Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Media Manipulation and the Meaning of Terrorism

There is an organized attempt to use the story of what happened in Las Vegas for political ends. While I personally think now is not the time to have these discussions, I want my readers to know that they are being played and explain how they are being played.

The first talking point (organized, planned propaganda to lead people to a belief) is the universal statement by late night media and others that "sending your thoughts and prayers is not good enough" and that we must make changes to the law now. I follow a general rule, if it happens once, it is an anomaly. If it happens twice it is a coincidence. If it happens three times, it is a pattern. When I see every late night host say the exact same thing, it is an agenda. Emotions are intentionally being played so that laws be passed quickly without serious discussion. This is the same dishonest manipulation that went on after 9-11 and convinced people to support the Patriot Act, including legislators who said they didn't even have time to read it.

Some people were baffled by Hillary Clinton's tweets after the tragedy calling for outlawing silencers when none were used as far as we know and they don't really silence except in the movies. Let me explain, silencers are completely useless with many guns. I know you have seen people in movies or on television put silencers on revolvers, you don't use silencers on revolvers because they have zero effect on the noise. Silencers also don't have any effect on assault rifles or machine guns. They certainly don't silence them. After Hillary said this, others began saying the same thing, that we should outlaw silencers. Strange, right? Even people who admitted they didn't work on assault rifles or machine guns said they didn't work on the weapons the murderer used and that he didn't use them. What they left out is that there is a law about to be voted on regarding the legality of silencers and other things in a couple of weeks. A federal law.

The federal government is interesting in what it can and cannot legislate. Most people do not know that there was no federal law regarding killing the President until after Kennedy was killed. Prior to that, state laws regarding murder were considered to be the prevailing law. The federal laws require a federal interest. You may have also noticed that the media is pushing the narrative that this is terrorism. Many have fallen in line saying why not just call this terrorism. Well, what does it matter you might ask as the murderer is already dead and will not be facing prosecution.

Remember the Patriot Act, it made terrorism a federal crime. If we were to call every crime where more than one person is killed an act of terrorism, it would greatly expand the role of the federal government in prosecuting crimes that are usually the prevue of the state government. It would greatly expand the role of the Patriot Act. Terrorism involves crimes intended to attack government, not citizens except as a byproduct. Every crazy person who goes out and kills people is not a terrorist or the word has no meaning.

Just to be clear, I am not against regulating weapons. I am not against heavily regulating machine guns. I am against outlawing handguns, shotguns and rifles used for home protection and hunting. The second amendment was based on our earlier constitution (The Articles of Confederation) and continued to use the words "well regulated militia" for a reason. I have written about that before and want to make it clear that I am pointing out the propaganda we are being fed today, not advocating unlimited access to weapons. You are being lied to and manipulated by the media so that you will give up more rights and I want make sure you understand why.


The Hill - Dem blasts moments of silence after mass shootings as 'grisly House ritual'.

As the article points out, the law that was to voted on within the next week or so sought to reduce restrictions on buying suppressors. "House Republicans had been trying to push a bill titled the Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act, which would broaden public access to federal lands for hunting and fishing. It includes a provision authored by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) that would make it easier to buy gun silencers, which currently requires registration and a background check. Duncan's proposal would require people buying gun silencers, also known as suppressors, to undergo a less extensive instant background check." Yeah, the statements by Hillary and others had NOTHING to do with what happened in Vegas and everything to do with using the tragedy to manipulate the public. The "thoughts and prayers" complaints and the refusal by Democrats to even acknowledge what happened in a non-partisan moment of silence, nothing more than talking points to. As I said before in this post and have written about on this blog in the past, I am in favor of limiting the weapons someone can own; but, I am not in favor of lying to the public to manipulate them.

While many of my readers may be against any form of gun control (and I will address this again in the future after some time has passed), know that I will not attempt to lie to you to get you to agree with me and will always attempt to show the objective facts, unlike the mainstream corporate media and it's corporate whores like Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Seth Meyers. By lying about the facts, they feed into keeping you ignorant.

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