Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Please Read This - The Future, No debt in exchange for a cashless society

Dearest readers, I have been trying to explain many things with this blog. One of the things I have discussed is money and the future of the economy. There is a woman named Ann Barnhardt, she was a commodities trader and closed her company because she believed the economy is going to collapse and she could not protect her clients in her opinion.

Mr. Barnhardt is a Christian, very anti Islamic and very conservative. She is also very knowledgeable about the economy. The woman is radical and I absolutely part ways with here on many things she says. I am still a pacifist and there just isn't any racial prejudice in me. I present these videos so that you can understand what she is saying about the economy. Me and her would part on social issues; but, her presentation on the economy is dead on and I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Let me try and explain. The system is corrupt and we all know that. The economic system was intentionally destroyed so that a few could benefit. Ms. Barnhardt is an absolutist capitalist, she is an absolutist Catholic and she is an absolutist Libertarian. I am none of those things. I believe we are supposed to be as close to an absolutist in our personal decisions; but, I believe we should not be the same in regards to how we respond to others about their personal choices. Those are between them and God.

The problem is that the mainstream media and out elected officials have lied to us about the state of the economy and seek to use tricks to fix it. Bernake, Paulson and Greenspan all lies to us, the banks lied to us, the media lied to us. The only people telling the truth are those who do not accept what we are being told, outliers. Unfortunately, the only ones that will tell the truth are extremists; but, their solutions are also extremist and I, your dear Pimpernel, am not an extremist. A radical moderate at best.

I strongly disagree with Ms. Barnhardt regarding healthcare and her solutions. What do agree with is her analysis of where we are economically and how we got here. I also believe that she is being completely sincere, even though I disagree with her. This is where my problem comes in, sometimes I have to present information to my very dear readers, from people who I do not agree with. I do not agree with Mr. David Icke, I do not believe aliens from an alternate universe run this world; but, I do agree with much of the information he has put forth about HOW the world is run. Left, right, alternate, none of it matters to me, the source does not matter, the quality and accuracy of the information is what matters.

I really had to think about posting these, heck, it took a long time just to watch them all and decide if they were worth passing to my very dear readers. I have friends that are gay, Hispanic, black, poor, rich, you name it. I really felt uncomfortable with the things she said. She admires Ayn Rand and I detest the selfishness of Ayn Rand and you cannot really be a Christian and like Ayn Rand. This woman claims to be both which shows she does not understand Christianity and first and foremost I am a Christian. Yet, she is willing to die for her beliefs to help others and that is very Christian. Still, this is my blog and I say what I want, she has her own.

Next time I might find a leftist who has a good explanation of something and I will post them and give a similar explanation. My readers are free to decide what it all means for themselves; but, I believe this is worth everyone's time to watch and think and understand This woman understands how economies work, recognizes we are all being taken advantage of and explains it in a good manner; but, I have to admit, even I do not understand 100% of what she is saying. I have been asked by a couple of really good accountants to write a book on accounting and she still through me off on some things.

I know a lot of you do not read my source documentation because you trust that I will not lie and I will not, I say what I believe. I cannot explain what this lady explain well enough to translate it to you. That is why I ask you to take a couple of hours and watch the videos.

Basically, she explains how the economy must collapse and she is correct and you will hear many things I have written about previously. She explains how gold is garbage, she explains how the derivative market works, she explains how we have passed the tipping point and that there must be a massive default on all debt. She discusses what she sees that we must do after the crash, that is where we disagree in part. She correctly identifies that money is nothing more than a promise of labor in whatever form. As was almost once said in a movie, sometimes you have to take the poop with the sugar. Be discerning and determine what is her attitude, her opinion and facts. She has plenty of facts. Just to let you know, she cusses in the video.

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.1 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.2 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.3 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.4 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.5 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.6 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.7 of 8

YouTube - The Economy Is Going To Implode Pt.8 of 8

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