Monday, October 8, 2018

The love of my lifeand how we are lied to.

The picture above is of the love of my life.

Deal with it. Pimpernel is not heartless and lacking love, he is alone and misses his love. The woman in the picture above taught me that people matter and I should learn to love, I hope I did.

So, I met the woman in the picture is 6th grade. She was not allowed to date and had skipped a grade. She was half Mexican and half Irish. She became a model and actress, the picture should tell you that she also played the Cello. Stunningly beautiful, talented and brilliant. All the women I dated after divorce were the same. I have been very fortunate. What set this young woman apart was the depth of her softness, her love of others and her tenderness. I myself had little tenderness in my heart. This woman is the only person in the world who could look me in the eye and see my soul. It scared me and yet she never judged me. She told me once that she could never hate me and that was after I almost killed her best friend for threatening her (she explained he was just being a jerk and I didn't know they had slept in the same cradle). She made a better person, she led me on a journey that taught me mercy and forgiveness and empathy. Words were few; but, a look of disappointment from her crushed me. Her gentleness to me taught me a better way, it just took a bit. Because of her I became a pacifist decades later, that took a long time. LOL.

My dad taught people how to spot bogus bearer bonds. Long story. When I was 12 he taught me how to spot them. You don't teach people how to spot bogus bills, you teach them how the real deal is. You teach them how to spot the real thing and the bogus identifies itself. The lady in the picture is the real deal.

Every day we are treated to lies. We attempt to find ways to identify lies, we should instead seek ways to identify the truth. People telling the truth do not play on your emotions. People telling the truth do not fear monger, they explain. People that have true love in their hearts ask you to have the same, they don't ask you to seek revenge or pain on others. That is what this young lady taught me. She is dead by the way, she died a couple of years ago from a progressive disease. 

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