Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Drugs in my brain

I had just finished posting and then read this article.

Brain chemical makes us more impulsive

You mean I am not impulsive because I haven't learned to control myself? I am impulsive because my brain pollutes me with chemicals. Hey kids, science has a ready made excuse for your being a jerk. You cannot help it. You have natural drugs in your brain. Sounds like more reasons why you are just an object, a mechanical object with no self will. You cannot help yourself, you are just an animal reacting to stimuli.

Wait a second; but, not everyone acts impusively even with the same amount of dopamine. Hmmmm. Didn't the experts figure that out, well yes they did. Why didn't they talk about the people who controlled their urges? Why didn't they discuss what it takes to control those urges? That would have value, people could learn to control their urges by learning from others who did. Maybe they want you to take the excuse, to be a sheep that chases the cookies. Maybe then we wouldn't be commoners, the unwashed masses, the sheep who they justify taking advantage of.


Anonymous said...

Contingency planning!
The goal!
A zombie society
The elite stay rich, everyone els is subdued.
Innovation is halted in the midst.

Banking is a deceitful nifty invention.

Pimpernel said...

Do not be afraid of the young contingency planners. They should be very afraid of the old one. Old cold warriors make contingency plans too. In terms of system programming, think of a back door.