Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Let's Talk About DACA and Immigration

Congress establishes the rules for immigration, that is their job. Congress has not changed the immigration laws which prohibit people coming to the United States to live without approval by the federal government. Immigration is not a state's rights issue, it is a federal issue. If Congress wanted they could eliminate all immigration laws and allow for open borders.

Imagine for a moment what would happen if we eliminated all immigration laws. If you want an example of what it would look like, look at Europe. Few openly call for open borders. Hillary Clinton was exposed by WikiLeaks for calling for it in private while she denied it in public. The reason is pretty simple, the vast majority of Americans do not want open borders.

Instead of passing laws to outline what is and is not acceptable in order to move to this country, Congress left it up to Obama to institute the policy of not enforcing immigration laws. President Obama instead instituted a policy known as "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" or DACA. The biggest problem was that it didn't change the immigration "laws" one bit. Congress did not pass DACA which means it was never a law to begin with, merely a policy of not enforcing the law for the moment, that is what deferred means.

Now lets look at some other facts. It is estimated that there are millions of people in the United States illegally. Some call them undocumented but that is just word play. They are undocumented because they haven't sought or obtained legal citizenship. Children who are not citizens of this country; but, came to this country when they were under 16. In fact, you may recall the influx of minors who came to this country after Obama instituted the DACA program.

YouTube - Why So Many Migrant Kids are Coming to the U.S. alone.

The fact is Mexico allowed these people to come here from central America; but, did not allow them to immigrate to Mexico. This is a fact that the corporate mainstream media chose not to address.

The DACA program has actually exacerbated the problem by adding even more confusion over what the countries immigration policy is and that is the single biggest problem with it. DACA was never the law of the land. Because of that, President Trump is not and never has been bound by it. DACA gave an out to congress so that they did not have to actually address the issues or change the immigration laws.

With all the discussion in the media about Trump ending DACA, there is practically no discussion about what our immigration policy should be and that is a problem. We should be openly discussing it and if changes need to be made, congress should make them. That is how laws work. While the media would have you think the questions are difficult, they are not.

Lets start with the basics. Should we have immigration laws? Most people would say yes. Should those laws allow people from other countries to move here and become citizens? There are those who say we should allow people to move here; but, not become citizens. The corporations would love to have them come here to reduce wages; but, would say these immigrants should not get any benefits. In fact, our tech and business leaders have not offered to pay more in taxes to provide benefits for immigrants. They are unwilling to put their money where their mouths are. That is hypocrisy.

When Trump announced his run for President, he stated he wanted to stop illegal immigration. He announced he would enforce the immigration laws passed by congress and remove people who are breaking those laws. People seem to believe in immigration enforcement and that is one of the reasons Trump was elected whether you like it or not. It should be noted that our laws allow for making asylum seekers citizens. I know, I worked with people at the church who were seeking asylum because otherwise they would be killed for being gay in their home countries.

The options available to us are vast. We can totally open our borders and give full citizenship upon people reaching this land, we can open our borders and let people come here but restrict which rights they have, we can change our immigration laws permanently allowing anyone under 16 that gets here to automatically become citizens or allow anyone under 16 that comes here to stay; but, receive no benefits or limited rights. Yu can have any combination of these things.

It should be noted that Mexicans account for an estimated 6.5 million illegal immigrants to the United States, yet, Mexico does not contribute to their well being here. Mexico sends no money to care for their people who are here illegally. Again hypocrites unwilling to put their money where their mouths are.

The media seems to think that enforcing immigration laws is wrong; but, is not willing to openly call for ending all immigration laws. Perhaps they would be willing to pay additional taxes to support those here illegally. Nope.

Living in California, these questions are not new to me.

YouTube - Harvest of Shame is the video above. It is from 1960. I recommend that you go to 49 minutes into the video and you will see that these issues are far from new, yet we continue to defer making a decision on immigration policies.

A question to be considered is one of illegal immigration and crime; but, the answer may surprise you. We do know that a large number of illegal immigrants become drug dealers. You may think this is an outrageous thing to say; but, you might want to look at the type of crime they commit. It is estimated that 80% of the 50,000 or so members of the notorious 18th Street gang are illegal immigrants. Rather than being innately bad people, selling drugs is a way to earn an income when you cannot obtain benefits or legal employment. Telling minors that they can come here; but, not receive benefits guarantees this. The question is not just one of what should our immigration policy be; but, what do we do with poor people who come here. That is not being addressed at all and DACA did not clarify it. I blame that on Obama.

The economist Milton Friedman discusses illegal immigration from an economic perspective. His conclusion was that immigration only made sense if it is illegal.

You will find that agricultural states love illegal immigration; but, they are unwilling to provide benefits to these people. It's been that way in California for as long as I have been alive. Nothing has changed and those promoting illegal immigration don't address it now.

Another question has to do with people who say that we are overpopulated and need to reduce our carbon footprint; but, then say we should allow unfettered and uncontrolled immigration. Hmmm. Lets think about this, our birthrate is negative and sperm counts in the west are down over 50%; but, we want to allow millions of people into the country that have much higher birth rates. I guess we are not really that concerned with global warming or overpopulation.

If we consider the environmental treaties that are being promoted by globalists then let me ask this. If we increase our population by 10% will we be able to increase our carbon footprint by 10% too? No, the Paris Climate Accord had us as the only country committing to decreasing our climate footprint, not China or India who are now the biggest industrial producers and don't regulate their pollution with the same technologies that we require in the west for our own industries.

Let me explain this to everyone in the simplest terms I can think of. The establishment wants the United States to agree to never use more resources in the future than we do now. That is why they talk about carbon limits. At the same time they want us to take in millions of immigrants which would otherwise increase our carbon footprint; but, they have a solution. They want Americans that already are citizens to give up what they grew up with. The tech gurus such as Zuckerberg know that there will not be any jobs for the immigrants or the current Americans so they are willing to share the table scraps with the useless eaters, the middle class and working class. They now refer to them as the precariat. You should look that up and look up the last Bilderberg meeting where it was discussed. I already wrote about it. They anticipate a world where most people have no job and live in 150 to 250 square foot rooms with virtual amusements to simulate a meaningful life. What was it the Democratic National Committee email from Bill Ivey said to John Podesta? Oh yeah he said, "And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry." Read the actual e-mail at this link, WikiLeaks.

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