You get nothing original out of me and you get no links to the truth. You get nothing, well, you get this.
YouTube - Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
How Valuable is Human Life?
Well, not too valuable to the really well educated doctors.
BioEdge - Is it morally wrong to take a life? Not really, say bioethicists
Please read the article, it is short. I particularly like where the “[I]f killing were wrong just because it is causing death or the loss of life, then the same principle would apply with the same strength to pulling weeds out of a garden. If it is not immoral to weed a garden, then life as such cannot really be sacred, and killing as such cannot be morally wrong.”
You see, without a belief in God we become meaningless to each other because life becomes meaningless and that is what people are being sold on. The most "educated" (brainwashed in exchange for a good income) have only situational ethics and that is the most dangerous type of thinking because they are so educated that they can justify anything.
BioEdge - Is it morally wrong to take a life? Not really, say bioethicists
Please read the article, it is short. I particularly like where the “[I]f killing were wrong just because it is causing death or the loss of life, then the same principle would apply with the same strength to pulling weeds out of a garden. If it is not immoral to weed a garden, then life as such cannot really be sacred, and killing as such cannot be morally wrong.”
You see, without a belief in God we become meaningless to each other because life becomes meaningless and that is what people are being sold on. The most "educated" (brainwashed in exchange for a good income) have only situational ethics and that is the most dangerous type of thinking because they are so educated that they can justify anything.
Religious Hypotheticals and Questions
I like to read the bible and try and look at it different ways. When I read a story, such as the story of Job, I try and think about what happened after or ask questions like, "Why him". Revelations and Genesis leave so much out and allow for so many possibilities.
I recently decided to do a series on Revelations at church, now it is one of my least favorite books of the bible because of the heavy use of symbolism. Revelations predicts many things; but, it really doesn't explain how these things could be allowed to come. Let me put it this way, Revelations says that in the end times everyone would be required to take a mark to buy or sell. Okay, how could you convince people to take such a mark? Most people assume they would be forced to; but, the book says that some will refuse to take the mark so it is willingly accepted.
Revelations also says that people will worship the beast. How do you get people to worship you? I know it says that he will perform miracles; but, how would you convince a Muslim that it was Allah and a Christian that it was Jesus and do both at the same time?
We currently have technology that is capable of creating a one world currency and we have the ability of placing biometric identification invisible to the eye on your body. This is the first time in human history where we have even been capable of doing these things.
Not long ago I was talking to someone about the steps that have been taken that would allow tyranny in the United States, I mentioned all the laws that had been passed and came to the conclusion that no more were needed, I am sure we will get more (probably related to confiscating the possessions of "terrorists". Still, if a popular fascist got into office, all the laws are in place to be so.
Okay, so I was thinking about the bible and came to the same conclusion. I cannot find one pre-tribulation sign that has not already happened. The bible has gone to every part of the world, we are seeing a great falling away from the church and an international consensus that we need a world organization to control our financial institutions. What is left? Whether you believe in end times or not, if you know your bible, the infrastructure that would allow the events predicted in Revelations are in place, nothing more needs to happen to allow it to begin, nothing.
If you are a Christian, how do you feel and what do you think about what I just wrote? If you are a non-Christian, you can ask yourself the same question. It says that in the end times there will be many false prophets, how many do we need, I see no shortage of them. Heck, many of them are within the churches.
I recently decided to do a series on Revelations at church, now it is one of my least favorite books of the bible because of the heavy use of symbolism. Revelations predicts many things; but, it really doesn't explain how these things could be allowed to come. Let me put it this way, Revelations says that in the end times everyone would be required to take a mark to buy or sell. Okay, how could you convince people to take such a mark? Most people assume they would be forced to; but, the book says that some will refuse to take the mark so it is willingly accepted.
Revelations also says that people will worship the beast. How do you get people to worship you? I know it says that he will perform miracles; but, how would you convince a Muslim that it was Allah and a Christian that it was Jesus and do both at the same time?
We currently have technology that is capable of creating a one world currency and we have the ability of placing biometric identification invisible to the eye on your body. This is the first time in human history where we have even been capable of doing these things.
Not long ago I was talking to someone about the steps that have been taken that would allow tyranny in the United States, I mentioned all the laws that had been passed and came to the conclusion that no more were needed, I am sure we will get more (probably related to confiscating the possessions of "terrorists". Still, if a popular fascist got into office, all the laws are in place to be so.
Okay, so I was thinking about the bible and came to the same conclusion. I cannot find one pre-tribulation sign that has not already happened. The bible has gone to every part of the world, we are seeing a great falling away from the church and an international consensus that we need a world organization to control our financial institutions. What is left? Whether you believe in end times or not, if you know your bible, the infrastructure that would allow the events predicted in Revelations are in place, nothing more needs to happen to allow it to begin, nothing.
If you are a Christian, how do you feel and what do you think about what I just wrote? If you are a non-Christian, you can ask yourself the same question. It says that in the end times there will be many false prophets, how many do we need, I see no shortage of them. Heck, many of them are within the churches.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Solution Is Not Direct Democracy - Iceland
I am getting ready to go to bed; but, I read this article and thought I should post. The article is from "The South African Civil Society Information Service", I don't the organization and don't know their beliefs so I am not promoting them; but, the article seems pretty good, I just disagree with their conclusions.
Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not
Lets see, end the Federal Reserve and go to direct democracy to regain your freedom and economies. The big cookie in exchange for direct democracy, hmmmm, sounds like selling out to me. Pay your debts, get rid of the crooks, don't vote your pocketbook, vote for integrity and the answers will come.
I used to tell my ex, if it is free, I don't want it, if I want it, I will pay for it. I do not wish to be controlled by the cookies and lose my soul, I would rather lose the cookies and keep my self determination being based on more that a punishment reward system, I wish my choices to be determine by my self-definition. Peace.
Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not
Lets see, end the Federal Reserve and go to direct democracy to regain your freedom and economies. The big cookie in exchange for direct democracy, hmmmm, sounds like selling out to me. Pay your debts, get rid of the crooks, don't vote your pocketbook, vote for integrity and the answers will come.
I used to tell my ex, if it is free, I don't want it, if I want it, I will pay for it. I do not wish to be controlled by the cookies and lose my soul, I would rather lose the cookies and keep my self determination being based on more that a punishment reward system, I wish my choices to be determine by my self-definition. Peace.
Hawaii and More Loss of Privacy
I have been to Hawaii twice, loved it. I have been to Oahu and the big island, I even walked over the cold lava to watch the hot lava go through the tunnels and into the sea, it is one of the most impressive things I have ever seen. I have a deep appreciation for the Polynesians and have since I was very young, unfortunately, we stole their islands from them.
So this article is not about Hawaii or it's people, it is a disturbing article about how the people of that state may lose their privacy. Some legislators in Hawaii are promoting legislation that would require internet providers to track every site that they visit and save the information for two years. Please go back and read what I have been writing about for three years (though I think only two years of my blog still exist because I deleted the first two versions of this blog) and you will see this is exactly what I said would occur. Your internet history is going to be part of your permanent record. Here is the article.
CNET - Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited
This my friends is infrastructure, it is planning and it is not planning for the end of the world, it is planning for the end of privacy. Peace.
So this article is not about Hawaii or it's people, it is a disturbing article about how the people of that state may lose their privacy. Some legislators in Hawaii are promoting legislation that would require internet providers to track every site that they visit and save the information for two years. Please go back and read what I have been writing about for three years (though I think only two years of my blog still exist because I deleted the first two versions of this blog) and you will see this is exactly what I said would occur. Your internet history is going to be part of your permanent record. Here is the article.
CNET - Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited
This my friends is infrastructure, it is planning and it is not planning for the end of the world, it is planning for the end of privacy. Peace.
Friday, January 27, 2012
FEMA, LAX and Alex Jones
Okay, I have to start by explaining some things. A lot of things are hidden from us, our government has been hijacked by business interests and the government expects something bad to happen this year or fairly soon. I don't like to discuss the last part much because it tends to scare people. Having said all of what I have, I want to link to Alex Jones' website because of a two part video that he has.
I want to talk a bit about Mr. Jones. I am not convinced that he has things correctly and believe he feeds off of hysteria. As anyone who regularly reads this knows, I read a lot of news sources and don't automatically accept the official story. I also don't assume the worst. I am fairly sure that I have not discussed FEMA before or if I did it was in passing. FEMA did a horrible job in New Orleans and the continuity of government executive directives are draconian. That does not mean that I believe what many seem to believe and what Mr. Jones believes. I am not in any way convinced that the government wants to arrest and indefinitely detain all who protest.
There are many videos out there are articles about how people believe the country is being taken over and that we are all going to be made slaves. There are those who fear that the powers that be want to kill 90% of us through famine, war and vaccinations. I am far from convinced. I am convinced that the government believes that we could have massive solar flares that take out the power grid this year or early next. That has been reported by NASA and the physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. I also believe that we will see a collapse of the world currencies.
If either the power grid is destroyed or the currencies collapse or both happen, then a lot of bad consequences occur. One merely needs to pull up my posts on both of these things to see that they are very real possibilities and I provide links to reliable sources. A currency collapse could lead to massive civil unrest and could even lead to people picking up arms. A massive solar flare and loss of the power grid could take years to fix and leave us with famine and all sorts of transportation problems. Personally I think the loss of the power grid concerns me more than a currency collapse.
I know this is a lot of discussion; but, I don't want people to watch the video and think that Mr. Jones' conclusion is correct, I am much more interested in the infrastructure that was photographed and what it might mean. I absolutely do not believe that we are going to become like communist Russia. I think history shows that if our economy breaks down we are much more likely to become fascist; but, I don't see sufficient support for either currently.
Okay, now that I have explained my position, here is the link, just watch the two videos and come back.
Alex Jones - FEMA Camp Rendition Hubs Discovered
If you wish you can go to 11:17 of the first video to see just the LAX infrastructure that was built. Now, I know LAX and that sure looked like holding areas for large amounts of people. I am also aware of the fact that FEMA's job is to make sure that it can take care of large numbers of people and detain them if necessary. Coupled with the NDAA and the Expatriate Act, there would be no need for a judge to agree. I have read the Executive Directives regarding continuity of government and they are Draconian and un-constitutional; but, unlike Mr. Jones, I believe if anyone attempted to kill millions of us or enforce a totalitarian state on us (rather than us choosing one), I believe the military would take over and stop it.
