Monday, September 28, 2015

My Friends In The Government

I know a lot of people who either work or have worked for the Federal, state or local governments. That actually makes up the majority of people who are my age or older that I know. I know a pretty good amount of people who are much younger than me and they are just about all in private industry. Oddly enough the government people are more conservative than the private industry ones.

The current conservative belief is that we should have less regulation and all of my friends from government circles agree. We read that government employees like regulation, the fact is, none that I know. I find this interesting. I should also note that nobody I know has come out in favor of unions. I should repeat something I have said before, all my friends are more conservative than me even the younger ones. In a lot of ways I am more liberal than my kids.

The point is that I am possibly the only person I interact with that is for increasing certain types of regulations. Now, some of my conservative friends believe we need certain types of regulations to protect consumers and citizens from fraud or other crimes; but, by and large my friends are all for less regulation. I think deregulation has been a nightmare and would put more controls on banks. I would return to making it illegal for regular banks (the ones you put your deposits in) to gamble with our money like investment banks do. I don't want banks gambling with my life savings. If I want to gamble with my money then I will and expect to keep all the winnings.

The Guardian - Nestlé boss says he wants to bottle more water in California despite drought. The State of California is going through a drought. Water is being denied to farmers and that is our number one industry. People are not allowed to water their lawns daily and all types of water restrictions are in place. Yet, Nestle is bottling water that it is drawing from underground wells in California and sell it in other states. Huh??? In fact, the CEO of Nestle has said he will continue taking water from California and would take even more if he could, read the linked article. Why does the state allow this? If they can limit the use by residents, why doesn't it allow exporting water from California? Why are the state and local politicians not even addressing this issue? The state of California is limiting much water use to protect a fish; but, won't do the same to protect our farms and their constituents.

The system is broke, not because we have too much regulations; but, because our regulations don't benefit the majority of us, the regulations only benefit the people they are meant to regulate anymore. The solution is not to eliminate regulations but to make them work for the states residents rather than just a few people.

Friday, September 25, 2015

A Spiritual Song That is Timely

This blog began as and has always existed as a spiritual blog. While I talk of technology and current events, the first iteration was almost exclusively spiritual in nature and talked about the nature of existence and the reality of God. For those who read the first iteration of this blog before I destroyed it, you might remember that. My very first posts were to quote Descartes and then correct him on how we knew we existed, it was pretty philosophical. I then went on to show how if we exist, there is a God by definition.

I had no readers when I began this blog nor did I tell anyone about it. Not even my friends knew of it or how to find it. It was written for a very specific audience to find on their own and they found it and it achieved it's goal. Then, I destroyed it as that first iteration had achieved it's goal and I planned on not writing anymore. After certain requests, I created a second version of it that was more sociological in nature. I had no intended audience for that iteration of the blog. I destroyed that version too. This the third iteration was meant to be more specific and focus on how most people really don't understand what is really happening, how it can effect you and how you are lied to by the world. I almost destroyed this iteration too.

I think that rather than ending this blog, I shall return to the beginning and come full circle. This is where it gets fun For those who never read the first iteration of this blog and may in fact help you to understand what my real message has been. I doubt you will be able to guess the intended first audience. One of them had told me that it was good; but, that nobody would get it. That I was too much above people for them to understand me. I replied that people could understand me quite well even on the abstract things and I guarantee this blog began with the abstract.

YouTube - Ray Stevens - Everything Is Beautiful

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Conservatives Against Christianity

Let me again state that I am not a Catholic, I left that church 43 years ago and spent the next decade as an agnostic before becoming a non-denominational Christian and then a preacher about 6 years ago. I am also a Political Scientist and hold a doctorate in Law where I also received the American Jurisprudence Award for Constitutional Law. My major focus in life since age 4 has always been government and it's role and proper place in society.

The most important issue facing anyone who thinks about government is how and when it should control individual actions. It is the issue of control and influence over political decisions. Most people, especially politicians, make decisions and justifications based on their personal beliefs and biases. The problem is that few are consistent and most rather than truly asking themselves honest questions justify their actions with false arguments. Not long ago one politician came to the defense of the clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay people. The politician claimed that the clerk did not have to because the law was unclear, he claimed that was the clerk's reason; but, the clerk herself said that her reason was because it was against her religious beliefs. While I consider her wrong in her actions, at least she was honest about what her reasons were. It was the politician who flat out lied.

I know some of my readers do not like the posts about spirituality. I want to assure them this post is about Christian beliefs. This is about the role of Christianity in our everyday lives. If you are an Atheist or are a non-Christian, my accusations are not against you. This is an attack on people who call themselves Christians and are not. I have said in church, if you think that believing Jesus is your savior is enough, you missed the rest of what he said. He said that many would come calling his name and he would tell them he never knew them.

Matthew 7:21-23.  “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Do not fool yourself if you are truly a Christian then you will be changed and things only get harder because you are asked to put others ahead of yourself. Christianity calls for the rejection of selfishness.

Matthew 19: 16-22.
16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good[a] Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”
17 So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good?[b] No one is good but One, that is, God.[c] But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
18 He said to Him, “Which ones?”
Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ 19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’[d] and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”[e]
20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth.[f] What do I still lack?”
21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

While conservative Christians say that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, why do so many deny that this simple statement by Jesus does not apply to them today. Jesus also said that we were to be good slaves and that the government had the right to take money from you as it is the government that issues the money, it also controls it. Jesus did not come to set us free from government control and submitted to it till he died. Jesus and his disciples did not live as businessmen, though all worked, they lived a communal existence and shared all. In fact the members of the first church gave all they had to the church and lived communally. Jesus was not anti-capitalism, he was pro community. The bible also says that if you live by the sword you will die by the sword, yet, we have conservatives who claim to be Christians that promote murder and wars, not just of defense; but, also to protect the national interest including economic interests.

I am against abortion and the death penalty because God is against both. I am a follower of Christ first and a supporter of nation second. If you think you are a follower of Christ and support the death penalty, you are a hypocrite. It was the government that allowed Jesus to be put to death and made sure it happened. It was government officials that nailed Jesus to the cross, not Jews and under their laws, it was legal.

Our clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gays issued multiple licenses to adulterers who remarried. Yet, the ten commandments and Jesus specifically said that adultery was still in the top ten of violations of God's commandments. Jesus stopped the stoning of the adulterer because murder was also still in the top ten. Homosexuality never made the top ten.

As for abortion, I would not outlaw it. No matter how much I believe it to be wrong, I don't believe I have the right to control another's body. China mandated that abortions be performed if people already had one child even against the mother's will. Babies are people from the moment of conception. Species is determined by dna and genetically babies are human from the moment of conception; but, they are not citizens until birth and therefore are beyond this government's control. Heck, how can conservatives declare children born here to foreign people to not be citizens and then claim that they can have authority over babies that have not been born yet?

