Saturday, March 23, 2019

Life after Mueller

For almost three years the media has talked about Russian collusion, Rachel Maddow has discussed it nightly. People like Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert have based their careers on it. The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC have only managed to maintain relevance by peddling this conspiracy and it has now fallen apart. Politicians like Maxine Waters and Peter Schiff have made names for themselves pushing this nonsense and lying to the nation. So now what?

What happens to the ratings at CNN an others? What happens to the credibility of these people? Will they come up with another conspiracy theory and if they do, who will listen. Matt Taibbi warned the left that eventually this would come apart.

Rolling Stone - Matt Taibbi - Why the Russia Story is a Minefield for Democrats and the Media.

Mr. Taibbi warned the press and the Democrats that if this story ended up a nothing burger, Trump would be pre-inoculated from any others. I made the same warning. The honest thing to do would be to come out and tell their viewers that they were wrong. They wont. The same people who said Trump could NEVER win the Presidency spent the last two years saying Trump would be impeached for colluding with Russia and they are wrong again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Matt Taibbi - It's Official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD.

AXIOS - Barr's Letter.

The world is laughing at our media and the Democratic establishment.

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