It is true that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton has been funded to erect FEMA centers, it is also true that they and the military are seeking to hire detention specialists. That may be creepy; but, it is FEMA's job to prepare for such things and if I were afraid the power grid might go out or I was afraid of a currency collapse, that is exactly what I would pay them to do, prepare. Hopefully the power grid will not be lost; but, what if it is, how should the government respond?
Let me put it this way, if the power grid goes out you will have no lights, no electricity and the same thing that causes them to go out will mean that your car, phone and internet will not work. How would you get the nation back up after that, it could take five years. Our military would still work because we have been shielding our planes and ships in case of Electro-magnetic pulses because nuclear explosions can cause them.
I do hope this isn't creeping any of my readers out, I was taught to contingency plan and that is what I do and what I expect the people in FEMA and the military to do. Do I believe that the economic collapse was intentional, yes, it was done out of greed. Do I believe the people in power look down on us, yes; but, not all. Would some like to see population reductions, yes, they openly say so and give their reasons; but, they are also specific about the methods they believe in it. I disagree; but, that doesn't mean that I think they are all sociopaths, just narcissists.
While what Mr. Jones and Mr. David Icke discuss to a degree, these laws are in place and so is the infrastructure, their assumptions for the reasons behind these things may be very misplaced. Hey if I am wrong I would probably be one of the first to be taken in, I already know I am on a watch list of some sort, I knew that because the FBI denied I was in any files and that is ridiculous seeing as how most of my family has a FBI file (because of security clearances) and I was offered a commission in the military. You don't get offered a commission if your background hasn't been checked, it just didn't work that way. I assume it still doesn't.
My concern over the recent laws like the NDAA is not that someone is planning to use them now, it is that they could be used improperly in the future if we did vote for a totalitarian leader.
So, lets say that the power grid goes down, how would we best handle the situation? Well, I would remove our leaders and planners and put them together in a safe place, traditionally the plan has been to put them in underground bunkers (cold war standard plan for nuclear war). Last year Americans bought more guns than in our history, that is a bad sign. If the government told them that they know the power grid is going to go out year, what would you expect people to do? I think that some would prepare to take what they wanted when preparing to rebuild would in fact be the best choice.
You may ask why what I think is being prepared for is more likely than what Mr. Jones or Mr. Icke think is going on and it is a fair question. There are way too many old cold warriors and current and retired intelligence officers to pull off a government takeover without being discovered and reported. While I long ago decided I did not wish to be involved in such work, I also knew some of these people and believe me, you don't want to mess with them. There is an old poem that says, "And the gobblegins will get you if you don't watch out".
There was a movie called "Deep Impact" about a meteor hitting the earth and killing untold numbers. In the movie certain people were identified to be protected and taken into underground bunkers so that we would have a continuity of humanity. That is standard planning for overwhelming events. Who would you want to survive one of these catastrophes, you would want the people who had the skills, knowledge, abilities and experience to rebuild correctly and quickly. Why, because that makes the most sense from a societal standpoint.
Now here is another question, what about all these people buying guns and preparing for the end of the world, what would you expect them to do if the power grid went down? They bought the guns for a reason. Does this all sound rather scary, well it should and it could be, that is what we pay people to make contingency plans for; but, it doesn't mean it is going to happen. The currency collapse will happen; but, Germany and Mexico and other countries have survived hyperinflation without losing all control, they continued. The solar flares, while a very real possibility, may miss us.
You might wonder what my emergency preparedness plan is, mine is to trust in God and make sure that I have food for my dog. My emergency plan for an earthquake is a credit card and a trip to Vegas. Preparations for something are being made, that is easy enough to see. Animals are dying off in strange ways, odd noises in the air and increased solar flare activity is occurring. Volcanoes and earthquakes are happening more frequently, pretty scary stuff. One meteorologist made a video saying that she believed that it was all due to the diminished magnetic field around the earth and the increased solar activity. If she is correct than a major flare could cause major earthquakes and eruptions.
So, why did I finally choose to write this post. Well, I don't want people getting agitated about what is going on and coming to the wrong conclusions. I want people to support the Constitution regardless of any threats we may face and I want to see the government be responsive to the people. I also want to see the people with power have to follow the same rules as the rest of us and they don't; but, I also believe in restraint and faith.
Personally, I am very much a Christian and don't believe the world will end this year. I don't know the time and the day; but, I do believe we know what will happen first and it hasn't happened. If I wasn't a Christian, I still wouldn't believe that the world will end this year. Having said that, I do believe this year will be very challenging for many and I also believe that we will survive it. Peace.
I want to talk a bit about Mr. Jones. I am not convinced that he has things correctly and believe he feeds off of hysteria. As anyone who regularly reads this knows, I read a lot of news sources and don't automatically accept the official story. I also don't assume the worst. I am fairly sure that I have not discussed FEMA before or if I did it was in passing. FEMA did a horrible job in New Orleans and the continuity of government executive directives are draconian. That does not mean that I believe what many seem to believe and what Mr. Jones believes. I am not in any way convinced that the government wants to arrest and indefinitely detain all who protest.
There are many videos out there are articles about how people believe the country is being taken over and that we are all going to be made slaves. There are those who fear that the powers that be want to kill 90% of us through famine, war and vaccinations. I am far from convinced. I am convinced that the government believes that we could have massive solar flares that take out the power grid this year or early next. That has been reported by NASA and the physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. I also believe that we will see a collapse of the world currencies.
If either the power grid is destroyed or the currencies collapse or both happen, then a lot of bad consequences occur. One merely needs to pull up my posts on both of these things to see that they are very real possibilities and I provide links to reliable sources. A currency collapse could lead to massive civil unrest and could even lead to people picking up arms. A massive solar flare and loss of the power grid could take years to fix and leave us with famine and all sorts of transportation problems. Personally I think the loss of the power grid concerns me more than a currency collapse.
I know this is a lot of discussion; but, I don't want people to watch the video and think that Mr. Jones' conclusion is correct, I am much more interested in the infrastructure that was photographed and what it might mean. I absolutely do not believe that we are going to become like communist Russia. I think history shows that if our economy breaks down we are much more likely to become fascist; but, I don't see sufficient support for either currently.
Okay, now that I have explained my position, here is the link, just watch the two videos and come back.
Alex Jones - FEMA Camp Rendition Hubs Discovered
If you wish you can go to 11:17 of the first video to see just the LAX infrastructure that was built. Now, I know LAX and that sure looked like holding areas for large amounts of people. I am also aware of the fact that FEMA's job is to make sure that it can take care of large numbers of people and detain them if necessary. Coupled with the NDAA and the Expatriate Act, there would be no need for a judge to agree. I have read the Executive Directives regarding continuity of government and they are Draconian and un-constitutional; but, unlike Mr. Jones, I believe if anyone attempted to kill millions of us or enforce a totalitarian state on us (rather than us choosing one), I believe the military would take over and stop it.
It is true that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton has been funded to erect FEMA centers, it is also true that they and the military are seeking to hire detention specialists. That may be creepy; but, it is FEMA's job to prepare for such things and if I were afraid the power grid might go out or I was afraid of a currency collapse, that is exactly what I would pay them to do, prepare. Hopefully the power grid will not be lost; but, what if it is, how should the government respond?
Let me put it this way, if the power grid goes out you will have no lights, no electricity and the same thing that causes them to go out will mean that your car, phone and internet will not work. How would you get the nation back up after that, it could take five years. Our military would still work because we have been shielding our planes and ships in case of Electro-magnetic pulses because nuclear explosions can cause them.
I do hope this isn't creeping any of my readers out, I was taught to contingency plan and that is what I do and what I expect the people in FEMA and the military to do. Do I believe that the economic collapse was intentional, yes, it was done out of greed. Do I believe the people in power look down on us, yes; but, not all. Would some like to see population reductions, yes, they openly say so and give their reasons; but, they are also specific about the methods they believe in it. I disagree; but, that doesn't mean that I think they are all sociopaths, just narcissists.
While what Mr. Jones and Mr. David Icke discuss to a degree, these laws are in place and so is the infrastructure, their assumptions for the reasons behind these things may be very misplaced. Hey if I am wrong I would probably be one of the first to be taken in, I already know I am on a watch list of some sort, I knew that because the FBI denied I was in any files and that is ridiculous seeing as how most of my family has a FBI file (because of security clearances) and I was offered a commission in the military. You don't get offered a commission if your background hasn't been checked, it just didn't work that way. I assume it still doesn't.
My concern over the recent laws like the NDAA is not that someone is planning to use them now, it is that they could be used improperly in the future if we did vote for a totalitarian leader.
So, lets say that the power grid goes down, how would we best handle the situation? Well, I would remove our leaders and planners and put them together in a safe place, traditionally the plan has been to put them in underground bunkers (cold war standard plan for nuclear war). Last year Americans bought more guns than in our history, that is a bad sign. If the government told them that they know the power grid is going to go out year, what would you expect people to do? I think that some would prepare to take what they wanted when preparing to rebuild would in fact be the best choice.
You may ask why what I think is being prepared for is more likely than what Mr. Jones or Mr. Icke think is going on and it is a fair question. There are way too many old cold warriors and current and retired intelligence officers to pull off a government takeover without being discovered and reported. While I long ago decided I did not wish to be involved in such work, I also knew some of these people and believe me, you don't want to mess with them. There is an old poem that says, "And the gobblegins will get you if you don't watch out".
There was a movie called "Deep Impact" about a meteor hitting the earth and killing untold numbers. In the movie certain people were identified to be protected and taken into underground bunkers so that we would have a continuity of humanity. That is standard planning for overwhelming events. Who would you want to survive one of these catastrophes, you would want the people who had the skills, knowledge, abilities and experience to rebuild correctly and quickly. Why, because that makes the most sense from a societal standpoint.
Now here is another question, what about all these people buying guns and preparing for the end of the world, what would you expect them to do if the power grid went down? They bought the guns for a reason. Does this all sound rather scary, well it should and it could be, that is what we pay people to make contingency plans for; but, it doesn't mean it is going to happen. The currency collapse will happen; but, Germany and Mexico and other countries have survived hyperinflation without losing all control, they continued. The solar flares, while a very real possibility, may miss us.