Jesus did not call for a theocracy in Israel until he returns. He submitted to Roman law and it was most definitely neither Jewish or Christian. Jesus did not upset the powers because he threatened to overthrow them in his day; but, because he threatened their beliefs. He questioned their choices. He threatened most of all the conservative priests who followed tradition over loving all. When you call for war, you reject Christ and his teachings. When you call for death, you reject Christ and his teachings. When you promote adultery, you reject Christ and his teachings. When you call for selfishness, you reject Christ and his teachings. When you lie, you reject Christ and his teachings and when you do not honor your parents, you reject Christ and his teachings. If you don't understand this, try re-reading the passages from Matthew 19 again.

There is only one sin and that is the rejection of the holy spirit, that is a rejection of God. Only people who know of God can reject him. Many conservatives were upset that the Pope called on people to take care of one another and to reject selfishness. The Pope was invited to speak at Congress and he agreed to. What did people think he was going to say? If Jesus came back today and spoke before congress, do you really think he would promote capitalism, communism or any other ism? Do you think he would call for the death penalty or selfishness?

I do not believe the Pope has any new revelations from God, I do not believe his word supersedes the bible. I am not a follower of the Pope. I see him under the same rules that all preachers are under. I thought he spoke well of his beliefs in congress and did not hear him say anything that violated the bible and what it teaches. He called for loving our neighbors, protecting life and trying to find a way to work together. Things that extremists of all types will hate whether they be ideological extremists or theological ones. When Jesus returns, he will have harsher words for those who reject love and forgiveness. If you reject those concepts, do not call yourself a Christian because I assure you, Jesus will not call you a follower of his.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Medication Prices and Why You Don't Matter

New York Times -  Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight.

What is a life work, what about the life of your children or your spouse or your friends and relatives? One company wanted to increase the cost of a Tuberculosis drug so high as to make it unattainable for most people. Tuberculosis is contagious. Do you want people walking around and contaminating the rest of us because they cannot afford treatment. Well, it seems that is okay with some pharmaceutical companies. Another question is where are the politicians running for office on this issue.

The Need For Regulation

Yahoo - AP - Former peanut exec gets 28 years in prison for outbreak.

This first article is about a company that sold food it knew was tainted with Salmonella to customers. They also faked test results on food. As a result people died and hundreds got sick. In the corporate world this makes sense because the only thing they believe is that they must increase profits for the stockholders.

New York Times - Volkswagen’s Scandal Similar to One Involving Libor

In case you haven't read the story, Volkswagen was caught installing software on their cars to fake emission testing. They are now facing fines of up to $18 Billion.

Yahoo - AP - Bush says too many regulations are hurting US economy.

Jeb Bush is issuing a plan to further reduce regulations on business and wants to eliminate even more regulations on banks. The crash of 2007 and 2008 was directly caused by deregulation of banking and Jeb's solution is to further reduce regulation of the same people. If you continue doing the same thing and expect a different result, you are insane.

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Simple Fire and Business Ethics

Most arsons of commercial properties tend to be done by the owners. Often the reason is that a failing business needs the insurance money, other times it is done to make way for new developments. In Los Angeles a few years ago a developer was told that he would not be allowed to remove a historical building so he bulldozed it anyways and then paid the fine. In the end, he was allowed to develop the property anyways, the City Council just waited until the public forgot, it didn't take long.

A very long time ago I lived, for a short while, in Haverhill, Massachusetts. It was actually in the national papers being listed as the worst city in America. It was an old mill town that became a symbol of our lost industrial base long before the steal mills left. If you want to understand me, you have to understand what I have lived and seen. It was a desperate place that had no hope; but, somehow the hardworking old school people that lived there still had integrity and believed that they would somehow hold out, they believed in community and helped one another.

Well apparently one of the factory mills that had been there for about a hundred years (1884) and been abandoned for decades has mysteriously burned to the ground the day before the mayor of Haverhill was to meet with someone who "planned on redeveloping the property". According to CBS Boston, the fire appears to have been intentionally set. What a surprise. What lucky timing for the developer.

I am a socialist libertarian. I believe in America and I believe that people should have as much personal freedom as they can without working against American interests. If you are against this nation than I believe you should be given the choice between leaving this nation and taking nothing with you or being treated as a traitor to this nation under the Patriot Act. I don't believe you should get benefits or tax breaks from this nation for working against this nation's people.

My readers should read "The Scarlet Pimpernel". He was an aristocrat (I am not) who thought that the French went to far, were too extreme during the French revolution in killing the aristocrats who destroyed their lives. He believed in mercy and letting people leave the country rather than being guillotined. He risked his life to save bad people from suffering more than they needed to. I am with that philosophy. I am a pacifist at heart.

The problem with extremism is that it ceases to believe in compromise and seeks revenge instead. The people in charge of this country have become more and more extreme in believing that only they deserve to benefit from this country. The response, as history shows, is slow in coming; but, it always comes. The Magna Carta came about because the English monarchy was willing to compromise, the French monarchy was not. It openly told it's own citizens that they did not matter and the response was equally extreme. I don't want to see that play out in America; but, I fear it will.

Looking Out For You and Your Families Interests

Political choices are a lot like business choices. In the end people make choices based on personal interests. Business is very cut and dry on this. Many CEOs have gone on record that what is best for this country is not a consideration in business, their only duty, they will tell you, is to the stock holders. Following that logic, a citizens interest is only for them and their family. So here is the question, is this country working for you?

For 99% of us the answer is no, not anymore. Why else would congress only have 7% of us supporting them? Clearly half of us are under direct attack from the system. Our congress and business leaders want to eliminate all the benefits that one achieves from working hard all your life for your family. They want to end social security (which we pay for), welfare (which more and more will need as we outsource jobs to foreign countries), food stamps (which is the only way many poor can eat at all) and our ability to organize to complain. The political system and the financial system have both been caught for being rigged to only benefit a very small percentage of us.

Are you hopeful that your children will have it better off than you? Do you think they will? While our children are sent off to foreign countries to die and fight for big oil, upon returning they are ignored. It is unlikely they will go to college or get a job that pays well. The truth is that if you are under 40, your prospects are not that good unless you hit the lottery or make very rich friends. These are the real driving forces behind the Tea Party, the Occupy Movement, Trump's doing well in the polls and Bernie Sanders support and I now fear that the establishment will not listen or understand any of it, just as Louis the 16th never got it.

When things in a country go bad, people wait for improvement, they support trying all kinds of things until they see that nothing they do improves their situation or gives them hope for their children. When they figure out there is no way to improve their children's lot in life, they stop supporting the government and accept that they must cheat the system or change it through any means possible. Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote, understood this and in the book he says that Sancho Panchez was as honest as a poor man could be. The Soviet Union failed not because of a revolt; but, because none of its people would support it. The same is true for ancient Rome, it fell from a lack of support on the inside and that allowed for attacks to be successful from the outside.

Donald Trump is both right and wrong about something. He believes our politicians are stupid and that is why he believes the Chinese are beating us. If we are as a nation are competing with China, why are we sending them our jobs and why are we sending our technologies there? Even the dumbest person does not give his strengths to his opponent to use against him. Our corporate leasers see it to be in their personal interests to sell us out as a nation.

