Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Transgenders in the Military

Body dysmorphic disorder is basically a mental disorder whereby the person rejects their body as it is. The person with the disorder may starve themselves to death (anorexia) or seek out unnecessary body modification (the person who wants to be turned into a cat or other extreme forms of plastic surgery) or even the removal of healthy body parts (transgenderism).

Lets just deal with some basic facts. If you don't like the political implications then at least don't be a science denier. Do not associate transgender with homosexuality, they are different things. I have known many gays and only one was transgender. It is estimated that the suicide rate for transgender people is 41%. The problem they face is that no matter where you go, there you are. You do not change because you change your body, you keep the same mind and pain.

I have previously written that I don't care about who uses the bathroom and I still don't. I do have a problem with body mutilation. Funny thing is there are people who don't believe in circumcision but are completely fine with complete sex change operations. If someone came into a doctors office and said they were a one armed man in a two armed body and wanted one of their arms remove, what would your response be? Wouldn't you treat it as a psychological problem?

President Trump tweeted out that he wouldn't allow transgender people in the military and we shouldn't. The military should not be where you go to get free transgender operations. You also should not be able to get the prison system to pay for it. Neither gives free face lifts.

For me the issue is even simpler. Has there suddenly been a rash of people who have had sex change operations signing up for military service that I haven't heard about? This is a made up problem, it is a distraction from real issues. You want to know a real issue? Universal healthcare is a real issue and universal healthcare should not include sex change operations or face lifts, those are highly elective and should be paid for by the person. While I support a woman's right to control their own body and favor free condoms and birth control, abortions are an elective surgery too and should also be paid for by the person choosing it. The right to choose does not include the right to not pay for your choices. In fact, I believe their should be a tax on most plastic surgery to pay for universal healthcare. I don't know the current number but 60% of all surgeries used to be elective plastic surgeries, like liposuction and face lifts. Both of which take doctors away from doing necessary surgeries.

Male and female are not descriptions of gender identification, they are medically defines by your chromosomes, not by your opinion. XX or XY genes. Putting silicon breast implants in someone and removing their penis does not make them a woman or change their genetic makeup (though that may come someday). Find me a biologist that would disagree.

Another place where we find science deniers is on the issue of abortion. In everything except abortion we accept genetics as determining your species. Genetically unborn babies are still human. Life, according to science, is when a being exhibits certain traits, such as gas exchange, cell duplication and other actual conditions that can be married. To say that an unborn baby is not a living human is scientifically a lie. To say that we have a right to control what a woman's body is slavery and I am against outlawing abortion because I don't believe in slavery; but, that doesn't change the science.

The fact is that these issues only truly effect the person involved. So why is the discussion of transgender people in the military getting so much discussion right now. Simple, to distract from the GOPs failure to get Obamacare repealed or do anything about taxes. It's funny how Republican politicians who are against gay marriage are suddenly outraged that Trump said transgender people should not be in the military. The same people who are against universal healthcare supporting transgender rights in the military. That alone should raise a red flag and rather than getting upset, you should understand how you are being manipulated.

As an aside, the way you know you are hearing a nonsense argument is the set up. Why do people always seek to talk about gays when talking about child molesters and transgender  people, it is not the same thing. Two men having sex is not the same as a grown adult man having sex with a ten year old boy. A man having his penis removed is not the same as a man who has sex with other men. I personally find comparing having women and blacks in the military to having people who want to remove healthy parts of their body vastly different and an insult to the women and minorities in the military. I should also point out that I have zero problem with gays in the military.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

I am Angry

In this life you cannot buy true love or true loyalty. You cannot buy the truth, character or honor. All of these things are given freely or not at all.

A few years ago I had a relative working for a wealthy person who lived near the Reagan Presidential Museum. My relative lived on the property. There was a fire near the museum and it was out of control. I think it was called the Simi Valley fire but I really don't remember for sure. My relative called me to say that we couldn't meet because he was watering down the roof of the house of the person he worked for so that it wouldn't catch fire. I drove out to the place and helped. The fire got within feet and I personally saved this man's horses and got someone to evacuate them.

When the fire had been put out and the problem was over, the person my relative worked for didn't even bother to say thank you to me for helping. I didn't say anything about it, I just went home. I have helped many people in my life and I have leant many more money. I have discovered that most never pay you back either and that you should never expect either help or repayment in any form. In fact, I have made people's careers and had them stab me in the back, including people I personally promoted.