You might wonder what my emergency preparedness plan is, mine is to trust in God and make sure that I have food for my dog. My emergency plan for an earthquake is a credit card and a trip to Vegas. Preparations for something are being made, that is easy enough to see. Animals are dying off in strange ways, odd noises in the air and increased solar flare activity is occurring. Volcanoes and earthquakes are happening more frequently, pretty scary stuff. One meteorologist made a video saying that she believed that it was all due to the diminished magnetic field around the earth and the increased solar activity. If she is correct than a major flare could cause major earthquakes and eruptions.
So, why did I finally choose to write this post. Well, I don't want people getting agitated about what is going on and coming to the wrong conclusions. I want people to support the Constitution regardless of any threats we may face and I want to see the government be responsive to the people. I also want to see the people with power have to follow the same rules as the rest of us and they don't; but, I also believe in restraint and faith.
Personally, I am very much a Christian and don't believe the world will end this year. I don't know the time and the day; but, I do believe we know what will happen first and it hasn't happened. If I wasn't a Christian, I still wouldn't believe that the world will end this year. Having said that, I do believe this year will be very challenging for many and I also believe that we will survive it. Peace.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Earth as a Living Organism
More garbage from what used to be science. I won't bother posting a link to anything, I will just discuss it. There is a scientist who has published a paper claiming that the earth is a living organism. This is not the first time this silliness has been proposed. There were a number of people who believed in the "Gaia" idea and it would satisfy many "environmentalists" who want to give the earth the right to sue people when we damage it.
The earth is not a living being, it has living beings on it; but, it is not a living being itself. It is not science to claim that it is, it is probably just an attempt to get UN funding. Where has intellectual integrity gone? The news is nothing but spin and science says whatever it is paid to say.
In order for people to accept the horrid way in which the world works and where it is going people have to come to believe certain things. Lets look at this for a moment.
rsn - 10 Steps Toward Radical Revolution in the USA
Lets look at where many people think they want to go. The above article lays it out; but, I am only interested in a couple of them items for the moment. First - Direct Democracy. Second - Don't let corporations be treated as people. Third - Protect the Earth. Fourth - Everyone has the right to a living wage job. The article mentions others; but, I chose these because they sound good and are not in the application.
Direct Democracy, I have written about that previously. You cannot have meaningful laws under direct democracy, only vague ones that the people enforcing will determine what was really meant.
Treating corporations as people. One of my professors once said that the creation of the corporation as a legal entity was one of the greatest things ever done. He pointed out that it allowed for large projects to be jointly funded and made people willing to invest in such endeavors. Putting an end to this legal fiction will mean that there will be no competition because new large organizations will be incapable of emerging.
Protecting the earth, well, after all it is a person, lol. This is the idea that the earth matters and you do not. Garbage.
Finally, everyone having a right to a living wage job. They told the Jews that in Nazi Germany, "Work is Freedom". Be careful when something is called a right and it becomes a requirement. If everyone has a right to a job, what happens to the people who don't exercise that right? Do we force them to work? That will be the answer and that is true slavery.
The earth is not a living being, it has living beings on it; but, it is not a living being itself. It is not science to claim that it is, it is probably just an attempt to get UN funding. Where has intellectual integrity gone? The news is nothing but spin and science says whatever it is paid to say.
In order for people to accept the horrid way in which the world works and where it is going people have to come to believe certain things. Lets look at this for a moment.
rsn - 10 Steps Toward Radical Revolution in the USA
Lets look at where many people think they want to go. The above article lays it out; but, I am only interested in a couple of them items for the moment. First - Direct Democracy. Second - Don't let corporations be treated as people. Third - Protect the Earth. Fourth - Everyone has the right to a living wage job. The article mentions others; but, I chose these because they sound good and are not in the application.
Direct Democracy, I have written about that previously. You cannot have meaningful laws under direct democracy, only vague ones that the people enforcing will determine what was really meant.
Treating corporations as people. One of my professors once said that the creation of the corporation as a legal entity was one of the greatest things ever done. He pointed out that it allowed for large projects to be jointly funded and made people willing to invest in such endeavors. Putting an end to this legal fiction will mean that there will be no competition because new large organizations will be incapable of emerging.
Protecting the earth, well, after all it is a person, lol. This is the idea that the earth matters and you do not. Garbage.
Finally, everyone having a right to a living wage job. They told the Jews that in Nazi Germany, "Work is Freedom". Be careful when something is called a right and it becomes a requirement. If everyone has a right to a job, what happens to the people who don't exercise that right? Do we force them to work? That will be the answer and that is true slavery.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tired Too Much
I am definitely not 20 anymore. When my sleep routine gets upset I end up by overcompensating and sleeping for 16 hours or more. I guess I am getting old, lol. Oh well. Buy and large I haven't minded aging, actually I have sort of enjoyed it. I would have to say that I am probably the happiest that I have been in my life, at least the most at peace.
I did manage to read some news today, not as much as usual; but, the big media outlets. There was a video article about Joan Rivers getting another face lift and her daughter trying to stop her. I would hate to feel that way about myself. I may no longer be the youthful gymnast; but, I am not trying to be 18 again.
When people get divorced the first thing they often do is begin working on their looks. I didn't do that and never considered it. I look the same now as then except four years older. I don't want to worry about how I look or be afraid that I can't find a woman who could accept me for who I am and the fact is that I have found that most accept me for exactly who I am. And I am still on the fence about whether or not I will date this year; but, if I do, it is me they are going to get.
Totally off subject, for anyone who cared, my dog's eye is getting much better. He did figure out how to remove his cone of shame in less than a day; but, he is a determined little rat to say the least and we put it back on with packing tape. It will come off when the inflammation is gone and he doesn't try and scratch it anymore.
Rambling post and I am going back to bed, who needs to be awake more than 6 hours a day. LOL. Apparently I don't. Peace.
I did manage to read some news today, not as much as usual; but, the big media outlets. There was a video article about Joan Rivers getting another face lift and her daughter trying to stop her. I would hate to feel that way about myself. I may no longer be the youthful gymnast; but, I am not trying to be 18 again.
When people get divorced the first thing they often do is begin working on their looks. I didn't do that and never considered it. I look the same now as then except four years older. I don't want to worry about how I look or be afraid that I can't find a woman who could accept me for who I am and the fact is that I have found that most accept me for exactly who I am. And I am still on the fence about whether or not I will date this year; but, if I do, it is me they are going to get.
Totally off subject, for anyone who cared, my dog's eye is getting much better. He did figure out how to remove his cone of shame in less than a day; but, he is a determined little rat to say the least and we put it back on with packing tape. It will come off when the inflammation is gone and he doesn't try and scratch it anymore.
Rambling post and I am going back to bed, who needs to be awake more than 6 hours a day. LOL. Apparently I don't. Peace.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Federal Reserve and Useless News Sources
The Federal Reserve is not real popular right now. Many people have finally come to understand that it is NOT part of the government and that it is really nothing more than a superbank that sets the rules for other banks. People have also come to realize that we owe it trillions of dollars. Ron Paul has called for the elimination of the Federal Reserve as have the Tea Party people and the Occupy Wall Street people. And now I see this on Yahoo.
Aaron Task of the Daily Ticker via Yahoo News - No, the Fed Does NOT ‘Print Money’: Just Explain It
The article and accompanying video pretty much go into explaining how the U.S. Treasury prints the money. It does, for 3 cents per bill regardless of the amount. What the article pretty much dances around is the fact that the Federal Reserve determines how much needs to be printed. It is important to remember that for every dollar printed, the value of 9 more is allowed to be loaned, pre-debt if you will. The Federal Reserve therefore controls 9/10ths of what can be loaned. It doesn't matter who prints the money, what matters is who controls the supply and the Federal Reserve controls the supply. The article is misleading at a minimum as it skirts the real issues, so why did he write the article in the first place, clearly it wasn't to help people to understand how money works.
Now, I want you to consider this possibility. All of the "currencies" crash, become worthless, hyperinflation that we cannot print the bills fast enough to deal with. What if the international reaction was to go to all electronic currencies that were pegged to the total mineral, labor and infrastructure wealth of a nation. You would need an international organization to set what the valuation was at. Hmmm, where could we find such an organization, perhaps the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. Just some thoughts.
Okay, if either the IMF or World Bank set the rates then they would be just like a world central bank. I do hope someone finds this interesting enough to continue reading. Now, here is an even better question, how can you have a world where all money is electronic if you don't have it internationally based. By the way, the cookie you get for accepting such a deal is the elimination of all debt. Hyperinflation has a way of doing that.
We are headed to all electronic currencies and people should understand how they will work and what it all means. People will be ecstatic when all the debt is erased; but, that is nothing compared to the freedom that will be lost when there is no more hard, physical currency. Lets say that we have an all electronic currency (and if you want to investigate one that is being tried just search "bitcoin"), now lets say that you have your citizenship revoked (I previously posted on how this can happen under the laws passed this year), what happens when they turn off your electric money, how do you survive?
All electronic money means total control over buying and selling and for many, survival. I know, it sounds crazy; but, go back and read the other things that I said would happen and test my track record, it is pretty good. We have entered the Twilight Zone and the people look around and nothing makes sense because they don't understand how to read the game and I assure you, it is all a game. Sheep get led and the minute the sheep think they know what is going on is when they have been completely fooled.
When they eliminate physical currency, they will also make it very difficult to have a black market or sell illegal items. It will take the money out of the hands of the criminals and that will make many people happy. Eliminate the national debt and stop crime in one easy step. That would increase the value of money that you did have. Consider this, hyperinflation could result in the opposite for those who earn their money. A big cookie to lead people to less freedom. We shall see how things progress. Peace.
Aaron Task of the Daily Ticker via Yahoo News - No, the Fed Does NOT ‘Print Money’: Just Explain It
The article and accompanying video pretty much go into explaining how the U.S. Treasury prints the money. It does, for 3 cents per bill regardless of the amount. What the article pretty much dances around is the fact that the Federal Reserve determines how much needs to be printed. It is important to remember that for every dollar printed, the value of 9 more is allowed to be loaned, pre-debt if you will. The Federal Reserve therefore controls 9/10ths of what can be loaned. It doesn't matter who prints the money, what matters is who controls the supply and the Federal Reserve controls the supply. The article is misleading at a minimum as it skirts the real issues, so why did he write the article in the first place, clearly it wasn't to help people to understand how money works.