If you doubt me, go back a post or two and see what Jamie Dimon said about how this nation is doing, the said better than ever. He also said that we should continue electing politicians that go with the status quo. Kids, the status quo is not working for just about all of us and we all know it, that is why we have ceased having confidence in congress.

The un-Patriot-ic Act says that if you work for the interest of a foreign government against those of the United States you can go to jail, without due process and be held without a trial indefinitely. As a consequence we have jailed people for wanting to leave the United States to work with certain Arab factions; but we give tax breaks to companies that send American jobs to China. Think about it.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Says This Is The Best Time For America.

Yahoo - Business Insider - JAMIE DIMON: 'America has the best hand ever dealt right now'

Jamie Dimon, he CEO of JP Morgan recently made the following quotation:

"Make a list of everything important, rule of law, low corruption, unbelievable innovation, entrepreneurship ... the deepest capital markets — I'm not talking about banks. I'm talking about venture capital, private equity, companies, individuals, the best science, technology, engineering, math the world has. In fact, we train 40% of them [to] go back overseas."

His quote shows just how out of touch with Americans he is. We have the highest percentage of people without jobs in just about our whole history. We have the highest income inequality since the early industrial revolution. We have been involved in the longest wars in our history and the highest debt in our history. What Mr. Dimon is talking about is what is important to him. Let's look at the specifics of what he is saying.

1. Rule of Law. Well Mr. Dimon has overseen his company while it has had to pay over $25 Billion in fines for rigging all the financial markets. The law may be harder on the rest of us; but, no bankers went to jail for destroying this nations economy.
2. Low corruption. Again, more corruption than ever before has occurred since 2002. The housing bubble and stock market insider trading have been rampant and again with few if any jailed for it.

Those are the two things he listed as the most important. He never talked about the things that matter to most of us because those things are not his concerns.

Clocks and Bombs - Ahmed Mohammed and Stupid Media

By now everybody has heard about the 14 year old Muslim student, Ahmed Mohammed who made a clock, brought it to school, one teacher thought it was a bomb and he was taken out in handcuffs. I don't usually write about these types of news stories because there is too much out there already. To tell you the truth, I didn't even bother reading any of the news about this until today. I read the story because a famous Atheist named Richard Dawkins decided to write about it and actually said that people should have been scared, then Bill Maher said that the teachers should have been scared because Muslims are responsible for all the bombings in the last 30 years. These two morons were not alone in their stupidity. Others have claimed that this was all done intentionally to make a viral sensation.

Now here is where the garbage story falls apart. The first teacher in the school to see it was the engineering teacher. He actually told the kid he had done a good job. It was an English teacher that thought it was a bomb. That might make sense; but, here is what does not. The kid told them it was for his engineering class, didn't anyone bother asking the engineering teacher before arresting the kid? When they opened it and didn't find any EXPLOSIVES, why did they arrest him anyways? If he really wanted it to look like a bomb wouldn't he have put phony dynamite sticks or clay that had C4 written on it, something that looked like an explosive? I should also point out that the media claimed it was in a suitcase, it wasn't, it was in a large pencil case.

The schools explanation was that the student handbook prohibited kids from bringing in "suspicious" looking items. Huh? If kids take engineering classes and build stuff it would all look homemade and weird. I should also point out that the school gave the kid a 3 day suspension even after they knew it was just a clock made to impress his engineering teacher. While the school invited the kid to return they never apologized. Now, we can look at this as anti-Muslim, Arab paranoia or any other racial thing; but, in my opinion they would have arrested a white looking Christian too. The real paranoia involved was school paranoia and increasing restrictions and control of students.

Here is the thing about the media anymore, everything is put into very small boxes. Everytime a cop kills an unarmed black man, it is a black versus white thing. The conservative media makes it about people being anti-cop. It is neither. The fact is that the police have increasingly been shooting all people, whites, Asians, you name it; however, it is disproportionately blacks. The problem is bigger, it is police who shoot first and ask questions later. The police have become increasingly militarized and increasingly oppressive.

The media focuses it all on race and ignores the bigger issues because racial tensions get better ratings and people allow their responses to be more polarized. About the only reason I still write this blog is because I continually hope that people will begin to see how the media manipulates us  to miss the real issues.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

New Thoughts on Trump

For most of my career I was a negotiator of contracts. It was not the only thing I did; but, it was an important aspect of my career and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the give and take and the mental chess game that it involves. I also enjoyed public speaking and I have often heard that that is most people's biggest fear. I think I am just twisted. Negotiations involve a lot of pressure when done up close and in real time, they require you to be fast on your feet. I was.

When making business deals I have certain beliefs. Firstly, you can never lie. Not to anyone. If you lie to your wife, I cannot trust that you will not lie to me. If you cheat people in your personal life or business, I cannot trust that you will not cheat me. Sometimes you have to deal with people that lie and cheat; but, you cannot trust them and must understand they will cheat or lie to you. If you want a real association, a long term situation, it is only possible if both sides stay constant and honest with one another. I can absolutely say that people that hated me personally trusted that when I said something, I meant it. I have people that have personally tried to cheat me in my career come to me and ask for help for the good of the organization and I helped them.

I have to add a caveat to what I have been writing. Look, there are times when you and the person that you are negotiating with have interests that are different. That happens in life and business. In those situations you have to make it clear what your interests are to the other. That can be tough to do and there are times when certain things will prevent that from occurring because of responsibilities. Everybody understands this; but, if you cannot say anything you still don't get to lie to a partner. Let them know that you are not free to discuss an issue or just don't talk to them at all. I was negotiating with someone once and we were at odds, it was unclear if our partnership would continue and they had lied to me. I was friends with a couple of this persons associates and they had to not talk to me while things worked themselves out. I didn't get mad at them for avoiding me, I preferred it to their lying to me. In the end things worked out and we were all able to be friends again.

Boy, this is a long and boring lead up to a thought on Donald Trump, lol. I was reading some things that Trump had said, he understand negotiations. Trump is not stupid and can think on his feet. I have read stories about how Trump inherited 20 or 30 million dollars and that is why he has money now. No, in fact many people have inherited money and failed to increase it. Trump is not some trust fund baby living like a sleaze as many  of them do. Trump risked it all and not just once, that takes courage. He didn't need to increase the money he inherited, he could have lived off it. He wanted to prove himself and he did.

I am not for throwing out all illegal aliens, at least not the Mexicans. I like Mexicans and California used to be theirs, we stole it from them, Texas too. Read your history, we stole it. Let's look at history. We paid for Louisiana  and Alaska, we stole Hawaii, we previously stole California and Texas from Mexico. My disagreeing with someone does not mean that I cease to see them for who they are or understand them. Everyone that disagrees with me is not an idiot, not even when they are wrong. Trump is smart and that is the one thing that no writer is talking about.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Banking Crime

Yahoo - Business Insider - It looks like banks might have rigged another huge market.