The sense of betrayal can bitter and I know, my wife left me for another man, the hardest betrayal of all. Yet, somehow I forgave her in my heart and him. I still think about it sometimes; but, yea, I forgave them, they have to live with what they do and did, not me. The time to really practice forgiveness is when you are angry, that way it gets easier to forgive.


I'm really mad. When I was asked to preach around five years ago, I wrote a post which asked what I would tell my kids. How do I tell my kids that I am going to be preaching? That was the post. Where the hell does someone find the ego to claim that they can explain the bible or who God is? For me, I was asked to. In fact, I was tricked into preaching. I thought it was a one off. Sort of like a guest lecturer. I didn't think it would cost me thousands and pay me nothing or last for years.

To me, agreeing to preach is a sacred honor, not a duty. I did not berate people for being bad, I challenged them to be better. I preached to gays. I didn't tell them to hate their gayness, I told them to be good gays. To honor their commitments, even relationship ones. People forget this bit from the bible; but, it is a good one as are they all. The question was raised whether believers in Christ should stay with spouses who were not believers. The answer was that as you came to Christ, so you should honor your past marital commitments. God does not tell us not to love another and once committed to them we should fulfill that promise. Gays don't understand that (and neither do Christian ones), they think those moral rules do not apply to them because they are gay. I told them that is wrong and unfortunately the statistics for gay divorces is even higher than that for straights.

I wrote about how hard it was to tell people I was going to preach when I am imperfect. Atheists view Christians as children who believe in fairy tales. I had a real job, I had a real high profile difficult job. I have a doctorate and national honors. I was recognized as an expert in multiple fields. People in other countries know who I am. My opinion was sought and still is. When I started taking in the homeless these people freaked. I took them in before I began preaching.

Most people do not believe God is real. Most people will say they believe in a God; but, the reality is that they don't believe in a real God. A sentience that can hear your every thought. He can. That is one of the more intimidating things about him. I have the feeling this blog might get a lot more interesting in the future. If anyone starts thinking about "A Christmas Carol" down the road they might make a comment when they do.

Going to church for most is just a ritual, it is just a thing you do. Most Catholics do not believe that the Pope speaks the innate word of God.

I have told the story of Abraham more than once. God asked Abraham to kill his first born and he was going to until God told him not to at the last minute. God told the Jews to kill all the Arabs in Israel and they didn't do it. They knew it was wrong; but, had used the opportunity to get some land. Free will means God lets you choose. Sometimes God tells  us to do the wrong thing. We choose when to argue the point or fail to define ourselves. There is a difference and difference is what we choose. What we choose defines us, not God. Think you cannot argue with God. Abraham argued with God over destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Why didn't he argue with God over killing his first born?

When we choose to sell our time, we choose more than does a slave; but, not totally as we are still under duress. When I choose to work or whom I choose to work for,defines me; but, the need for money creates duress, pressure. Everybody works for somebody, how much does it matter to you who you work for or does it only matter what you are paid? If both matter than where is your line.

The moment you take to the pulpit, you know people are laughing at you. Try doing that when you control hundreds of millions a year. Try telling your kids who saw your wife leave you for another man, go preach and preach forgiveness. You better believe it when you say it. I don't mind it when Atheists laugh at me, it just gets in the way of knowing one another. I do mind it when Christians think people being willing to risk their reputation in order to preach are stupid.

We are imperfect in every way and perfect in none. Should a atheist murderer stop being an atheist or a murderer first? Wait, Jesus said what the most important commandment was, love God with all your heart ... and your neighbor as yourself or something very much like that. Once you meet the most important commandment, loving all completely, you begin working on the others one. You just wont have to because you meet the love one and all the others become second nature.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Why Europe Wanted Unfettered Migration.

Have you ever met wealthy people who feel they are superior to you? I have. I have seen the face of those who feel the world owes them. I knew a billionaire; but, he was not that way and neither was his family. Most self made people believe in meritocracy. The wealthy in England used to look down on new money, self made people. Self made people do not run this world.

We tax just about every form of income except one, inheritance. When we attempt to tax that it is referred to as a death tax. You cannot tax the dead, they are dead and own nothing. Why don't we tax inherited income as we tax earned income? We tax lottery winnings as income. Why? If I inherit money isn't it still income to me?

"Old money", people whose family have a history of running the world, feel entitled and look down on the rest of us. They send their children to special schools to learn how to manage the world and the rest of us. They don't learn the same things in school, not even the dumb ones.