Now, I want you to consider this possibility. All of the "currencies" crash, become worthless, hyperinflation that we cannot print the bills fast enough to deal with. What if the international reaction was to go to all electronic currencies that were pegged to the total mineral, labor and infrastructure wealth of a nation. You would need an international organization to set what the valuation was at. Hmmm, where could we find such an organization, perhaps the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. Just some thoughts.
Okay, if either the IMF or World Bank set the rates then they would be just like a world central bank. I do hope someone finds this interesting enough to continue reading. Now, here is an even better question, how can you have a world where all money is electronic if you don't have it internationally based. By the way, the cookie you get for accepting such a deal is the elimination of all debt. Hyperinflation has a way of doing that.
We are headed to all electronic currencies and people should understand how they will work and what it all means. People will be ecstatic when all the debt is erased; but, that is nothing compared to the freedom that will be lost when there is no more hard, physical currency. Lets say that we have an all electronic currency (and if you want to investigate one that is being tried just search "bitcoin"), now lets say that you have your citizenship revoked (I previously posted on how this can happen under the laws passed this year), what happens when they turn off your electric money, how do you survive?
All electronic money means total control over buying and selling and for many, survival. I know, it sounds crazy; but, go back and read the other things that I said would happen and test my track record, it is pretty good. We have entered the Twilight Zone and the people look around and nothing makes sense because they don't understand how to read the game and I assure you, it is all a game. Sheep get led and the minute the sheep think they know what is going on is when they have been completely fooled.
When they eliminate physical currency, they will also make it very difficult to have a black market or sell illegal items. It will take the money out of the hands of the criminals and that will make many people happy. Eliminate the national debt and stop crime in one easy step. That would increase the value of money that you did have. Consider this, hyperinflation could result in the opposite for those who earn their money. A big cookie to lead people to less freedom. We shall see how things progress. Peace.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Bad News for Freedom
Here are some articles and things for you to consider.
CBS New York - Exclusive: ‘Digital DNA’ May Soon Be Required To Take SAT And ACT Exams
This is what I have been talking about for years. A "digital identification". Think that isn't bad enough, consider this article which says that the Federal government requires schools to keep tons of information on your children as a permanent record and in most states parents are not even allowed to view the information.
U.S. News - Who Should Have Access to Student Records?
CBS New York - Exclusive: ‘Digital DNA’ May Soon Be Required To Take SAT And ACT Exams
This is what I have been talking about for years. A "digital identification". Think that isn't bad enough, consider this article which says that the Federal government requires schools to keep tons of information on your children as a permanent record and in most states parents are not even allowed to view the information.
U.S. News - Who Should Have Access to Student Records?
My Dog

My dog scratched his eyelid or it got irritated from something, in either case we kept an eye on it over the weekend. When I woke up this morning I checked it and it had gotten worse so I took him to the vet. They checked his temperature, he didn't like that much and gave him some medicine and then placed him in the cone of shame. I am including a picture.
Anyways, he was given some pills and lotions and steroids. Yes, the little dog you see in the picture is now on steroids. Perhaps he will become a body builder or governor. So, after some additional stops we finally got him home and he detests his dome of shame. He is spending the rest of the day bumping into things and giving me the evil eye. He doesn't understand what is going on.
I haven't had a chance to read the news or really do anything else; but, I will read the news and see if there is anything worth discussing. Peace.
Sorry for not posting
It is Monday and my dog is ill. I am taking my dog to the vet, I don't think it is anything really bad, he hurt his eyelid somehow and just needs some antibiotics and a doggie halo so that he wont rub it, at least that is what I think is needed. The vet wont be open for a couple of hours so I have a moment to write.
My dog, dogs in general, sure love us. I have had cats and had cats I liked; but, there is nothing quite like a dog. I will not become some crazy cat lady; but, I could become the guy that never leaves his dogs side or vice versa. I have had many dogs in my life and loved them; but, I have never had a dog that loved me as much as my current dog, I am the center of his universe. Funny how we can be the center of another animals universe and it only happens with dogs and people.
Anyways, I am sure my dog will be fine after we see the vet and in the meantime I wish you and yours well. Peace.
My dog, dogs in general, sure love us. I have had cats and had cats I liked; but, there is nothing quite like a dog. I will not become some crazy cat lady; but, I could become the guy that never leaves his dogs side or vice versa. I have had many dogs in my life and loved them; but, I have never had a dog that loved me as much as my current dog, I am the center of his universe. Funny how we can be the center of another animals universe and it only happens with dogs and people.
Anyways, I am sure my dog will be fine after we see the vet and in the meantime I wish you and yours well. Peace.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Three Parents Genetically
Our good friends at "Lets Play God" have found a new game to play. Using the genetic makeup of three people (two women and one man) to create a baby. Eventually we will be able to totally select a persons genetic makeup, this could get expensive. What if we could take your personality, the intelligence of Einstein, the beauty of Natalie Portman (I personally would think Natalie Wood), the strength of Mike Tyson and whatever other traits you wanted and design your child, would you do it? My guess is that my readers would not; but, would others? What does this type of science lead to, it will only be successful if it has an economic return and obviously there are those who believe their efforts will make them money.
Here is the article. The Independent - 'Three-parent IVF' may be made legal in UK, says minister
How many dangerous roads do we want to travel down at the same time? We have destroyed our economy, are gene splicing human cells with non-human cells and creating babies from three people. There is plenty that I have left out; but, just those three can lead to consequences that we cannot comprehend. Decisions regarding how we use these things are NOT based on logic; but, are instead based on profit and that ignores important things like ethics and safety.
Here is the article. The Independent - 'Three-parent IVF' may be made legal in UK, says minister
How many dangerous roads do we want to travel down at the same time? We have destroyed our economy, are gene splicing human cells with non-human cells and creating babies from three people. There is plenty that I have left out; but, just those three can lead to consequences that we cannot comprehend. Decisions regarding how we use these things are NOT based on logic; but, are instead based on profit and that ignores important things like ethics and safety.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
H.R. 3166 - Enemy Expatriation Act - H.R. 3166 - Enemy Expatriation Act
This bill currently before congress would give the government the right to revoke a nationals citizenship. In other words, they can take away your citizenship even if you were born here to two parents who were citizens and also born here. This is unconstitutional, plain and simple; but, lets consider what it might mean.
What happens if you lose your citizenship and do not hold citizenship in another country, what rights do you have at that point? Well, obviously you don't get to vote and perhaps you wouldn't even have a right to work. It also means that you would not be entitled to your constitutional rights. Basically, you would have all the rights of an illegal alien. Maybe people should have thought a lot harder about which rights illegal aliens should have.
How does one take away another's "inalienable" rights? How does that become constitutional? You matter, no matter what they say, no matter what the law, you matter and I matter. The moment your government says you don't matter, it doesn't deserve your respect. Peace.
This bill currently before congress would give the government the right to revoke a nationals citizenship. In other words, they can take away your citizenship even if you were born here to two parents who were citizens and also born here. This is unconstitutional, plain and simple; but, lets consider what it might mean.
What happens if you lose your citizenship and do not hold citizenship in another country, what rights do you have at that point? Well, obviously you don't get to vote and perhaps you wouldn't even have a right to work. It also means that you would not be entitled to your constitutional rights. Basically, you would have all the rights of an illegal alien. Maybe people should have thought a lot harder about which rights illegal aliens should have.
How does one take away another's "inalienable" rights? How does that become constitutional? You matter, no matter what they say, no matter what the law, you matter and I matter. The moment your government says you don't matter, it doesn't deserve your respect. Peace.
Medical Madness and Your Rights
Here is an interesting article from the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics - Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?
The authors argue that it would be okay to force people to participate in clinical trials of vaccines and we are not talking about soldiers or felons. They also make the claim that paying people as an incentive is wrong because the trials fall on the poor. If you read my last post you might begin to see where all of this is going.
What will the price tag be to receive medical treatment in the future in the United States, what rights will you have to give up? Perhaps you will need to donate your organs to science, perhaps you will need to participate in vaccine trials or even be required to be vaccinated before receiving treatment. This could go down in a lot of different ways; but, they all come down to you as an individual ceasing to be important.
The authors argue that it would be okay to force people to participate in clinical trials of vaccines and we are not talking about soldiers or felons. They also make the claim that paying people as an incentive is wrong because the trials fall on the poor. If you read my last post you might begin to see where all of this is going.
What will the price tag be to receive medical treatment in the future in the United States, what rights will you have to give up? Perhaps you will need to donate your organs to science, perhaps you will need to participate in vaccine trials or even be required to be vaccinated before receiving treatment. This could go down in a lot of different ways; but, they all come down to you as an individual ceasing to be important.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Medicine and Enslavement
A couple of years ago the Federal government began requiring doctors and hospitals to make electronic copies of all medical records. Supposedly this was to help people bring their records with them wherever they might go. Since then we have had the federal government institute laws for "health care reform", many call this new healthcare law "Obamacare" which isn't truly accurate. Well, calling it reform isn't really accurate either. Whenever they take away something from the average person they tend to call it reform Pension reform means you get paid less when you retire.
Anyways, now that all of your health information is electronic we can do amazing things. As healthcare costs begin to fall on the federal government there will be an increasing concern over those who don't do preventative actions to stay healthy. If you choose to be obese or smoke there will no doubt be a higher charge to you for your healthcare or a reduction in the care that you get. Now here is where it gets truly invasive and your privacy goes away.
Huffington Post UK - New 'Smart' Pill With Edible Microchip Monitors Patients' Medication
According to the article they will be able to give you a pill that monitors your taking of your medicines, your sleep, your eating habits. Three years ago I stopped taking all the pills that the doctors had placed me on. I have also refused to go and see my doctors anymore. Nice enough people; but, the pills were killing me and I had enough of them.
So, what happens if you refuse to take the pill. You will probably be denied healthcare. Here is an article from "Before it is News" - The Digitization of Health Information: Why Primary Care Is At A Moneyball Moment
Think it sounds crazy. Guess what, as I was writing this I paused by Yahoo news and found this article. Yahoo News - The Atlantic - 5% of Americans Made Up 50% of U.S. Healthcare Spending
I like how the article ends talking about how the real challenge is bringing down healthcare costs. Perhaps we will all get a predesignated amount of healthcare for our lifetime and it will be up to us to save it for when we are older. We shall see.