Well, it looks like the banksters got caught rigging another market, this time it was the market for U.S. treasury notes. In my mind that is not just felony theft and fraud but also constitutes treason. Why haven't any of the presidential candidates commented on all the market rigging by the banks?

Now, I am for putting criminals in jail and would be more than happy to see the people who rigged our financial markets and stole the retirement money from workers in jail. That hasn't happened yet so consider my newest proposal, don't let companies that rig markets get any tax deductions for ten years. They are not afraid of going to jail because they own the politicians; but, they are deathly afraid of not being able to rig the tax system so that they get more deductions than the rest of us. As Matt Taibbi pointed out, they deduct the fines they are charged from their taxes. How is that right?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thoughts On Women - Cosby Versus Trump

I attended my last concert of the year tonight and couldn't watch the debates. When I got home I was able to watch a number of videos about it and read the news. Seems like all the candidates went after Trump (that was not hard to predict) and the media salivated over the meaningless. Rather than focus on positions they focused on how many good one liners the candidates got off. The item that seemed to be the biggest focus of the media was Carly Fiorina saying that women knew what Donald Trump meant when he made a comment about her face before. The second most talked about line was Jeb Bush asking Trump to apologize for saying his wife was Mexican and Bush pointed out that she was Mexican. I don't think I would say that someone attacked my mother if they pointed out that she was Irish, she was as was my dad and my whole family.

Both Bush and Fiorina along with the media have attempted to imply that Trump thinks women are less than men. There is a problem with this claim, look at the women Trump has surrounded himself with during his life, they are not bimbos or idiots. Trump likes smart women and has defended who chose to be in beauty pageants. The media had tried to get one of Trumps ex-wives to talk dirt about him; but, she wouldn't she said he was good to her. Now personally, I have no idea what Trump is like with women in private or the bedroom. I know that person I knew who met him said he was very pleasant and courteous to him in private. But, this post isn't about Trump.

The media seeks to sell us stories and images, they have never cared how truthful they were. I live in a town where they make movies and sell images. I know for a fact many lies that the media has told about celebrities. Some of the most vile people in this world are promoted as caring and compassionate by the media when they are actually just jerks or worse. Now we get to Bill Cosby. I refuse to, at this time without a trial, say that Bill Cosby is guilty of raping all the women who have accused him of doing so. I do believe in innocent until proven guilty. For the moment lets say I would be surprised if nothing had happened. Still, Cosby is not the focus of this post either, the media is.

The media gladly accuses Trump of being anti-women. Where were they for the past 50 years in regards to Cosby. Many in Hollywood believed Cosby was taking advantage of women, some thought it was common knowledge in the industry. Why did the media, which now says he was a rapist, ignore all these questions in the past and is yet so quick to imply bad intent by Trump?

How is it that a media that focuses on the Kardashians rear-ends can claim that Trump is sexist? The media is always talking about whether or not women have had face lifts, breast implants and their age. Look at the movies that have 60 year old men dating 25 or 30 year old women. The media you see is nothing more than the illusion that they can sell and make off of. Believe it. The same people that report the news meet with other celebrities in private and at parties, they do hang out together often. Jimmy Kimmel and Justin Timberlake are not the only celebrities that are friends. John Stamos is good friends with Don Rickles, they spend a lot of time together. When you are in private with people, going to their houses and spending evenings together, you get to know them. Cosby spent time with people in the media, he had friends with people in the industry; but, it was not profitable to accuse him of being a sleaze bag to women as he was Mr. Wholesome and that image sold. His current image does not sell.

The media has attempted to categorize Fiorina as a defender of women and equality. This is the same person who supports banning abortions, is against Lesbians marrying and does not support mandatory maternity leave being offered by companies. Huh? Please, show me a POLICY that Trump is touting that is anti-women's rights. I'll wait.

I will talk about abortion for a minute. I believe all abortion is killing another human. As far as I know, my position on this has never changed. I also don't believe in slavery and don't believe I can or have the right to control another's body. My daughters all know that if they had an abortion, I would be very disappointed in them. I would offer to take on a child of theirs if they were raped and didn't want to raise it. I would not lock them in a room and force them to have the child, that would be slavery and controlling someone's every move is worse. By the way, Trump has said that one of his focuses will be on healthcare for women. The media ignores all of this and focuses on trivial statements rather than statements on policy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9/16/2015 Republican Debates

Later today the Republicans are going to hold a new round of debates. The big question that all the media is asking is who is going to take on Trump or will they all go after him. It really doesn't matter and the media cannot see that, they refuse to understand what is going on. The will miss out on their chance to compete with him. Rather than going after Trump they should try to be the second to last man standing and go after each other while ignoring Trump.

Let me explain the media's foolishness. If the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem begins to look like a nail. We all understand that. Trump is not a nail. The establishment wants to see the same problems they have faced in the past and deal with them as they always have and with Trump it is not working. Trump and to lesser extent Sanders is getting support because the nation doesn't believe anyone who runs for public office tells the truth about what they believe. You cannot fake sincerity to a whole nation after having lied so many times. A known evil is better than an unknown one, and we don't know what the other politicians think, we don't trust them to do or even try to seriously do what they say they will.

When is the last time we have truly seen a populist, representing the majority of us, run for president. I disagree with Trump about many things, I am more left than he is. Perot was running on just being a businessman and was intimidated into quitting his run. Ron Paul is really a reactionary Libertarian. He is not realistic and his own party never supported him. The last time we saw a growing populist was Huey Long and before that, Teddy Roosevelt. Both Long and Roosevelt disagreed with their parties standard garbage. Long was killed for it. Trump is an outlier and the establishment never knows how to deal with outliers.

Many of the founding fathers were against having political parties. They were concerned that politicians would follow the party rather than their constituents wishes, that they would put party above national interest. Trump, Long and Roosevelt put the nation before party, whether you agree with their choices or not. If every moderator of the debates today attacks Trump and every Republican attacks Trump he will be able claim rightfully that he is not being treated fairly and would be free to run as an independent without violating his pledge. My bet is that is exactly what is going to happen tonight, he signed the document and now all the others of the establishment feel free to gang attack him. I want betting odds.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Media Confusion Over Trump and General Insincerity

Yahoo - AP - GOP candidates to attend pope events despite differences. What a bunch of hypocritical pandering weasels. The Republican candidates that want pictures of them with the pope, especially the ones that claim to be Catholic; but still disagree with all he stands for are just scum. I am not a Catholic, left that church 40 years ago; but, some of those candidates claim to be Catholic and then claim that the pope shouldn't talk about policy. That is his job. Now they want to get their picture taken with him. I am disgusted.

Bloombergview - Turns Out the Housing Crisis Wasn't All About Subprime. I will get to Trump, the first two links have more to do with just the insincerity and lies of the media. It is the media's inability to see the obvious or at least to mention it that disgusts me. This article begins by saying that more mortgages failed than just the subprime loans. No news there. It then claims that the problem was that banks underestimated the risk and allowed to many loans, that is a lie. The banks knew the risk which is why they sold their loans to others. This article completely ignores the reality of how the crash went down.

