Friday, March 9, 2018

Trump and North Korea

So President Trump said he was meeting with the leader of North Korea. The initial media reports thought this was great.

MRCNewsBusters - CNN, MSNBC Journalists Give Trump Glowing Praise for North Korea Move as Obama Flacks Lose It.

While the South Koreans, English and others think this is a good thing, there are others who would prefer Trump not meet on denuclearizing North Korea. Oddly enough it is the same people who said Trump should not antagonize them. Does this make any sense?

IF Trump can get North Korea to denuclearize, how would that be a bad thing? Some in the media are saying this was a split second decision to avoid talking about some porn star Trump slept with a decade ago. Nobody cares that he slept with a porn star. It is not an impeachable offense and she had not claimed rape.

Here is what I think. Firstly, Trump is never going to be impeached for "colluding" with Russia, that is a joke. Trump will win re-election, easily. If Trump gets North Korea to denuclearize, he will get a Peace Prize.

Oh, just a quick not, Trumps decision was far from last minute. People seem to forget that North Korea sought these discussions and has been talking to South Korea since before the Olympic games, that was the distraction. Someday you will find out how important Dennis Rodman was to all of this.

Washington Post - Dennis Rodman is back in North Korea. Was he sent by Trump?

That article is from June of last year. These negotiations have been going on for months. Heck, even I saw this coming. Rodman needs government approval to meet with Kim. Rodman has praised Trump for this move.

Here is what you should be watching, where is the meeting held. My guess is either South Korea or China. Right now my bet is China.

The Guardian - Kim Jong Un to meet Trump by May after North Korean Invitation.

That is an English newspaper saying this is good news.

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