Sunday, November 25, 2012

More on the General

Lets start with the ex-CIA agent who says that this makes no sense. Any conversations with the General would have been in private.

YouTube - CIA Agent Bob Baer Insist More To General Petraeus Resigning "This Isn't How This Is Handled"

Then we have this article from the Associated Press pointing out how the FBI deviated from their normal procedures via - In unusual CIA case, FBI detoured from usual path

Wired has this article - Now the CIA Is Investigating Petraeus. I like this article because it states how the CIA agents didn't like him for his "military" ways. Seeing as how he no longer works there, why is the CIA investigating him?

And finally we have this from PressTV - Two more US military commanders relieved for misconduct

It looks to me like there is an ongoing shakeup of military personnel and that the intelligence agencies are the ones taking them out. Now, while I have bagged on the FBI in the past, the truth is that I admire many in the intelligence community. I have a friend that is retired from the FBI.

That sounds like I am defending myself from being a bigot. Back in the 70s people would claim they weren't bigots and had a black friend. It is not like that, I really like the guy and took him to Las Vegas when his wife passed away. It was his first time there.

While I believe our law enforcement and intelligence agencies have degraded over the past three decades, the military has really gone in the wrong direction. When I was in law school, I had a friend, he was ex-West Point. His father had been in one of the intelligence agencies. He left West Point because he was not a straight A student; but, he was darn close. A very smart man who became a Federal Prosecutor. One day he took me to dinner at a French restaurant that was owned by a retired French Foreign Legionnaire, great chicken. The Pimpernel has met many fascinating people and the ones in intelligence always seemed to take a liking to me, maybe because I am old school.

My point, if I have one. In order to get into West Point, you used to have to be the son of a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient or be recommended by a congressman or senator. West Point meant something. If I had wished I could have gone; but, I am glad that I never sought it. To be accepted to West Point was a high honor and to disgrace that honor was unthinkable. General Patreas (or betray us) was a graduate of West Point as was Ms. Broadwell. Seems strange to me that both of them would violate the code of honor.

Most people do not understand living old school. Most people do not understand death before dishonor. Please allow me to explain. It starts by believing in people, it starts by believing that we can be better. Once you get past that, you have to live it. Sexual immorality or thievery is beyond their ability to understand. You look down upon such things, white glove stuff. You would not trust someone who engaged in such activities.

I may have become a pacifist; but, I still believe in the whole honor thing. I am thinking that the good General was removed because the military should not control the intelligence agencies, that is a no no. The military is a blunt tool that you use when you have to. It lacks the elegance of the intelligence agencies, why kill a million when one or two will achieve the same goals?

Now lets talk about intelligence analysts, my little brothers and sisters. They are trained in understanding what the other guy is going to do before he knows what he is going to do. LOL. These are people who can never tell others about what they do, well, who you can talk to is limited. It is not so much about secrecy as confidentiality, a heavy burden. You cannot tell your spouse where you are going or what you are doing. When Intelligence Agents die, their own family is not told why.

I have hope for the world, I have hope that the best and the brightest still have integrity and are still able to effect the outcome of anything that is done wrong. I believe we are better than the worst of us. I believe we are capable of great kindness and lovr.

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