Saturday, March 23, 2013

Finding the Truth Amongst So Many Lies

There are truths, there is reality and then there is what we are told. A mix of truth and lies, how does one get to the essence of reality, how does one determine what is true? These are old and philosophical questions. Let us look at some news articles and talk about it.

Yahoo News - Reuters - Cyprus scrambles to avert meltdown, EU threatens cutoff. Sort of throwing the spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks. This is a media trick to gauge our reactions to possible decisions. We call these trial balloons, you put something in the media to see how people respond.

Mail Online - Is your office computer watching you? New monitor developed that can tell if you're NOT paying attention at work. Now, if your employer just started requiring you to be monitored while working, you would leave and they would not be able to recruit new employees; but, if you grow up expecting then it won't bother you as much and you will just accept it.

Time Newsfeed - Next, the Turducken: Scientists Say a Duck Has Fathered a Chicken. Here is a quote from the article, "And now, science is on its way towards making the Turducken a reality — sort of: a duck has successfully fathered a chicken at the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory in Dubai." LOL, lets mess with nature some more because we can make a great meal with what we create. At what point in time do we understand where all the genetic modification is leading? What if a pig could give birth to a human-pig hybrid. Would you be okay with that?

Wired - Apple Finally Adds Two-Step Verification to iCloud and Apple ID. It is so close that I can taste it, very soon you will not be allowed to use your phone, the internet or transportation unless you have proven who you are in real life.

Yahoo - Associated Press - The cash register rings its last sale
. I am telling you, physical currency will be eliminated and you can make money off this by betting against cash registers, armored cars and other technologies designed to deal with physical cash.

Wired - Mercedes’ Next Flagship Does the Commuting for You. Look, a car that can almost drive itself and you will be safer. Why should we allow anyone to drive their own car when it is so unsafe? Yeah.

This one just touched my heart. I am so glad that I got to be there for my dad when he died, I am glad he knew he was loved as he passed on. Death holds no fear for me, I have seen it. Living without being able to forgive scares me. Peace. Yahoo - Dax Shepard’s Touching Ode to His Late Father

Mail Online - Six of the world’s seven billion people have mobile phones... but only 4.5billion have a toilet says UN report. More tech monitoring you than toilets, we do have priorities.

Last but not least, I am going to provide a link to an actresses website. Her name is Dana Delany and I find her incredibly attractive, if anyone wonders what I find attractive in a woman physically. For all I know she would find me boring and unattractive. She supports some charities that I agree with. In particular she support Scleroderma awareness and research. I believe her brother had it; but, don't quote me on this. I wish I was younger and I could invite her to an event; but, the reality is that she will be an unrequited love (oddly enough, my mother really liked her). If I was to date again and go out with an older woman, this would be the one. LOL, I think she is very hot. I know she uses twitter; but, I do not, otherwise I would tell her how attractive she was. This is the problem with the internet, we can contact anyone and I choose not to annoy her.

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