Now to Trump and the continuing attacks on him. Yahoo - Donald Trump earns 25 times as much as the overpaid CEOs he bashes. This is an interesting article, Donald Trump has said that CEOs are being paid to much. The article states that Trump makes even more. Okay. Trump OWNS his company, it is not publicly traded. CEOs are employees of companies who may or may not have stock in the companies. There is a big difference. Trump makes money from his television show and not just his company, he is involved in many businesses. Owners of companies (stockholders) should make more than the employees, that is capitalism. Why does a conservative complain that Trump makes more than CEOs, because they don't care about ownership only what you can steal. The article does admit that some hedge fund managers make more than Trump but fails to mention that Trump risks his own money to make money and hedge fund managers risk your money to make money, there is again a big difference between Trump and hedge fund managers.

Yahoo - Business Insider - Donald Trump rages at the media during 'massive' Dallas rally. The media and his opponents regularly say they don't understand why people support Trump and that is just a fad; but, in reality, they know better. Read the article and you will see that the author mentions focus groups who have been asked about Trump and how his supporters don't trust the media or the establishment. I particularly like this line: “The media and the establishment are deathly afraid of Trump,” a focus group member said. “That’s why I particularly love him. Because the media has become de-facto the power behind the throne in this country.” The truth always comes out in the side words of the articles. The media knows we no longer trust the news and that is why we don't care if the media bashes Trump. The media is as scared of Trump as his opponents because he is showing that the Emperor has no clothes.

As you watch the election remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi, first they ridicule you, then the attack you and then they claim they always agreed with you. Trump has made it past the ridicule stage and now the question is whether or not he can make it past the stage where everyone attacks him, after failing at that things are going to get real interesting. My staunchest conservative friends believe their own party will find a way to take him out violently and they support Trump, that means they don't even trust their party.

 Newsmax - Pollster Zogby: Trump Campaign About to Fizzle.  An article with no facts to back it up and little chance of being right, what does it matter when the media only says what they want to happen with no care for reason.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Real Reason the Media Hates Trump

It is a fact that 90% of all the media in the United States is owned by 6 companies. It does not matter if you believe the left or right owns the media, you would just be wrong. The establishment owns the media. Overwhelmingly the media is there to support the status quo and avoid any changes in the fundamental regulations except to reduce them.

I enjoyed The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, he poked fun at the hypocrisy of the left and right; but, he offered few if any policies because in the end he was a satirist as he always admitted. The same is true for Stephen Colbert. In the end both of them were still part of the problem, they were free to complain; but, unable to present alternatives. The same is true for the candidates for president this year, they offer no real workable solutions to anything. If they had promoted limiting wealth or tripling welfare payments or eliminating all tax deductions they would have been taken off the air. If you doubt me, show me one person on television who has promoted those things. It doesn't matter if you agree with those policies or not, don't you find it odd that nobody in the media promotes those things in the media.

Consider my blog, I never cuss on the blog, I show no nudity or offensive pictures, I violate no libel or slander laws, I have openly said that I am a pacifist and want out of Iraq and Afghanistan and I believe that we need to change the rules of the game so that the middle class in America can rise again and I am a Nationalist who still believes in helping people in other nations too. I would never be allowed in the mass media because you are not allowed in the mass media unless you are owned by one of those 6 companies. The media seeks to limit political discussions to a very narrow range of options, to keep the status quo and Trump messes that up for them because they don't control him.

A populist is someone who draws their support, not from the establishment; but, from the majority, the people. The media detests populists anymore because the media is part of the establishment. What scares the media about Trump is that he may make suggestions that are not in keeping with the narrow band of things acceptable to the establishment and if he does, they will have to report it. It is not what he has said that scares them, it is what he might say.

Here is a thought. What if Trump promoted a truly merit based college system, how would the media respond? What if Trump said that college had to be free and only merit based, would he get attacked by the media? Now, if you believe in us only paying for people based on merit, would you support it? I believe most people would be against it because they want to believe they can buy there way into success. In reality, college is soon to be only for the wealthy and that rare genius that the wealthy need to support their system.

Now, here is a really interesting thought that is scary to the establishment. If a major economic crash occurs before the presidential elections, what will the government do? Will they bail out the banks with taxpayer money again? Would the nation put up with that? What if they implemented the laws that they have put in effect that allow the banks to pay their debts with your savings as was done in Greece if there is a crash, will the nation tolerate that? If this crash happens before the elections and either of those two things is done, nobody other than Trump or Sanders will be electable to president because all the others supported those changes and are part of the establishment that bailed out the banks last time. If Trump or Sanders does not win and the crash occurs after the elections of some establishment candidate (Bush or Clinton or the other lackeys) then next election, the left and right will get more extreme, that is history and if you don't learn from history you will repeat it.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Republican Tax Plans To Help The Wealthy

Yahoo - AP - GOP tax proposals tilt to rich despite populist rhetoric.

The Republicans, except Trump, are almost universal in calling for increased tax deductions and lower tax rates for the wealthy. I am amazed at the party anymore. "Conservatives" praise Steve Jobs and attack Bill Gates because Gates wants to pay more in taxes, while Jobs outsources all manufacturing to China.

If you don't like the idea that I support of a flat tax with no deductions then what if we at least gave no deductions to companies that sent jobs overseas ? If you don't like that then what if we cut all available deductions by the percentage of payroll and jobs that a company had in the United States as compared to the rest of the world? Not the Republican way?

Senator Rubio wants to eliminate ALL taxes on investment income. I guess you shouldn't have to pay taxes if you gamble on the stock market and win, only if you work for a living. This is another attack on people who actually have jobs and work for a living. The Republican answer is consistently that if we stop taxing the rich they will create jobs in the United States. What if they created the jobs first rather than outsourcing them and then promising to care about the United States if they didn't pay any taxes and only the workers did. I find it anti-American to give tax breaks to companies that send jobs overseas.

What about foreign companies that create jobs in America. I would give them a tax break based on the number or percentage of jobs of their company that they put in America, that promotes foreign investment. Is that not a conservative belief? The problem is not with the tax rates, it is with the deductions.

The Real Failure of People Attacking Trump

I was reading this article in the Financial Times about how people running for the Republican presidential nomination needed to bow out so that a real contender could stop Trump and protect the Republican party. I guess the Financial Times only represents the Republicans according to their words. That is disgusting.

I also have read an article from CBS news which talks about how Trump said that talking garbage about him has not helped any candidate. Donald Trump warns opponents: It's "unlucky to attack me".
He is right, it is not appreciated when politicians or the system attack Trump and for good reason, they are insincere and we all know it. That is the part they don't get, it is not about Trump, he merely exposes their insincerity.

Presidential candidate Scott Walker has blasted Trump and then turned around and said we should consider building a wall between the United States and Canada. Huh? Why did it take the media and others so long to call him on that, they took on Trump immediately for saying we should do so with Mexico and then his opponents agreed with him, at least about the wall.

