Monday, February 24, 2020

How the oligarchs want to kill democracy in the United States

Fox - Ex-Goldman CEO Blankenfein issues warning about Bernie Sanders The establishment hates anyone who is populist. Trump, Sanders it doesn't matter.

Fox - Maxine Waters says California deserves more clout in Dem primaries "We are supplying tremendous dollars" Hmmm, California has more delegates than other states because it has more people. Oh, what she really means is that California and New York should be the first states to hold primaries so they can decide who the final candidate is.

Breitbart - Pinkerton: "The New Class War " Exposes the Oligarchs and their Enablers. Remember, the people who manage slaves are nothing but slaves themselves.

Zerohedge - WaPo Claims Elites Should Run Elections; Quietly Edits Article After Public Outrage Ensues  Elitism and oligarchies mean the end of democracy. Socialism is nothing more than joint ownership of somethings. Schools, the police, the fire departments , libraries and the post office are all "socialistic" organizations. Companies are also socialistic in that they are not owned by one person; but, by many.

MSN - The New York Times - Same Goal, Different Playbook: Why Russia Would Support Trump and Sanders  The man's first complaint is that Trump and Sanders are for fewer wars. Our most profitable and successful industry is war and military suppliers are the most profitable.

Fox - Tucker Carlson: Russia isn't our Democratic system - our own ruling class is.

Real Clear Politics - Anand Grindharadas: "Historic" Sanders Campaign is "A Wake Up Moment For the American Power Establishment" and "Out of Touch Aristocrats"   The guy says Sanders is scary because he proved he could win in "not just Milk White America" but also with people of color. That is his lense. The guy basically asks the question, why shouldn't we ask why people are pissed at the establishment. He doesn't get the answer, because the establishment sold out this country and it's people. I wont post it again, I have posted it multiple times, the owner of Ali Baba (the Chinese version of Amazon) said we told China we would send our industries there. We did and a few really profited but not the American worker.

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