Friday, April 6, 2012

Digital Money Again

I had previously posted on how Sweden wanted to go all electronic for their currency. Well, the Canadians do also. - Royal Canadian Mint reveals MintChip, issues $50,000 developer challenge

When I talk about the end of paper currency, older people usually think I am nuts and younger people think it is a great idea. Not only are we going to see an end to cash, we are going to see an end to checks. Here is a nice article from England.

The Telegraph - Is a cashless society on the cards?

About a quarter of a way down the article there is a link to another article discussing how by 2018. Let me make it clear in the future you will not have cash or checks and you will do all your transactions electronically where they can be used against you and be used to profile you. Your digital fingerprint will be a history of every purchase and transaction you ever make.

Currently people who would be called "globalists" want to institute personal carbon taxes. CICERO (The Center for International Climate and Environmental Research) has published this article - Personal carbon “credit cards” – coming soon to your wallet?

So what are we looking at in the future. Electronic currency, personal carbon taxes, a tax on all international transactions going to the United Nations to fight global warming. Read the links and tell me that I am making this all up. Look at what people believe and then ask how much influence they have over the decisions. I have none or at least practically none. I wrote two posts in one day. Enjoy.

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