Thursday, November 28, 2013


I had reservations to be out of town for Thanksgiving; but, got the stomach flu and had to stay. I am better today and have had my turkey dinner. This is the first time since I lost my house that I have been home for the holidays and I didn't plan on being here.

I have intentionally downsized my holidays and refuse to celebrate my birthdays. I enjoy not having the pressure. I do hope that all of my readers are enjoying their Thanksgiving. It is good to remember our blessings. While I write a lot about problems in the world, especially the destruction of our financial system. We still have it pretty good compared to the rest of the world. I know I do.

I had the five bedroom house with the jacuzzi in the back, I had the Mercedes and the BMW, I had lots of money in the bank. All those things are gone because of the divorce and you know what, I still have it good. I have an apartment that I feel comfortable in, great friends and will not go hungry. I have fresh water and a bathroom, not everybody can say that. I don't have to worry about drinking water that will kill me or leave me sick. I am thankful for the things I have. If I am sorry about anything, it is that I believe average people will not be able to have the things I have gained in my life.

To put it all in perspective. The Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving while living in little tiny houses that had no bathroom, no running water, no heaters and they didn't know if they would have food everyday. Still, they were thankful for what they did have.

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