Here is what the Republicans don't get. Working people want answers that will help them. It is really that simple. The only answers the other Republicans have to helping America is outlawing gay marriage, decreasing taxes on the wealthy, decreasing welfare, social security and eliminating universal healthcare. Am I missing something? I don't think so, oh yeah and making abortion illegal again, like it worked before (and I am morally opposed to abortion). The Democrats are no better, they also only repeat promises that they didn't keep or that didn't work except for Sanders.

The message of every Republican candidate other than Trump is to turn back the clock. Increasing deregulation, increasing privatization and eliminating benefits for half of all Americans is their message while at the same time undoing everything that has occurred since the depression. The Republicans have threatened to shut down the government again, do we all benefit from that? Here is where Trump is different, he says the Iran deal is a bad deal; but, that he will make it work. He doesn't deny the present realities, he says, how can we work with it while the others try and turn back the clock.

My friends are just about all incredibly Republican and detest socialism. I am the outlier; but, like Trump, they know I mean exactly what I say and they also know I am liberal, not a Democrat, liberal. What we have in common is that we all care about Americans and America and we know the parties no longer represent our interests. I used to tell the people I mentored that when they were negotiating with someone the number one thing they should consider is what interests their opponent represented. It didn't matter if your opponent loved you, hated you, was rude, lied or whatever, in the end they would always do what took care of their interests. Look at politicians the same way, if they are funded by the financial institutions then they will make policies to protect those institutions even when they hurt the nation. That is politics. Trump benefits from real estate and that benefits when average Americans have jobs, are happy and secure and want to buy property. It is to his advantage to see America do well. There is nothing wrong with that, that you can count on in a politician, the others sold their souls to globalist interests and those are not American interests. The real failure of the other candidates is the failure to put American interests first and actually mean it.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thoughts About The Media and Trump

The Pimpernel is neither Republican nor Democrat and neither left nor right. I personally am disgusted by the politicians of this nation and have been for quite awhile now. I am neither a pure capitalist or a communist, I am for all of America and all Americans. I don't believe in dogma over what is right. I believe that a society does best when it works together, I don't believe in everyone for themselves. I think the essence of selfishness is the essence of all sin. People that know me and have read my blog will tell you that it reads like I sound in person. The thoughts I have written about here are my true thoughts, at least when I wrote them, I have changed some of my perspectives over the years.

So, what does all of that have to do with Trump. Well, I couldn't imagine rooting for him 30 years ago. He is crass, obnoxious and not what I would want in a statesman. Yet, here we are with him being the only candidate on the right who I could consider voting for because all of the others are just actors who have sold their souls and their votes to the big money. Nothing the others say matters because it doesn't reflect what they will do.

You know why Jeb Bush promised to cut taxes for the wealthy? It wasn't to get more votes, it was because the rise of Trump has hurt his ability to get more from donors. Only days ago I read about how his money was no longer coming in. He is promising tax cuts to the wealthy so they will send him money for his campaign. Trump had previously said, he will tax the rich more. Just saying that for a Republican was an act of defiance to the system. Trump is for America first and that is what is refreshing because all of the others have proven they don't care about us.

Now we get to the press. Never before have I seen the left and right unanimous in being against a candidate. The liberal media should be focused on liberal candidates because the primaries are about to begin and their number one priority should be on their party; but, it is not, it is focused on Trump. Which Republican candidate other than Trump has the liberal media talked about in the last two months? I'll wait for the answer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Jeb Bush Has Now Proven He Only Cares About the Rich

I was on the fence about Jeb Bush, I figured he was just another Bush; but, more boring. He has just announced his new tax plan. He wants to cut taxes to increase growth. Haven't we been doing that since Reagan and has it helped the average American? He also wants to cut the taxes on businesses by almost half and it would be half of what the rest of us pay; but, then again, many big companies are not paying any taxes now and few are paying taxes on the money they make overseas to the United States.

I should point out that while he would cut the corporate tax rate by almost half, he also want to give corporations more in deductions. He is convinced this will increase growth; but, for whom. Since the crash just about all the increases in wealth have gone to the top one percent while wages have remained constant and have not kept up with inflation. Wait, he also wants to allow companies that made money overseas to bring it back into the country without being taxed at all. Read that last sentence again, if they keep their money overseas for ten years, they get to bring it back into the US with no tax on it. He is a true man of the people, the wealthy people, not the American people. This guy cares less about average Americans than Twit Romney.

It is pretty simple. When Reagan pitched trickle down economics (the idea that giving tax breaks to companies and the wealthy would lead to more investment in industry in the United States), America thought, it is worth a try and we trust the guy telling us. It hasn't worked and I think we all know that 35 years later. Even more businesses have outsourced since being given tax breaks. Wages for American workers have not even kept up with inflation.

Yahoo - CNBC - Jeb Bush: My tax plan will push growth to 4%.

 I personally don't care about how much growth 1% of us see, I care about how much the nation benefits. Here is the question you should ask politicians, if we vote for you how will your policies increase wages and the number of middle class jobs. I like that question.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Rand and Ron Paul - Idiots

Huffington Post - Rand Paul: Income Inequality Comes From 'Some People Working Harder' Than Others.  He said that basically, the harder you work, the more you succeed. It would be great if the world worked that way. Is your job easier than it was ten or five years ago, are you working harder and are you making more? Has everyone worked less since the crash of 2007-2008, I mean the people that kept their jobs not the ones who lost their jobs. If you kept your job and are working harder are you making more. The stats say that we are working harder, productivity of the American worker has been going up for 40 years and pay has been flat, no increases as productivity has increased. Is Rand Paul unaware of this? Nope he knows, he just doesn't care.

The Pauls promote a form of libertarianism, one that believes there should be no government regulation and that it is everyone for themselves in this world. The only time we are supposed to work together is to protect ourselves from physical threats. What has Rand Paul had to say about exporting jobs to other countries?

Why couldn't Ron Paul get as much support as Donald Trump has? The more people get to know what the Pauls really believe, like no social services, the less people like them. Oddly enough, or maybe not, the more people listen to Trump, the more support he has received. Maybe we already knew he was a trash talker and pointing that out a hundred times is just stupid. I smoke, how many times do you think I have been told that smoking is bad for me? People probably know more about Trump than anyone else running for president. More people know who Trump is than any other candidate except Hillary Clinton. To most of the nation, Jeb Bush is just another Bush; but, was governor of Florida. Outside of Florida he is only known for being a Bush. As far as how he thinks, we saw him for years on television and may have even read his books. The media makes him out to be a buffoon and trouble maker who is not serious about winning. They never manage to quote anything from his books that would back up either of those things.

If the pollsters want a real question, I will offer one up. Which politician do you think will keep his promise if he makes it and you keep up your part of the bargain? Everyone other than Sanders and Trump have kept their word when they made promises. I support strengthening our border control; but, would not deport 11 million people; but, I would deport a percentage based on what they have done since moving her and based upon the amount of time they have been here. Having said that, I know that Trump honestly intends to and if elected would do everything he could to deport them, he is not just talking lies and everyone else knows it too. The truth is that when Trump said he wanted to deport the illegal aliens, nobody questioned if he meant it, not the other Republicans, not the Democrats and not the media. Instead they talked about why it was a bad thing or how he was extreme. Nobody doubted that he meant what he said. Think about it.

