Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This sounds familiar

I don't have much time to post; but, I read these two articles and they stated quite nicely things that I have posted on in the last two weeks. It is almost as if they had read my stuff and expanded on it. It means that others see the Occupy movement and the Tea Party movement in the same way and it is far from over.

Huffington Post - How the Legal System Was Deep-Sixed and Occupy Wall Street Swept the Land

Huffington POst - Occupy Wall Street as Seen Through Machiavelli's Lens

What is the point, it should be obvious. The government has legalized for the privledged what is illegal for anyone else. As it gets exposed more and more, rather than correct the problems, our politicians tell us that this is the way it should be for the "job creators". This is particularly amusing as the jobs they create are in other countries.

In Oakland the police have removed the Occupy Oakland people from their encampment (in an illegal manner by the way). They were given less rights than the homeless in violation of State Law. The police removed them; but, did not let them take their possessions and that is not legal in California. The police in Oakland also shot a Iraq vet with a plastic bullet in the head. What do you think would happen in court if that had been done during a homeless cleanup? It happened while people were chanting, "You are supposed to protect us". The police are supposed to protect and serve the citizens, not the powers that be.

The media just continues to lie. First they called the protesters Communists, then Anti-Jewish and now they all supposedly work for Acorn. Can you imagine how stupid that sounds to the protesters or the people that know them? I guess next week the media will say they are Nazi sympathizers. Throwing everything against the wall to see if something will stick merely shows desperation and exposes the insincerity of the media.

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