I want you to see what young rich children learn, lets look at one of the schools they attend. Phillip's Academy, Andover.

Course of Study.

They can learn Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Russian or a bunch of others. They take classes in all of the arts. Read the course of study by clicking the link above. That is what their high schools are like. Do I have to explain what public high schools teach? The playing field has never been level and probably never will be. We make the situation even worse by not giving all children a free education equal to the education that those they compete with will have.

I had a friend in college, he was born to wealth. He lived in a penthouse in Boston and would piss away $25,000 on a weekend in Vegas in the 1980s. Very few people make it into grad school and most of them come from money because they can afford it and could afford to have gone to one of the better schools. I used to beat those people to a pulp academically; but, I have a over 155 IQ. All the education in the world cannot beat an idiot savant like me. Why shouldn't everyone get the same level of education? Because they don't want a fair race or meritocracy, they believe this is their world and we are parasites on it.

The non-populists elitists don't want a fair fight. They avoid a fair fight by keeping the vast majority ignorant and uneducated, only smart enough to read comics. Read that course of study, read the class outlines, read the whole darn thing to understand who your children are competing with. Imagine what the world would be like if all children were taught that well.

Imagine how kids that grew up with the superior education look at their contemporaries. I know how they look at us. In my first year of law school they didn't bother with me. After I got my first American Jurisprudence Award, they all wanted to be my friend and study partner. What none of them knew as that unlike everyone else, I was asked to apply to the school. I didn't seek them out, they sought me out. I didn't know the school until they invited me to attend. Did you know that we were not allowed to work the first year of law school? That was to keep out the poor. I lived on $25 a week and that included my cigarettes. This is not a meritocracy.

There is a term, it is offensive. House Nigger. A house nigger was a slave that didn't have to toil in the field, they ate better than the other slaves, they dressed better than the other slaves and were treated better. You had to treat them better because they could kill you with a knife as you slept because they were often your personal valet. Yet, they were still called niggers. I hope you find that offensive because I do and that is how old money looks at everyone else regardless of sex, race, color or sexual orientation or religion. We argue over which is worse, white, black, gay. straight, Muslim, Jew, whatever. They just question who is annoying them the most at the moment. I said it before, there are three guys on crosses, a Jew, a black and a white guy and they start arguing over who has it worse.

If you understood what I just wrote than maybe you can understand this. A document from the United Nations written in about 2000 has just come to light. It shows what I have written about for years, that the population curve n Europe is below sustainable levels. A nation or culture needs to have 2.11 children for every couple and we ain't making that in the west or Japan. We are not looking at overpopulation, we are looking at under population. We are looking at not having a replacement society in Europe.

If you wish to know why Europe is taking in so many "refugees", it is simple, they need people to replace their native populations that have chosen not to have children. If your slaves don't have children you buy new slaves. You move sheep by herding them. We don't even teach civics in school anymore. We don't teach the average person's kids how to manage societies.

Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?

Yep, the United Nations was talking about the need for large numbers of people to migrate to Europe to replace their existing people in 2000. Were you told about that? Did you know that conversation was going on? What makes you think you live in a democracy, you live in an oligarchy.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Just some quick news

MSN - CNBC - This is your captain faces pilot shortage. This article is a lie. We could easily train enough people to be pilots which is a good paying job.

CBS - Boeing To Test Self-Flying Planes.  It is cheaper to build self flying planes.

VICE - The Mayor Who Loved China. This is the same mayor who wants to build a 10 story tall Buddha in the middle of the Mojave desert.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I Will Write Again

Sorry guys but I haven't seen anything worth writing about. I have however watched some really interesting YouTube videos and thought I might post one of them.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hypocrites and Donald Trump Jr.

So the new line of garbage is that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian and that the Russian offered to give information about how Hillary was getting money from Russians or some such garbage. Well, Hillary did get money from Russian bankers, they paid Bill a half million dollars to give in speech in Russia after she approved the deal where 20% of U.S, Uranium is now owned by Russia. The Huffington Post posted this.

Huffington Post - Exactly Why Donald Trump Jr.’s Meeting With A Russian Lawyer Could Be Illegal.

