Sunday, March 3, 2019

Globalization 4.0 by 2030

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines globalization as the act or process of globalizing: the state of being globalized especially: the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets. So what does all that mean, well, it means reducing national sovereignty and allowing for international monopolies. Globalization is the creation of an international capitalistic economic system to replace national economic systems.

So we must ask, why do we need one international economic system and the answer is we do not. The next question is why are our leaders seeking this new system? The purpose of the system is to consolidate control in the hands of a few and increase the profit of the same. The poster boy for globalization is the European Union (EU) which is a system where unelected bureaucrats make the laws for all of Europe regarding trade, national budgets and the movement of labor. In fact, half of the laws for European countries are made by the EU and not the individual nations.

By having the free flow of labor companies can pay workers less and provide fewer benefits. This is the sole reason business wants open borders. The obvious consequence of globalism is the reduction of the prosperity of people living in the first world (western nations and Japan) and an increase in the prosperity of people living in the third world. China and India being the major beneficiaries at the moment.

The question becomes how do you sell globalization as either good or necessary to the people in the west and the answer is climate change. People in the west are told they must live on less or the world will die. This explanation gives people a reason to be happy with having less without viewing it as a purely economic endeavor.

When we lived in a bi-polar world (the west versus the Soviet Union and China) globalization was not possible. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the only true world power was the United States and we immediately began moving manufacturing to China which ceased by communist other than in name. In 1993 President Bill Clinton signed an executive order 12850 which gave China the most favored nation classification and allowed for the movement of manufacturing from the United States to China. Many people were surprised at the time because China had just recently slaughtered peaceful protestors in Tiananmen Square. It should be noted that at the same time as China getting mfn status the United States also approved NAFTA and greatly increased the movement of jobs to Mexico and India. By the way England and China basically agreed to ship English manufacturing to China in 1997. Wikipedia - "Manufacturing employment fell faster in the UK since 1998. This started with manufacturing productivity flatlining from 1993 to 1997 and a rise in pound sterling. PricewaterhouseCoopers presumed that British manufacturing was less able to adapt to new production immune from Asian competition."

The movement of manufacturing from the west to China coincided with the reduction of manufacturing in Japan in the late 1990s. In other words all of these changes occurred moving jobs from the west to Japan, India and Mexico at the same time.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union large corporations in the west have felt free to being nationalist and have sought to usurp democracy by pushing for a new set of trade agreements like the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Climate Accord and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. All of these agreements allow for international control over national decisions. The TPP actually allows corporations to sue governments over the laws they make if it hurts their profit margin. These agreements were intended to be adopted by the United States in 2018; but, something happened and that something was Donald Trump got elected and refused to sign them and this has thrown off their time schedule. In fact, these agreements were critical to completing the globalization of the world by 2030.

With Trump being elected and the United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union, the internationalists began asking what it might mean for their timeframe. In fact at the Bilderberg meeting after Trump's election their agenda specifically called for discussions on whether or not globalism could be "slowed down" or more simply put, could they come up with a new time frame for instituting the changes embodied in these trade agreements. We don't know what answer they arrived at.

The next two years will see even more extreme attempts to reverse Brexit and remove Trump from office for any reason. Failure to remove Trump and his re-election will mean that the time frame for implementing the globalist agenda will be delayed another four years and this will not be seen as acceptable.

This video is from the world economic forum showing exactly what I have said. If you want to understand the big picture of what globalization is, all you have to do is watch all three videos.

Bloomberg - Davos 2019 Is All About "Globalsim 4.0" So What Is That?

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