, though, I cuss a lot in person, because I want anyone to be free to read it. If you met me in person you may be surprised by how quiet and reserved I am. I am basically a very shy person and not assertive on a personal level. On a business level I am very different. I am very assertive and can be quite confrontational. My writing is a mix of the both.

I met a lady who only knew me because of my writing. We had a lovely dinner in Palm Springs at Bing Crosby's. I have never seen her again, she lived in North Carolina and was here on business. She told me that I was not what she expected and that I was unlike anyone she had ever met. I wondered what she had expected, what do you expect if you do not know me? I assure you I am just a 50 year old bald man who is waiting to meet his love, his companionship. I am just a guy, how could a guy wish to be God, I can't.

To the readers that do not know me, why do you bother reading my drivel? It is not as if this blog has a clearly defined, ruled theme. In fact I attempt to avoid that. The blog is not about any special interest, I don't write on science as a them or even the economy, or even pensions. My blog is a rambling series of questions and attempts at discussion. Why are you here? Some feedback please.

Brad Sherman in the News

Brad Sherman is the congressman that said that Congress had been threatened with Martial Law and the same person who changed Day Light Savings time. Here is an interesting report on him attending a Town Hall Meeting.

Smoke and Mirrors

There is something going on. Can't say exactly what, I am not quite sure; but, a lot of odd activity in the news.

73,000 blogs taken down by the Federal Government.

The Washington Post to post a listing of top secret contractors with additional information. How did they get the list, Wikileaks gone mainstream?

Duck Boat crashes, one week after a crash in Philly, another crashes on the highway in Boston. Are Duck Boats unsafe on land and water?

Former Spy for Cuba given 80 years. You have to love the timing, two weeks after we let 12 Russian spies get off without even a swat on the hand. The intelligence community is getting very strange indeed. Everything is coming out at the same time, how does that happen? Remember what Putin said, he said Obama did not have control of his police. Old spies never die, they just get pissed off.

I have met many strange people in my life, about 30 years ago I knew a Cuban national who had spied for the U.S. government. You don't need to believe this, the ex knows it to be true. He was a very nice man, very calm and gentle. He used blow things up in Cuba, he was a real anti-communist. We had discussed me writing his story; but, moved and lost track of him. Old cold warriors are still out there and still very smart. I wonder how they feel watching this nation turn socialist? What is your guess. Oh yeah, there are more ex-military than in the service today. Millions and millions of ex-military, too many to count.

My daughter insists that I include the China UFO that gained international attention. The event resembles something that happened in Chicago in 2006.

UFO's and spies. Wow. High strangeness. This is all over the news. Oh and Mel Gibson, so much chatter that most people probably don't have the time or interest to understand what the "Financial Reform" legislation is going to do to business.

It's the Weekend - Yay

Well sort of. I have to work on some business stuff this weekend in preparation for a coming audit. Oh boy, reading old reports all weekend. The best part about being salaried is that I can work nights and weekends and never worry about being paid, no overtime for salaried employees. Actually, I do it all the time and it gives me something productive to do. Having said that, I had planned on some deeper posts and will probably not do them till next weekend.

Anyways, I will attempt to post some interesting articles as I find them. The first one I want to post is about Sumo Wrestling. I had previously mentioned how Sumo is very special to the Japanese and is currently under a lot of scrutiny. The point I was attempting to make was it's effect on the Japanese psyche. It is now being discussed in western media and I thought people might enjoy reading this article from the Associated Press.