Anyways, now that all of your health information is electronic we can do amazing things. As healthcare costs begin to fall on the federal government there will be an increasing concern over those who don't do preventative actions to stay healthy. If you choose to be obese or smoke there will no doubt be a higher charge to you for your healthcare or a reduction in the care that you get. Now here is where it gets truly invasive and your privacy goes away.
Huffington Post UK - New 'Smart' Pill With Edible Microchip Monitors Patients' Medication
According to the article they will be able to give you a pill that monitors your taking of your medicines, your sleep, your eating habits. Three years ago I stopped taking all the pills that the doctors had placed me on. I have also refused to go and see my doctors anymore. Nice enough people; but, the pills were killing me and I had enough of them.
So, what happens if you refuse to take the pill. You will probably be denied healthcare. Here is an article from "Before it is News" - The Digitization of Health Information: Why Primary Care Is At A Moneyball Moment
Think it sounds crazy. Guess what, as I was writing this I paused by Yahoo news and found this article. Yahoo News - The Atlantic - 5% of Americans Made Up 50% of U.S. Healthcare Spending
I like how the article ends talking about how the real challenge is bringing down healthcare costs. Perhaps we will all get a predesignated amount of healthcare for our lifetime and it will be up to us to save it for when we are older. We shall see.
Monday, January 16, 2012
A Video Report about Biometric India
I didn't come up with the title for the video. This is a Sky News report about the Indian government's biometrically identifying everyone in the country. The professed reason is to stop government corruption. Huh? I guess the implication is that it will be tied to all financial transactions. It should go fairly nicely along with the coming required international internet i.d.
YouTube - The Mark of The Beast in India
YouTube - The Mark of The Beast in India
Did You Hear the One About Chiasso
So two Japanese guys were stopped at the Italian border with Chiasso, Switzerland. Some reports said that the two gentlemen worked for the Japanese finance ministry. In either case, they were found with $134 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds. This happened in June of 2009; but, I just now got around to writing about it.
The United States was called in to verify if they were real and there seems to be some confusing and conflicting data on the answer. Eventually the government said that they were probably fakes, probably.
Oh, the two men, we don't know who they were and they were allowed to leave. In fact, nothing has been said what became of the two. I find that a little odd. Each bond was for about $500 million. Now, who could you possibly sell them to, anyone would verify that they were good before accepting them. The total dollar amount is staggering and there is no way to use them without them being verified first.
In 2009 two Philippine nationals were stopped with $180 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds and then in 2011 in Italy, six people were caught with $20 billion in U.S. Treasury Bonds. What is interesting about the Italian case is that the people involved are being charged with receiving stolen goods. Doesn't that mean that the bonds were real?
So what are we supposed to believe? What the heck is going on. Either all the bonds are fake, in which case you have to ask why anyone would bother faking them or the bonds are real in which case, who could possibly think to move such amounts of money? While Glen Beck mentioned the Chiasso incident on his show, it failed to get any real attention in the mainstream media.
The United States was called in to verify if they were real and there seems to be some confusing and conflicting data on the answer. Eventually the government said that they were probably fakes, probably.
Oh, the two men, we don't know who they were and they were allowed to leave. In fact, nothing has been said what became of the two. I find that a little odd. Each bond was for about $500 million. Now, who could you possibly sell them to, anyone would verify that they were good before accepting them. The total dollar amount is staggering and there is no way to use them without them being verified first.
In 2009 two Philippine nationals were stopped with $180 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds and then in 2011 in Italy, six people were caught with $20 billion in U.S. Treasury Bonds. What is interesting about the Italian case is that the people involved are being charged with receiving stolen goods. Doesn't that mean that the bonds were real?
So what are we supposed to believe? What the heck is going on. Either all the bonds are fake, in which case you have to ask why anyone would bother faking them or the bonds are real in which case, who could possibly think to move such amounts of money? While Glen Beck mentioned the Chiasso incident on his show, it failed to get any real attention in the mainstream media.
A Day Off and Things to Tag as Music
It is four in the morning and I am thinking, never a good thing. One thing I decided to do to keep my mind from wandering was tag all the posts that have music as Music. Hope you enjoy.
YouTube - The Beatles - Fixing a Hole
YouTube - The Beatles - Fixing a Hole
Some Music
YouTube - The Psychedelic Furs - Heartbreak Beat
YouTube - Dido - White Flag
YouTube - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun
YouTube - Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking
YouTube - Flash and the Pan - Hey Saint Peter
YouTube - Suzi Quatro and Chris Noran - Stumblin In
YouTube - Falco - Rock Me Amadeus
YouTube - Falco - Der Kommissar
YouTube - Billy Idol - Eyes Without a Face
YouTube - David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
You know, I went across the street today to go to the store. When I got there I was told how much I was loved. Isn't that strange, isn't the fact that random young people tell me that they love me? We saw a baby and it smiled and blew me a kiss, I don't understand it. There are people that meet me and just like me and I don't understand why. I mean, I like kids and they seem to like me; but, I meet people that take an immediate liking to me and I cannot understand why. Is this normal?
YouTube - David Bowie - Putting Out Fire
YouTube - The Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
YouTube - John Parr - Naughty Naughty
YouTube - Robert Palmer - Johnny and Mary
YouTube - Talk, Talk - Talk Talk
I do hope you have enjoyed the music, I woke up early and wanted to listen to some. Peace.
YouTube - Dido - White Flag
YouTube - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun
YouTube - Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking
YouTube - Flash and the Pan - Hey Saint Peter
YouTube - Suzi Quatro and Chris Noran - Stumblin In
YouTube - Falco - Rock Me Amadeus
YouTube - Falco - Der Kommissar
YouTube - Billy Idol - Eyes Without a Face
YouTube - David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
You know, I went across the street today to go to the store. When I got there I was told how much I was loved. Isn't that strange, isn't the fact that random young people tell me that they love me? We saw a baby and it smiled and blew me a kiss, I don't understand it. There are people that meet me and just like me and I don't understand why. I mean, I like kids and they seem to like me; but, I meet people that take an immediate liking to me and I cannot understand why. Is this normal?
YouTube - David Bowie - Putting Out Fire
YouTube - The Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
YouTube - John Parr - Naughty Naughty
YouTube - Robert Palmer - Johnny and Mary
YouTube - Talk, Talk - Talk Talk
I do hope you have enjoyed the music, I woke up early and wanted to listen to some. Peace.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Something Wicked This Way Comes
I think I should let my readers know something. Things are about to get worse, they are going to get a lot worse. On Friday, the 13th by the way lol, nine European countries had their credit ratings downgraded. That may not mean much to you; but, let me put it in personal terms. Imagine that your credit rating went from 750 to 650, you would have to pay higher interest rates for anything you bought on credit, same thing here.
As Europe's currencies crash and burn, it takes ours with them. Remember where I wrote about how we had approved massive "loans" of dollars in exchange for European currencies. Remember how the Federal Reserve lent Billions and Billions to European central banks. The currencies are all knotted together.
So what happens when the currencies are no longer valued? Well, a number of years ago the Mexican peso collapsed and they came out with a new peso valued at like 100 to 1 of the prior peso. In other words, they deflated the value of their old currency and paid off their debt with their new currency. Basically it is like paying off your debt at 10% of your promise. It is a form of hyperinflation that only effects foreign debt. This might sound like a good idea; but, it is meaningless when all of the currencies are interwoven.
We are going to be poorer, that is the bottom line. The United States has been globalized. So what solution will be offered, the same one that was given to Europe, we will be taxed more and given less. In Europe they call it austerity. While I agree with much of what Ron Paul believes, I disagree with austerity as proposed. There is a foolishness in this country that confuses capitalism with democracy. They are not the same.
Democracy is where the majority make laws. Aristotle believed there were only six types of government. Government run by one person for either the benefit of others or the ruler. Then you have government run by the few for the benefit of others or themselves and finally government by the majority for the benefit of the majority or all. Aristotle believed all eventually came to benefit their own group. He believed that democracy was best because it benefited the most, it at least benefited the majority.
We don't live in a democracy, the government is being run for the benefit of a few, not for the benefit of the majority. Once we get past the type of government we have you have to consider the type of economy you have. You can have a king and still have capitalism or communism or many different isms. I would like to think that we had capitalism; but, we do not. We have a highly regulated economy. Your business is regulated in many ways including the fact that you don't have the right to do business with whoever you want. Put up a sign on your restaurant that says no blacks or gays or whatever, you will get in trouble.
The truth is that the United States has ceased being capitalistic and democratic. Once you understand that, you can begin to understand what will happen after the currencies collapse. Austerity. Austerity is where the majority get less and the laws only favor a few. We call that an oligarchy, the use of government to benefit the few ruling elite.
We don't have much to look forward to in the way of politicians. We have a series of wealthy people who openly state that they are dictatorial and don't care about people who are not rich. Then we have Ron Paul who would make the poor pay for the mistakes of the wealthy. None of the candidates actually cares about how we distribute wealth equitably. They are more concerned about "capitalism" then they are with Democracy. When a nations economic system does not benefit the majority, then you have no democracy, you have an oligarchy.
The solution, there must be a solution. There is, it is a cashless society. There was an article last week about a German woman who hasn't used cash in 16 years. You won't have cash, just debt, in the end that is all cash is, a promise to give materials or labor in exchange for the materials or labor of another. That is currency, that is the dollar, that is money.
Please read the linked article and watch the video, it is what IBM intends to benefit from in the next five years. Peace and love.
Beyond the Cashless Society: IBM’s Vision for the Future
As Europe's currencies crash and burn, it takes ours with them. Remember where I wrote about how we had approved massive "loans" of dollars in exchange for European currencies. Remember how the Federal Reserve lent Billions and Billions to European central banks. The currencies are all knotted together.
So what happens when the currencies are no longer valued? Well, a number of years ago the Mexican peso collapsed and they came out with a new peso valued at like 100 to 1 of the prior peso. In other words, they deflated the value of their old currency and paid off their debt with their new currency. Basically it is like paying off your debt at 10% of your promise. It is a form of hyperinflation that only effects foreign debt. This might sound like a good idea; but, it is meaningless when all of the currencies are interwoven.
