Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Some more news

Sorry if I am not posting more personal comments on the news. Going through a weird time, almost passed out today at work. I have been running around a lot and am not taking proper care of myself, I will attempt to do better and there is no need to worry about the Pimpernel, I always manage to get by. LOL. Still here after all.

Yahoo News - Business Insider - Google Is Working On A Technology That, If Perfected, Would Save 1.2 Million Lives Per Year. The article basically says that you cannot be trusted to drive yourself in a car.

YouTube - Conan O'Brien Fully Exposes Mainstream Media. More proof that you are being manipulated. All the mainstream media does is repeat one another.

They Sydney Morning Herald - Inside out: Google launches indoor maps. How does Google mapping inside of stores even make sense when we live in a world where theoretically, we are afraid of terrorists? What we are afraid of is not making money.

CNET - Hitachi's Ropits mobility robot drives itself. It is like the mini-apartment of cars and it drives itself. Obviously it is not allowed to drive within Area 51 or the White House, how does it know where it is not allowed to be and who decides? Read between the lines kiddies.

The Japan Times - Mid-2013 expansion of Internet names will be biggest since ’80s. If you are a regular follower then you know that I have written about ICANN before. You watch, what I said will come true. In the future you will be kept out of whole domains (like or based on your having to prove who you are in order to use the internet.

Financial Post - Bloomberg News - Worst gold sell-off on record, including Soros, fuels fears that 12-year bull run is dead. We are not going on a Gold standard, gold is not meaningful and those who have lots of it have been trying to convince you that it does and then sell you theirs. Get out of gold.

BBC - Doctor 'used silicone fingers' to sign in for colleagues. So many things wrong with this story. Firstly, doctors are required to sign in for the day using their biometrics and someone faked it. Guess biometrics will require more than just a scan, a verification.

Yahoo - Daily Ticker - Sugar Bailout Is Govt. Policy at Its Worst: Hypocritical and Stupid. This one is just fun, the government has bought 400,000 tons of sugar so that sugar producers make a profit. Huh? The Pimpernel smells something wrong with this and it is not about subsidies, there is more to this baloney and I don't know what it is yet. What I do know is that they tried to tie sugar subsidies to universal healthcare.

Chicago Tribune - Reuters - U.S. to let spy agencies scour Americans' finances. Isn't fantastic, now the government can see all your financial transactions and most of our transactions are electronic through use of ATMS.

Yahoo - Reuters - CERN scientists say particle is no "super-Higgs". This one is just a blatant lie. CERN claimed they found the Higgs Boson, now they are saying there are two types of Higgs Boson and that they did not find the one they were looking for. What they don't want to admit is that they still cannot explain why there is more gravity than the amount of mass can account for.

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