Saturday, January 11, 2014

It is a new year and just keeps getting stranger

Detroit News - Associated Press - Israel reaches out to save U.S. Jewish community. Roughly half of the Jews in the world live in America and half live in Israel. The largest number of Jews in America either live in New York or Los Angeles. The article talks about how American Jews are becoming less religious and less supportive of Israeli policies towards their neighbors and the Palestinians. The real issue at stake is the future of American support for Israel and what happens when that support is gone.

ABC News - Feds May Require Cars to Talk to Each Other to Avoid Crashes
. What a surprise; but, I wrote how this would be required a long time ago. The news talks about it as if it is a possibility. What a lie. As I previously noted, the FCC has already claimed that they can control local right of ways and the FHWA now includes local right of ways as part of the national highway system. This will end up with you being required to have these cars that report their whereabouts to be on the national highway system.

Wired - Regulating 23andMe to Death Won’t Stop the New Age of Genetic Testing. Now everyone can know their genetic makeup for $99 at home. Oh boy.

Yahoo - BoldRide - Automotive Black Box Mandatory by September 1, 2014

Washington Blog - RBS Pays $600 Million for Manpulating Interest Rates … But Big Banks Are Manipulating EVERY Market to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars. They rigged rates effecting trillions of dollars and pay a fraction of the cost.

Yahoo - 12-Year-Old Dies Unexpectedly, Leaves Amazing Letter to Her Adult Self. This is just a story that might touch your heart.


Anonymous said...

Can you please give us your thoughts on the Chemtrails that are being sprayed on us daily? Your readers should be interested in this if they ever look up into the sky...

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous,

Not quite sure what I think of the issue; but, happy to post some items on it.