We are going to be poorer, that is the bottom line. The United States has been globalized. So what solution will be offered, the same one that was given to Europe, we will be taxed more and given less. In Europe they call it austerity. While I agree with much of what Ron Paul believes, I disagree with austerity as proposed. There is a foolishness in this country that confuses capitalism with democracy. They are not the same.
Democracy is where the majority make laws. Aristotle believed there were only six types of government. Government run by one person for either the benefit of others or the ruler. Then you have government run by the few for the benefit of others or themselves and finally government by the majority for the benefit of the majority or all. Aristotle believed all eventually came to benefit their own group. He believed that democracy was best because it benefited the most, it at least benefited the majority.
We don't live in a democracy, the government is being run for the benefit of a few, not for the benefit of the majority. Once we get past the type of government we have you have to consider the type of economy you have. You can have a king and still have capitalism or communism or many different isms. I would like to think that we had capitalism; but, we do not. We have a highly regulated economy. Your business is regulated in many ways including the fact that you don't have the right to do business with whoever you want. Put up a sign on your restaurant that says no blacks or gays or whatever, you will get in trouble.
The truth is that the United States has ceased being capitalistic and democratic. Once you understand that, you can begin to understand what will happen after the currencies collapse. Austerity. Austerity is where the majority get less and the laws only favor a few. We call that an oligarchy, the use of government to benefit the few ruling elite.
We don't have much to look forward to in the way of politicians. We have a series of wealthy people who openly state that they are dictatorial and don't care about people who are not rich. Then we have Ron Paul who would make the poor pay for the mistakes of the wealthy. None of the candidates actually cares about how we distribute wealth equitably. They are more concerned about "capitalism" then they are with Democracy. When a nations economic system does not benefit the majority, then you have no democracy, you have an oligarchy.
The solution, there must be a solution. There is, it is a cashless society. There was an article last week about a German woman who hasn't used cash in 16 years. You won't have cash, just debt, in the end that is all cash is, a promise to give materials or labor in exchange for the materials or labor of another. That is currency, that is the dollar, that is money.
Please read the linked article and watch the video, it is what IBM intends to benefit from in the next five years. Peace and love.
Beyond the Cashless Society: IBM’s Vision for the Future
I Have the Day Off, So Some Scattered Thoughts
I was fortunate enough to be invited to the movies by two of my friends. A married couple that I happen to think very highly of. I enjoy going out on occasion and we had a find evening. We saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie and had a nice dinner. Now here is a shocker, I have never been on a double date in my life except when I was married, not when I was just dating. When I dated it was always just the two of us.
On a side note, see scattered, my dog doesn't like it when someone gives me a neck rub. Sometimes my daughter or one of my friends will put their hands on me in affection and my dog flips out. My dog is very jealous of me. He is in fact and idiot; but, I am stuck with him and I love him I guess. LOL.
I know, where is this all leading, is there a point. Yes, thank you very much, there is a point and it resides at the top of my head. I am seriously considering dating again sometime this year. I assume I will still get to go out on occasion with my friends; but, someday I will bring someone with me perhaps. How they interact with my friends will be important, how they act with my dog will be important and the same goes for how I interact with their family and friends.
I was going back and forth in my head a lot about this dating thing. I was seriously considering not dating ever again and then I think maybe I should. I was beginning to think that maybe it isn't worth the effort, the responsibility of it all. I am not 18 anymore and I fear that I am growing set in my ways. I was talking to a friend and he told me that if I don't start pretty soon then I will probably never date again. I thought about that a lot and you know what, he is probably right. I am way too comfortable being single.
There is a very pretty lady that seems to have a thing for me and I have a thing for running away from her. That is the fear side coming out. It is not that I am afraid of getting burned again, it is more about the effort that I believe one should put into a relationship. I am not a casual person and will not be looking for a casual relationship.
If I do find someone and get in a relationship, it will no doubt impact this blog. Heck, I am working all week, preaching on Saturdays soon and I write somewhere on a daily basis. Just reading the news for me takes a few hours because of all the sources that I check. I think I might have to cut back on the reading and writing if I do find someone.
I do have a tendency to analyze things don't I? I remember this cartoon that my mother gave me. The cartoon had a picture of Sherlock Holmes examining a wrapped Christmas present and Watson says something like, "Just open the darn thing and be surprised like everyone else". Just go out there and date, find an attractive and nice woman and shack up. That just doesn't fit me.
Sometimes I think what I really want is to just retire and fade away off into the distance. Become a true hermit, just me and my dog. Walk away from society and enjoy some peace and quiet. I know my friends would be disappointed in me if I did so and I still have a trick or two up my sleeve, I still have something to offer to others and we should be in service to one another.
Pimpernel vacillates, I think one thing and then I think another. Maybe it is the cold or the exhaustion; but, I know it isn't. It is me trying to figure out what I want and I still don't know. That is not quite true, I know what I want; but, I cannot have it. I cannot be with the love of my life because she is dead. Someone once said that you can never go home. You cannot turn the clock back and get a redo. Nope, you continue moving forward and picking up baggage, belongings, possessions and scars.
What would it mean to love again? What would it mean to commit to knowing a person completely again? It sounds like a lot of work if you really want to be in a relationship.
On a completely different note, my parents spent a lot of money sending me to Law School knowing that I never intended to practice law. That was pretty amazing of them, maybe they thought I might practice; but, I made it clear that I didn't intend to. I was really more interested in how the law worked because I was interested in writing laws and I have written a couple. If it were not for my parents sacrificing to send me to college and law school, I would not have been able to do the things that I have in this life and I can no longer thank them and did not thank them enough while they were alive. You cannot go home again.
I know a very wonderful lady. She is a widow, she lost the love of her life. It was hard for her to date, men felt uncomfortable thinking they were competing with a dead person. I find myself in the same situation, the love of my life is dead. How do you give all of your heart when there is a part that is forever intertwined with another? Is it fair to the other person and do you have to tell them? "Just open the package".
Is it right to have a committed relationship if you cannot commit totally. My ex cheated on me, that is not a drawback to my having a relationship with another. The love of my life died, that is a restriction, there is a part of my heart that I can never give away, is that fair to another?
Life is so funny. I am so comfortable with nothing and still as a human, I miss companionship at times; but, I already know my soulmate and she is dead. Where do I go from here, to less? Better yet, do I discover that my soulmate was not and find one that is even more of a soulmate, how could I trust that decision?
These are questions that we all address on some level, we each answer them with our truth. There is a movie called "When Harry met Sally". I seem to remember that in the movie Billy Crystal asks Meg Ryan what she would do, choose between loving or being loved, he asks which she would choose and then tells her to think about her answer. Most would say that they want to be loved; but, that means never loving completely. I think that would be hard, I have loved completely and loved and lost. I still want to love again, I would make a terrible fascist, I prefer to love and help.
What would it take for you to love someone more than you have ever loved anyone more than? Whatever is the most you have ever loved, what would it take to love someone more, what could ever be enough? Peace.
On a side note, see scattered, my dog doesn't like it when someone gives me a neck rub. Sometimes my daughter or one of my friends will put their hands on me in affection and my dog flips out. My dog is very jealous of me. He is in fact and idiot; but, I am stuck with him and I love him I guess. LOL.
I know, where is this all leading, is there a point. Yes, thank you very much, there is a point and it resides at the top of my head. I am seriously considering dating again sometime this year. I assume I will still get to go out on occasion with my friends; but, someday I will bring someone with me perhaps. How they interact with my friends will be important, how they act with my dog will be important and the same goes for how I interact with their family and friends.
I was going back and forth in my head a lot about this dating thing. I was seriously considering not dating ever again and then I think maybe I should. I was beginning to think that maybe it isn't worth the effort, the responsibility of it all. I am not 18 anymore and I fear that I am growing set in my ways. I was talking to a friend and he told me that if I don't start pretty soon then I will probably never date again. I thought about that a lot and you know what, he is probably right. I am way too comfortable being single.
There is a very pretty lady that seems to have a thing for me and I have a thing for running away from her. That is the fear side coming out. It is not that I am afraid of getting burned again, it is more about the effort that I believe one should put into a relationship. I am not a casual person and will not be looking for a casual relationship.
If I do find someone and get in a relationship, it will no doubt impact this blog. Heck, I am working all week, preaching on Saturdays soon and I write somewhere on a daily basis. Just reading the news for me takes a few hours because of all the sources that I check. I think I might have to cut back on the reading and writing if I do find someone.
I do have a tendency to analyze things don't I? I remember this cartoon that my mother gave me. The cartoon had a picture of Sherlock Holmes examining a wrapped Christmas present and Watson says something like, "Just open the darn thing and be surprised like everyone else". Just go out there and date, find an attractive and nice woman and shack up. That just doesn't fit me.
Sometimes I think what I really want is to just retire and fade away off into the distance. Become a true hermit, just me and my dog. Walk away from society and enjoy some peace and quiet. I know my friends would be disappointed in me if I did so and I still have a trick or two up my sleeve, I still have something to offer to others and we should be in service to one another.
Pimpernel vacillates, I think one thing and then I think another. Maybe it is the cold or the exhaustion; but, I know it isn't. It is me trying to figure out what I want and I still don't know. That is not quite true, I know what I want; but, I cannot have it. I cannot be with the love of my life because she is dead. Someone once said that you can never go home. You cannot turn the clock back and get a redo. Nope, you continue moving forward and picking up baggage, belongings, possessions and scars.
What would it mean to love again? What would it mean to commit to knowing a person completely again? It sounds like a lot of work if you really want to be in a relationship.
On a completely different note, my parents spent a lot of money sending me to Law School knowing that I never intended to practice law. That was pretty amazing of them, maybe they thought I might practice; but, I made it clear that I didn't intend to. I was really more interested in how the law worked because I was interested in writing laws and I have written a couple. If it were not for my parents sacrificing to send me to college and law school, I would not have been able to do the things that I have in this life and I can no longer thank them and did not thank them enough while they were alive. You cannot go home again.
I know a very wonderful lady. She is a widow, she lost the love of her life. It was hard for her to date, men felt uncomfortable thinking they were competing with a dead person. I find myself in the same situation, the love of my life is dead. How do you give all of your heart when there is a part that is forever intertwined with another? Is it fair to the other person and do you have to tell them? "Just open the package".
