Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sex Majic versus Sex as Ritual

A very wicked title to this blog and very accurate. Sex Majic is an occult concept, it presumes that certain types of sex can magically transform the world. Sex as ritual is different, it is the idea that sex is a ritual which codifies a choice. Let me explain, rituals are what people use when they do not have a written language. It is how you codify an agreement, how you show that negotiations are over and a contract has been made.

There was a time when most people had no written language and were illiterate, they still needed a way to make binding agreements, agreements that were recognized by others, a way to have law. In Israel, in days of yore, a land contract required the parties to walk between two halves of a slain calf. It was a demonstration for all that a deal was final. We see this with Moses and God in the Old Testament. Sex was also a ritual, it meant that a pair had committed for life and were husband and wife. Sex is the marriage contract. I will talk about gays in a second.

If sex is, as I propose, a contract, should gays be free from commitment? Should we promote commitment, contracts? Should we support deceit and lies? We have destroyed heterosexual marriage with no fault divorce; but, who complains? It is not about marriage in the governmental sense, it is about contracts and commitment in the spiritual realm. Sex is a ritual, the ritual is much more important than the act. That is what God said in the bible. Once you sleep with someone, you become one with them, that is what it says. Gay marriage occurs the moment two of the same sex sleep together, that is what the bible says. It says when you sleep with someone that two become one.

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