The Way To Get Rid of Trump

I was reading an article that said the way to get rid of Trump was to make fun of him. Nope, that is not going to do it and it shows a lack of understanding why the negative media coverage only helps him. Trump is not the Tea Party or the Occupy Movement, those were dealt with by the people who run this country. The Tea Party was subverted into the system and then prevented from making changes. The Occupy Movement was physically eliminated and arrested.

Here is the thing that nobody wants to really recognize, not the media or the politicians or the wealthy. The middle and working class has been getting taken advantage of for 40 years in an increasingly heartless manner and neither the media, politicians or wealthy have done anything to help; but, have in fact all benefitted from our loss of jobs to other countries and decreasing wages in the United States. The working people that built this country know that and don't trust those groups anymore. How else can this nation express it's outrage and seek representation if the apple cart is not overturned and you know what, any politician who has been in politics for more than 8 years and has not tried to stop these things with new ways, is not going to be trusted to do it now.

Trump may go away, it is early in the election; but, that will not change the sentiment that has given him his support, that anger is still percolating. Those who fail to learn from history and bound to repeat it. When is the last time that the nation was led by corrupt politicians who only worked for the benefit of themselves and special interests?  Hmm, that would be the early 1900s and eventually the people voted in the progressive Teddy Roosevelt and the other people committed to "good government" and that meant creating civil servants and letting unions rise and busting up monopolies.

The media does not understand that Trump is also increasingly showing how bought and sold they are. Everytime they trump up stories about Trump, it becomes increasingly clear that they are working against him; but, we already knew the media was a bunch of spin doctors and liars. There is a way to get rid of Trump before he wins without making him a martyr and making the public even more angry, change the laws to benefit the workers and not just the wealthy, level the playing field for all Americans and stop giving any tax breaks to companies that outsource work that could be done here. It is that simple and the current politicians and CEOs aren't going to do that and the media won't call for it because they don't care about American working people.


This is too funny. I had just logged out of the blog and came across an article from Bloomberg titled, "Do the Math: The Rich Really Are Different".  The article starts by saying that extreme income inequality has been increasing since the 1980s and nobody really knows why. The author states that it could be lowering taxes (to the wealthy more than others should have been stated), technological advances or a basic problem with capitalism. That was the best the writer could think of. The author states that it has been mathematically proven that those things alone would not have increased income inequality as much as has occurred. The author then states that it might be the rise of people who are just better at investing, superstar investors and he claims to have math to prove that is possible.

Aside from the fact that IQs are not vastly different between the wealthy and non-wealthy, it is just stupid to believe that the last 40 years has created more supermen, this is not a comic book. How can the media continue to tell us that things are okay and it is all our fault if it is not okay when the politicians don't even vote for the policies we elected them to vote in regards to what really matters, jobs and opportunity for all.

Here is what the author didn't think about including in his equations. How much money was stolen by the big banks because they rigged all the financial markets (to which they have pled guilty and paid minimal fines). The author also didn't bother calculating how much the income inequality was caused by sending jobs and technology to China.

With all the things Trump has talked about regarding foreign nations, the one thing the media refuses to write about is the job losses to foreign countries. He didn't just talk about Mexican immigrants, he talked about American companies sending jobs to Mexico. I have not read one article about that.


USA Today - Wolff: There's one obvious Trump slayer.  This article claims that people like Trump because he is openly a narcissist. The author then says that it is about us liking people who have been self made, movers and shakers. Finally the author concludes that billionaire Michael Bloomberg would beat him. Nope, not gonna happen and the point of Trump is once again lost, perhaps intentionally when nobody in the media can apparently see the obvious or at least admit to the truth. We all know that politicians are egomaniacs and narcissists. There are others who have given up on believing Hillary Clinton can win and are calling for Joe Biden to run. LOL. They refuse to want people to enter the race based on their policies and instead think they will find an opponent to Trump based on recognition or likeability, neither will be successful.

9/2015 Odds and Ends

Huffington Post - Associated News - Huckabee Compares Gavin Newsom To Kentucky Clerk, Sparks Twitter War. Here is the short story, back in the day the mayor of San Francisco issued same sex marriage licenses before the legislature or courts had made it legal. Those marriages were annulled by the courts later. Huckabee supports the clerk in Kentucky for refusing to issue licenses to gays and says that it is the same thing that the mayor of San Francisco did, ignoring the law and I agree with him on that issue. For me, they are both wrong because they are making up their own laws and ignoring their responsibility to implement the law of the land right or wrong.

Smithsonian - Melting Ice in Yellowstone is Revealing Ancient Artifacts Faster Than Researchers Can Handle. The article starts with these words, "As the climate changes" and then goes on to talk about how some of the ice in Yellowstone that is usually there during summer is melting and all sorts of artifacts are being found from hundreds of years ago to tens of thousands of years ago. Wait, hundreds of years ago, doesn't that mean that this has happened before in the last couple hundred years for the artifacts to be there?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

More Garbage From Republicans About Trump

Yahoo - Business Insider - Donald Trump can't answer a simple question that's one of the fundamentals of his campaign.

Marco Rubio went after Trump for saying that he wanted to make America great again by asking whether or not Trump thought America was great. Trump explained what he thought was wrong with the country and Business Insider implies that he did not answer the question. The question is garbage because I think everyone really does understand what Trump meant. He meant that we are losing the standing that we held in the world and the opportunities that people used to have. We are falling behind and need to get back up is Trumps message.

I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats over the years and associate myself with neither party. I don't believe the parties represent liberals or conservatives, just big money. I disagree with Trump's approach in certain areas and with some of his policies; but, the sad thing is that he is the more moderate of the candidates. He is willing to compromise to get things done rather than promote gridlock. The rest of the Republican candidates are afraid to address the issues we are interested in in any meaningful manner. Rubio could have talked about Trumps stance on immigration or tax laws or Iran; but, instead he chose to play clever word games about Trumps four word slogan, not policies, his slogan. That is lame.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Two Bad Moves By Two Mistaken People

I previously wrote about two people who were in the news, Donald Trump and the clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. I said that Trump should NOT sign the pledge to support whoever ran for the nomination in the Republican party and that the clerk should quit rather than refuse to do her job. Both chose to do the wrong thing.

Lets start with Trump. The man signed a pledge to the Republican party above and beyond his pledge to the United States. Some might excuse this but watch the reaction from his audience when he announced  that he had signed it, there was not immediate applause, his people had to begin the applause. If he truly rejected partisan paid for politics he would not have signed it. He has run on the fact that all his opponents have sold out and now he has promised to support them if they beat him in the primaries. That is hypocritical and he will be called on it. The biggest mistake the Republican party has made is to require that oath and it will ensure that they lose this election. The party made it an issue so that Trump would go easy on the other candidates, you cannot call Bush and Walker and Carson losers and then justify supporting them if they beat you, the Democrats will have a field day with that after the primaries.