Is it right to have a committed relationship if you cannot commit totally. My ex cheated on me, that is not a drawback to my having a relationship with another. The love of my life died, that is a restriction, there is a part of my heart that I can never give away, is that fair to another?
Life is so funny. I am so comfortable with nothing and still as a human, I miss companionship at times; but, I already know my soulmate and she is dead. Where do I go from here, to less? Better yet, do I discover that my soulmate was not and find one that is even more of a soulmate, how could I trust that decision?
These are questions that we all address on some level, we each answer them with our truth. There is a movie called "When Harry met Sally". I seem to remember that in the movie Billy Crystal asks Meg Ryan what she would do, choose between loving or being loved, he asks which she would choose and then tells her to think about her answer. Most would say that they want to be loved; but, that means never loving completely. I think that would be hard, I have loved completely and loved and lost. I still want to love again, I would make a terrible fascist, I prefer to love and help.
What would it take for you to love someone more than you have ever loved anyone more than? Whatever is the most you have ever loved, what would it take to love someone more, what could ever be enough? Peace.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Think Before You React
Read the article, think about what it means and comment.
The Examiner - NJ judge rules against church in civil union flap
My answer is short, be a church or be a business, don't be both.
The Examiner - NJ judge rules against church in civil union flap
My answer is short, be a church or be a business, don't be both.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
More Biometric ID Information - India
Alex Jones Info Wars - Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric ID Program for all of its 1.2 Billion Residents
Well, well. How could I have predicted that this article would come out today, I couldn't. Yet apparently India plans to have a biometric identification for everyone of it's citizens. I rarely if ever post to Alex Jones; but, this is right in line with what I wrote about for the last few posts. Peace.
Well, well. How could I have predicted that this article would come out today, I couldn't. Yet apparently India plans to have a biometric identification for everyone of it's citizens. I rarely if ever post to Alex Jones; but, this is right in line with what I wrote about for the last few posts. Peace.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
More on the Internet Identification
I am going to post a link to a video, it is a news report about the President's proposal to have internet id's.
YouTube - CBS - Online I.D.
I want you all to remember that I have been sick; but, I always make an effort to keep you up to date on the big stories that you may have missed and how they fit in with other agendas. Watch the video and listen to how the privacy issues are minimized. Listen to how the story is the same as the print story that I linked to earlier. All the mass media says the same garbage and downplays what they don't like in the same manner, they speak with one voice.
I love how the expert says how "This is what China requires" and how it doesn't need to be that way here. The last line from the interviewer is classic, "I guess the Devil is in the details". Do you still listen to television news, if you do then you should probably listen to it less. It is complete and utter garbage and propaganda. Peace.
YouTube - CBS - Online I.D.
I want you all to remember that I have been sick; but, I always make an effort to keep you up to date on the big stories that you may have missed and how they fit in with other agendas. Watch the video and listen to how the privacy issues are minimized. Listen to how the story is the same as the print story that I linked to earlier. All the mass media says the same garbage and downplays what they don't like in the same manner, they speak with one voice.
I love how the expert says how "This is what China requires" and how it doesn't need to be that way here. The last line from the interviewer is classic, "I guess the Devil is in the details". Do you still listen to television news, if you do then you should probably listen to it less. It is complete and utter garbage and propaganda. Peace.
Internet ID - Now it is here
Dearest readers, Pimpernel has called it correctly once again. For those who have been reading me for a long time, you may recall that I had predicted that everyone would need a personal internet ID in order to use the internet eventually. You may also recall that I had written about how the internet had the number of digits used expanded greatly a few months back. Well, here is the article, we will discuss the consequences following the link
Fox News - Obama Administration Reportedly Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans
I remember four years ago talking about this coming and also saying that the internet would be filtered in the west beginning with Australia. I was told I was a "conspiracy theorist" by one person and the ex had told me previously that I had lost my once "formidable intellectual abilities". Well, I was correct about both, it just took some time for the world to catch up. The truth is, I knew it was coming because I understand what is behind what is going on in the world.
Now, let's consider the consequences again. Having an individual internet identification doesn't work on it's own. It can be used by others willingly. So, how do we verify that it is the individual using it that owns the identification. Jimmy, in the back of the class, what is your answer? Jimmy, jumping from his chair says, "I know you have to pair it with biometric requirements". That is correct, you get a star for the day.
Yes, the only way to make it work is to pair the information with biometric verification while you are using the internet. That will require a very big storage facility; but, I believe it is being built in Colorado right now. I won't bother posting to the story because I don't remember where I just read it from. Lets combine with with a cashless society and you can begin to see that it will be impossible to pay money to another for anything without the purchase be tracked and the participants being positively identified. It is all sounding like something from Revelations in the bible.
Let us do a quick recap that should make your bones chill. We are eliminating the post office which forces people to pay their bills on-line. We are experiencing a problem in our world's economy and currencies that is going to pretty much be the end of most currencies. We are seeing a the use of mobile banking and bill payment on cell phones and we are reading that currencies will be pegged to energy which constructively creates one currency and if it is electronic then you won't even understand that there is only one currency. A one world currency is coming and it will be within the next couple of years.
For the first time in our history it is possible to enact a one world currency that requires everyone to receive a mark to buy or sell. Oh, lets not forget that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation gave hundreds of millions to buy cell phones and vaccinize everyone in the world. They are to verify the vaccination via the cell phone after the child is born.
If the government is going to require you to have a universal identification then that will mean that ever child is photographed at birth including in the United States in the near future, I bet they begin collecting every childs dna at birth too. Welcome to the end times. Peace.
Fox News - Obama Administration Reportedly Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans
I remember four years ago talking about this coming and also saying that the internet would be filtered in the west beginning with Australia. I was told I was a "conspiracy theorist" by one person and the ex had told me previously that I had lost my once "formidable intellectual abilities". Well, I was correct about both, it just took some time for the world to catch up. The truth is, I knew it was coming because I understand what is behind what is going on in the world.
Now, let's consider the consequences again. Having an individual internet identification doesn't work on it's own. It can be used by others willingly. So, how do we verify that it is the individual using it that owns the identification. Jimmy, in the back of the class, what is your answer? Jimmy, jumping from his chair says, "I know you have to pair it with biometric requirements". That is correct, you get a star for the day.
Yes, the only way to make it work is to pair the information with biometric verification while you are using the internet. That will require a very big storage facility; but, I believe it is being built in Colorado right now. I won't bother posting to the story because I don't remember where I just read it from. Lets combine with with a cashless society and you can begin to see that it will be impossible to pay money to another for anything without the purchase be tracked and the participants being positively identified. It is all sounding like something from Revelations in the bible.
Let us do a quick recap that should make your bones chill. We are eliminating the post office which forces people to pay their bills on-line. We are experiencing a problem in our world's economy and currencies that is going to pretty much be the end of most currencies. We are seeing a the use of mobile banking and bill payment on cell phones and we are reading that currencies will be pegged to energy which constructively creates one currency and if it is electronic then you won't even understand that there is only one currency. A one world currency is coming and it will be within the next couple of years.
For the first time in our history it is possible to enact a one world currency that requires everyone to receive a mark to buy or sell. Oh, lets not forget that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation gave hundreds of millions to buy cell phones and vaccinize everyone in the world. They are to verify the vaccination via the cell phone after the child is born.
If the government is going to require you to have a universal identification then that will mean that ever child is photographed at birth including in the United States in the near future, I bet they begin collecting every childs dna at birth too. Welcome to the end times. Peace.
A Cashless World Sooner Than You Think
I know I have discussed the end of physical currencies before; but, I read this article and thought an update was needed.
Investipedia via Yahoo News - Mobile Payments Could Replace Cash By 2016
The things I write about are not science fiction and they are not about 50 years from now, they are about now or in the next couple of years. They are also not about choice, you will not have a choice in these changes. In order to just live you will either need to have a chip or a cell phone in order to make payments and companies will refuse cash payments at some point. With electronic payments they begin making interest on their money immediately and they will therefore require it. Peace.
Investipedia via Yahoo News - Mobile Payments Could Replace Cash By 2016
The things I write about are not science fiction and they are not about 50 years from now, they are about now or in the next couple of years. They are also not about choice, you will not have a choice in these changes. In order to just live you will either need to have a chip or a cell phone in order to make payments and companies will refuse cash payments at some point. With electronic payments they begin making interest on their money immediately and they will therefore require it. Peace.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Absolutely Exhausted
Hi dear readers. For the past two weeks I have been absolutely exhausted. I got a cold Friday; but, I got over it and just remained exhausted. I cannot tell you how much I have slept in the last few days; but, it far outnumbers the hours that I was awake. I don't think I have spent two hours outside of the apartment in five days and that was to get food.
Not looking for any pity, my body knows what it needs even if I don't. I like my body, it has served me well for over half a century. It is no longer youthful and that of a gymnast; but, it is not totally worn either, I would say I am in fair shape for a man my age. I think of my body as my friend. Even after the divorce it never occurred to me to get a face lift, hair plugs or liposuction. I don't even dye my hair. I don't wear contacts, I wear glasses. I am not into body modification, I like mine the way it was given to me.
I know a lot of people don't like their bodies. I don't know how you can hate your own body. I understand wanting more of it if you have a missing limb; but, not hating what remains. Most people have heard of Chaz Bono, she is the daughter of Sonny and Cher. She decided she didn't like being female so she had some surgery and some hormone treatments or so I have read. I recently read that she wanted to have surgery in Europe to give her something resembling men's genitalia. I don't know much about the surgery and don't think I wish to. When I read about it I thought, how sad it is to not like who you are down to your body.
It is not for me to judge Ms. Bono; but, if you put such a thing in public then we are free to consider it and what it means. I wonder, if she could get gene therapy that actually replaced one of her X chromosomes with a Y chromosome, would she? That would be the ultimate in body modification; but, it would be even more because we would have to wonder where the Y chromosome came from, would she now be the product of three parents?
Here is an alternative view. What if rather than giving her a Y chromosome, science was able to remove part of her X chromosome and turn it into a Y chromosome, what aspects of her would be lost in the transformation? Pretty wild stuff; but, I have been sleeping for five days straight. Peace.