The article claims that it is illegal for anyone to get anything from a foreigner that might be useful to a candidate. It claims that a Russian offered Donald Trump Jr information about Hillary and that could be a crime. Lets break this down. Firstly, they misstate the law, information is not a brief. The law is about money or promises of money or something else of similar nature. Secondly, you can refuse to take money but not hear someone. Thirdly, there is no claim that Donald Jr used anything was told, in fact, the campaign for his father never claimed Hillary was doing what the Russian who spoke to Donald Jr claimed she was. Finally, and the real point of this post, the DNC hired an English ex spy to write a dossier to hurt Trump, you know the one that claimed Trump had prostitutes piss on a bed that the Obamas had slept in. That is the hypocritical part.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

CNN and Abuse of Power

"CNN is not publishing “HanA**holeSolo’s” name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same."
"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."

Someone of Reddit modified a video of Trump at a wrestling match smacking the owner of the wrestling channel and put "CNN" over Vince McMahan's face. Trump retweeted it and hilarity ensued as the corporate media flipped out and claimed it could endanger reporters lives. CNN tracked down the person who made the video and he apologized. CNN said he sounded nervous. CNN then discussed exposing his identity to the world and the quote from above is what CNN wrote and posted.

CNN and the others in corporate media do not understand social media, they are only compounding their arrogance and lies for all to see. It is funny that the corporate media decries attacks on free speech while at the same time threatening and attacking people for exercising free speech on social media. If what CNN did was meant to threaten others, it backfired and the anti-CNN memes are now flowing at lightening speed. They may not like it; but, the corporate media no longer controls the narrative.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump, CNN and a Wrestling Video

Someone on Reddit made the video above and President Trump posted a copy of it on Twitter. The corporate media's response was to say that Trump is calling for violence on reporters. Wait, this is the same media that called for Trump's impeachment prior to the election actually being held. This is the same media that defended Kathy Griffin showing Trump's decapitated head as a bad joke. This is the same media that said the voters were stupid and the same media that supported a play about Ceaser which ends with Trump being stabbed to death. Nobody cares what the media thinks anymore.

This is how the media reacted to Trump's winning the presidency. Why would we expect them to ever be honest or reasonable about Trump.

Here is the bottom line issue. If you continually attack someone, expect them to respond. Pretty simple. Between May and June the mainstream corporate media spent 353 minutes attacking Trump for a false Russia collusion claim that they have zero evidence of. This same media spent only 1 minute discussing tax reform, 3 minutes discussing infrastructure, 5 minutes discussing the economy and jobs and 17 minutes discussing healthcare. We have all seen Trump be attacked for just stupid stuff like how many scoops of ice cream he has at dinner or that he likes his steaks well done and the media is offended that he fights back and expects you to be upset by it too. Look at the comments online, real people are not upset, real people think it is hilarious.

Not Writing, Just Thinking

Sorry kids, the Pimpernel hasn't felt something worthy of writing about for a few days. I will say this much, I am still thinking about making YouTube videos. I feel more people might hear what I have to say and feel I don't get enough comments here. I spoke to my brother about that tonight. He said that he didn't think my blog seemed to invite comments. He seems to believe that my posts don't really ask questions; but, rather answer them. I don't know what I think about that.

I guess it is like when I was preaching. If someone had asked me why they should believe in God, I would have told them that I don't care what you believe in. It is not my job to tell you what to believe in, it is my job to tell you what I believe in. I want you to think about that for a second.

I write to tell others what I see. I am totally fine with people not seeing the same thing and ignoring me or even questioning me. It is not my job to convince anyone of anything, the bible says that we should have an answer for the hope that lies within us. I have answer for why I believe what I believe.

I don't make money from this and have decided if I would monetize a YouTube video, if I choose to make them; but, I am not monetizing this blog and never have. I have written thousands of posts for almost a decade and have never made a penny. I deeply feel for the Daniels family; but, I have made it very clear I never thought they would ever read my stuff and did not write about the case for any personal reason, I just thought there was too many garbage answers being given. I absolutely wish someone with more attention and viewership would talk about the case. I actually reached out to a YouTuber, who has many more views than I, about the case, someone that talks about such things and asked them to do a video about the case. They have not and did not respond to me, I will not mention who it was.

I want to know my readers opinions. Should I start doing YouTube videos? I would have more viewers; but, would video of me talking about these things detract from the written word? Would the people that read my writing like to hear my voice, I won't show my face, I'm just not that pretty. I have been told that I write the way I sound in person. I can't judge that. You decide. NO, you give your opinion, I decide what I do. Peace and thanks for caring enough to keep reading my nonsense.