Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feeling Better

I hate having the stomach flu. I hate the feeling it leaves on your tongue. I hate the days it takes to be able to eat good food again. I bought some really good pork ribs and couldn't cook them or even think about eating them.

We take so many things for granted, like being able to eat. I love food and attempt to make very good food. Food is one of my passions. Food, flavor is so individual. I can make a meal for ten people and no two will enjoy it the same. Taste, touch, sight, sound, smell are all so individual.

When my father passed away I kept a winter jacket I had bought him. It had his smell on it and reminded me of him. It is strange to know that I will never know his smell again. It is strange to know that there are many people I will not see in the same way again. It is strange to know that there are people I will never touch again or hear their voice.

Our senses create memories. I remember touching the hands of my first girlfriend, they were very soft. I remember holding my children for the first time. I remember so many sensations.

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