The second person, the clerk in Kentucky is equally foolish. After the court insisted that she issue marriage licenses to gay couples, she refused to do her job. This is easy, how can a judge allow someone to just ignore the law and their orders? Ignoring the gay or religious misdirection, what should the law be regarding following the law? Should civil servants be allowed to ignore the law and make up their own rules? The judge put her in jail as he should have. He did not put her in jail for her religious beliefs or because he believed in gay marriage, he put her in jail for refusing to follow the law and do her job.

Now, here is where these two items intersect. You cannot say that coming into this country without a visa is breaking the law and that ignoring a court order is not breaking the law. Do you want to live in a nation where the law matters or not? We have seen this before and should already know the outcome. Remember, if you are old enough, when a judge said that black kids could go to school with white kids and the governor of Alabama, George Wallace, tried to block their entering the schools. The kids got in.

I am old now so I remember history and I remember when Wallace ran for president. My father voted for him and my mother voted against him. Wallace later in life said he was wrong to have been against blacks and whites living together. He discovered that the world did not end when blacks and whites went to school together and the world will not end because people continue to be gay; but, have the "right" to be controlled by the government when they choose not to be together anymore.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Conservative media hates Donald Trump Because He Won't Let Them Control Him

In late 1989 a friend of mine who knew Donald Trump told me how nice he was and how much they enjoyed knowing him. We will not go into why or who. At the time, I didn't think much of Trump. As the years have gone on, I haven't paid much attention to Trump and never watched the Apprentice shows. He just didn't interest me and prior to this election I never really talked about him on this blog. I never met the man.

I am not a Trump believer. I am a progressive, that should be obvious from seven years of my posts. Still, I am fascinated by how his own party and the right wingers have attacked for believing the things they have said about this country. As they cannot attack his beliefs and end up being even more extreme it exposes the party system and how it is against the people. When the people are upset, we call it popularism. It means the people are upset and want the government to address issues that are upsetting them. It is called Democracy.

In the last couple of days I have read more and more articles from the right trying to find a reason Republicans should hate him. I have seen him be accused of being a "Democrat" in sheep's clothing and of being rich because his father left him money when he died. I thought the Republicans were in favor of having no tax on inherited wealth, they have said that enough times. Oh yeah, I also read this article in multiple news sources that said Trump might not be able to govern because people like to sue him. LOL. How many times has the affordable health care law been challenged in congress since passing? I think Trump has attorneys that can respond to law suits and not take up all his time.

Once again the Republican establishment (I am including the media with the party) is going to ask him to sign a pledge not to start a 3rd party bid for the presidency. This is a loyalty oath, not to the country; but, to the Republican party. People are not supporting him because he calls himself a Republican, they are supporting him because he is expressing their need to be involved and have their wishes listened to. If he agrees to their offer, he will lose the Republican nomination and his support. People have supported him because his has not allowed the party to change his message. In my political science opinion, his best bet is to refuse to sign any promise to the party and publicly declare his promise to America to stand up for what he has proclaimed regardless of what party, to put America first.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

When Morons Think They Are Lawyers

I was not going to write about this because I consider it a divide and conquer distraction; but, I cannot sleep and am bored so here goes. Some moron in Kentucky, a county clerk, has refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. The case went to the Supreme Court and the court let the lower court rulings stand which had previously decided that it was the law of the nation.

Let me explain my beliefs. Firstly, I don't think government contracts or the government are what the bible meant by marriage. Adam and Eve did not get a license from the city of Eden to have sex or be a couple. Neither did Moses and his wife. Secondly, the government has no right to decide who can sleep with whom or why. Thirdly, a government issued marriage license is no different than a government issued license for anything else, like, I don't know, driving or a death certificate. Did this idiot believe that they should not issue drivers licenses to gays?

I believe in Religious rights, I was a preacher. I believe in the bible; but, I also believe in Democracy and in Democracy sometimes you don't get to decide what the law will be. If you cannot live with that, you should not work in government. How would you feel if a county that was primarily Muslims said that Christians could not get marriage licenses in their county? Think that could not happen, look to Britain where many areas are overwhelmingly Muslim. Civil servants do not get to pick and choose which administrative acts they do based on their personal religious or political beliefs. It doesn't and shouldn't work that way.

There are two places where your opinion is irrelevant, government service and the theater. When you hire someone to work in government, you expect them to apply the law unless you voted for them to be a legislator. If they cannot live with that, they need to quit, that is the ultimate refusal. Same in the theater, if we are putting on a Star Wars show and you are supposed to be a storm trooper, you cannot insist upon wearing flip flops because your religion says so, don't be in the play. I am completely against abortion, so I wouldn't work at a hospital that performed them. I wouldn't deny them a building permit because I didn't like the business they were in, that is not the job of a civil servant.

By the way, this clerk did not refuse to give marriage licenses to adulterers, was that okay in her version of Christianity? I should also point out that you can get married at 16 in Kentucky, they used to allow you to marry your cousin too. They may still, I don't know and don't care. I wonder if they ever gave any licenses to minors in that county, I bet they did. We all know that it was illegal for whites to marry blacks. If you are not a member of the KKK you would probably be against that. What if this clerk believe that blacks marrying whites violated their religious beliefs, would that be okay?

I just checked and Kentucky does not allow first cousins to marry anymore. Before the Civil War all states used to allow it. Idiots like this clerk that claim to be Christians never see their failure to follow what the bible does say. The bible says that if you sleep with a woman, you are one with her, you are married and if you fail to make it official you deserve to die and you can only divorce them if they cheat on you. It also says that if you cheat on your spouse, you are forever an adulterer if you keep sleeping with others. The government does not get to decide who is married and who is divorced in the eyes of God.

Did you know that the Israelites used to keep the sheets from a woman's wedding night to prove that she bled and that it was her first time? I wonder if the Kentucky clerk required that when people asked for a marriage license? This is not a religious issue, this is a job issue. The job of this clerk is to issue pieces of paper to people who meet the requirements of their state to get the paper. It is pretty simple. They didn't get their jobs to decide when to give out the paper, their job is to give out the paper in the most efficient way they can and that is it. Our legislators write the laws and that is who we can effect.

The Coming Water Lies and Wars

The Chair of the Nestle company is a man named Peter Barbeck and he wants to privatize water.

Andrew Gavin Marshall - “Human Beings Have No Right to Water” and other Words of Wisdom from Your Friendly Neighborhood Global Oligarch.  I don't know much about this website; but, it really doesn't matter. You can just search the phrase or Mr. Barbeck and you will see the same information. What I liked about this article was that it talked about the players in this new game or financializing water and how it has worked in other countries.

I have talked about the issue of water control being privatized before and the plans to restrict your ability to that water by putting it in large underground storage facilities. This is the issue you need to keep your eyes on.