Not looking for any pity, my body knows what it needs even if I don't. I like my body, it has served me well for over half a century. It is no longer youthful and that of a gymnast; but, it is not totally worn either, I would say I am in fair shape for a man my age. I think of my body as my friend. Even after the divorce it never occurred to me to get a face lift, hair plugs or liposuction. I don't even dye my hair. I don't wear contacts, I wear glasses. I am not into body modification, I like mine the way it was given to me.
I know a lot of people don't like their bodies. I don't know how you can hate your own body. I understand wanting more of it if you have a missing limb; but, not hating what remains. Most people have heard of Chaz Bono, she is the daughter of Sonny and Cher. She decided she didn't like being female so she had some surgery and some hormone treatments or so I have read. I recently read that she wanted to have surgery in Europe to give her something resembling men's genitalia. I don't know much about the surgery and don't think I wish to. When I read about it I thought, how sad it is to not like who you are down to your body.
It is not for me to judge Ms. Bono; but, if you put such a thing in public then we are free to consider it and what it means. I wonder, if she could get gene therapy that actually replaced one of her X chromosomes with a Y chromosome, would she? That would be the ultimate in body modification; but, it would be even more because we would have to wonder where the Y chromosome came from, would she now be the product of three parents?
Here is an alternative view. What if rather than giving her a Y chromosome, science was able to remove part of her X chromosome and turn it into a Y chromosome, what aspects of her would be lost in the transformation? Pretty wild stuff; but, I have been sleeping for five days straight. Peace.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A Coming Carbon Currency?
I came across this article regarding a move towards a universal "carbon currency". Originally I found someone who mentioned it on Above Top Secret, a conspiracy website, so I decided to look it up myself.
Canadian Free Press - Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?
The article puts forth the proposition that the smart meters and green technology are designed around the idea of basing the value of everything on the amount of energy used. As I have previously posted there are those who want to peg all of the world currencies to a formula that looks at natural resources of a country, this is a variation on that theme.
The second thing to consider is the issue of a Value Added Tax or VAT, this is where a product is given a very small tax as it is modified and moved down the supply chain. Each step in production can be taxed based on how much energy has gone into the production of the item as it occurs. As I posted not too long ago there is already a movement in place to charge a tax on every exchange of currencies that would go to the United Nations and be used for their climate change program.
These issues are very important and are getting very little mainstream discussion. Lets just say that congress enacts a VAT and that individuals are given carbon limits on usage, what would that look like on a day to day basis. Well, firstly people would do everything they could to increase their allotment including stealing electricity from neighbors. There would be a call for more identity theft protection.
A little story, I was visiting relatives recently and I went into a store to buy some stuff. As I was leaving the store my phone rang and my debit card company wanted to verify my purchase. I had only completed the purchase literally less than a minute earlier. I found it a little creepy, I mean I had not spent that much and there was nothing unusual about the purchase. This goes to the level to which we are now monitored and it is a lot. What did I buy, I bought cigarettes and I do it all the time.
Now lets consider how this might look if you have a smart meter and are limited in the amount of energy you can use. You are at work and your kid turns on the television and you get a call asking if you authorized it, you are given the choice of turning off the television. You call your kid, tell him to go back to the books and shut off the television to save on electricity. Think that sounds crazy, people already review their kids text messages before allowing them to be sent.
The issues that we should be discussing in this election period are not being discussed at all. We should be talking about our loss of privacy and the growing control that is being placed on our lives. These issues can seem overwhelming; but, we still need to consider them. Peace.
Canadian Free Press - Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?
The article puts forth the proposition that the smart meters and green technology are designed around the idea of basing the value of everything on the amount of energy used. As I have previously posted there are those who want to peg all of the world currencies to a formula that looks at natural resources of a country, this is a variation on that theme.
The second thing to consider is the issue of a Value Added Tax or VAT, this is where a product is given a very small tax as it is modified and moved down the supply chain. Each step in production can be taxed based on how much energy has gone into the production of the item as it occurs. As I posted not too long ago there is already a movement in place to charge a tax on every exchange of currencies that would go to the United Nations and be used for their climate change program.
These issues are very important and are getting very little mainstream discussion. Lets just say that congress enacts a VAT and that individuals are given carbon limits on usage, what would that look like on a day to day basis. Well, firstly people would do everything they could to increase their allotment including stealing electricity from neighbors. There would be a call for more identity theft protection.
A little story, I was visiting relatives recently and I went into a store to buy some stuff. As I was leaving the store my phone rang and my debit card company wanted to verify my purchase. I had only completed the purchase literally less than a minute earlier. I found it a little creepy, I mean I had not spent that much and there was nothing unusual about the purchase. This goes to the level to which we are now monitored and it is a lot. What did I buy, I bought cigarettes and I do it all the time.
Now lets consider how this might look if you have a smart meter and are limited in the amount of energy you can use. You are at work and your kid turns on the television and you get a call asking if you authorized it, you are given the choice of turning off the television. You call your kid, tell him to go back to the books and shut off the television to save on electricity. Think that sounds crazy, people already review their kids text messages before allowing them to be sent.
The issues that we should be discussing in this election period are not being discussed at all. We should be talking about our loss of privacy and the growing control that is being placed on our lives. These issues can seem overwhelming; but, we still need to consider them. Peace.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Complete Insanity in Germany
The Telegraph - 'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
Basically, the story is that in Germany if you have been out of work for more than a year they notify prospective employers who will then find you and offer you a job. If you don't take the job you can lose your benefits. A woman was offered a job as a prostitute and turned it down and therefore she could lose her unemployment benefits. You see prostitution is legal and Germany and has no stigma attached to it under the law.
Basically, the story is that in Germany if you have been out of work for more than a year they notify prospective employers who will then find you and offer you a job. If you don't take the job you can lose your benefits. A woman was offered a job as a prostitute and turned it down and therefore she could lose her unemployment benefits. You see prostitution is legal and Germany and has no stigma attached to it under the law.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Elliot Broidy and Ehud Olmert
There will be a little to read if you want to understand what is going on and what is about to happen. We will start with a recap of the story of Elliot Broidy, he was the founder of Markstone Capital and sat on more than a few public pension boards. Here is a must read article"
Globes - Labor of Love (as republished by IVC)
The article talks about how Mr. Broidy was able to make his company the largest private equity firm in Israel. It discusses how his first discussions with an "anchor investor" (think of having enough money to make your firm noticeable and attract other money) was with Alan Hevesi. Mr. Hevesi was the New York State Comptroller. Mr. Hevesi was sentenced last year for taking $1 million in bribes from Mr. Broidy.
New York Times - Hevesi Sentenced to One to Four Years
If we go back to the article title "Labor of Love" we discover that one of the people who Broidy credited with helping him in investing in Israeli businesses was Ehud Olmert. Mr Olmert the former Israeli Prime Minister has just been indicted for corruption and bribery in Israel. He is accused of taking bribes in exchange for helping people involved in land development deals.
Now you might think that I haven't shown the connection between these people enough; but, then we meet Mr. Bradley D. Simon. Mr. Simon is a former U.S. Attorney prosecutor who now specializes in white collar crime. Mr. Simon is representing Mr. Hevesi and Mr. Morris Talansky who is a businessman that is at the center of the case against Mr. Olmert. It has been said that the United States is also investigating other Americans who may have been involved in the actions of Mr. Olmert.
So, what are we looking at? We are looking at public pension funds funding a company that was the biggest private equity firm in Israel that managed to lose money and whose founder was convicted of giving bribes to politicians in New York and was also connected to an indicted former Israeli Prime Minister. We have investigations on going in both the United States and in Israel; but, what will the result be?
Here is my fear. There may come a time when we see many people go to jail for corruption involving Community Redevelopment Agencies, Public Pensions and bribery and this is international in scope. For those who dislike Israel this could be a major public relations coup. When it all comes out, it will harm the support of Americans for Israel and that is a shame. Whatever the specifics were, it is all coming out now. Let us hope that none of this was officially sanctioned.
Globes - Labor of Love (as republished by IVC)
The article talks about how Mr. Broidy was able to make his company the largest private equity firm in Israel. It discusses how his first discussions with an "anchor investor" (think of having enough money to make your firm noticeable and attract other money) was with Alan Hevesi. Mr. Hevesi was the New York State Comptroller. Mr. Hevesi was sentenced last year for taking $1 million in bribes from Mr. Broidy.
New York Times - Hevesi Sentenced to One to Four Years
If we go back to the article title "Labor of Love" we discover that one of the people who Broidy credited with helping him in investing in Israeli businesses was Ehud Olmert. Mr Olmert the former Israeli Prime Minister has just been indicted for corruption and bribery in Israel. He is accused of taking bribes in exchange for helping people involved in land development deals.
Now you might think that I haven't shown the connection between these people enough; but, then we meet Mr. Bradley D. Simon. Mr. Simon is a former U.S. Attorney prosecutor who now specializes in white collar crime. Mr. Simon is representing Mr. Hevesi and Mr. Morris Talansky who is a businessman that is at the center of the case against Mr. Olmert. It has been said that the United States is also investigating other Americans who may have been involved in the actions of Mr. Olmert.
So, what are we looking at? We are looking at public pension funds funding a company that was the biggest private equity firm in Israel that managed to lose money and whose founder was convicted of giving bribes to politicians in New York and was also connected to an indicted former Israeli Prime Minister. We have investigations on going in both the United States and in Israel; but, what will the result be?
Here is my fear. There may come a time when we see many people go to jail for corruption involving Community Redevelopment Agencies, Public Pensions and bribery and this is international in scope. For those who dislike Israel this could be a major public relations coup. When it all comes out, it will harm the support of Americans for Israel and that is a shame. Whatever the specifics were, it is all coming out now. Let us hope that none of this was officially sanctioned.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
What would you do? Tripling your lifespan.
Mail Online - Stem cells could hold key to 'stopping ageing' say scientists after trial triples mouse lifespan
So what will you do when you are offered eternal life? Will you take the red pill? Death is natural and is the only way to make it to the next phase of life. This could be a real test of faith for many; but, not for me. I would not seek such a treatment. Peace.
So what will you do when you are offered eternal life? Will you take the red pill? Death is natural and is the only way to make it to the next phase of life. This could be a real test of faith for many; but, not for me. I would not seek such a treatment. Peace.
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