Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brave New World

In England, the Times is reporting that within as few as three years it will be possible to have babies born with three parents. They would take two eggs and blend them, the sperm would be from one parent. They say it would prevent one hundred birth defects a year.

Building a better baby

What other "defects" will they correct. We know they want to "cure" autism. As someone with Aspergers, I don't need no damn cure. Who decides what is a defect? I have poor eyesight, I wear glasses. I will not get laser surgery. As a result of stress I had central serus retonopathy. I had never heard of it either. It means my body created too much cortizol (something like that) and it came out my left eye creating a permanent tear in the back of the eye.

My understanding is that my left eye will never work right again and it cannot be fixed. Big deal. So what. I can still see. Plastic breasts, liposuction, face lifts, that is how we squander our doctor's time. They say we do not have enough doctors, how bout if the ones we had spent their time healing rather than changing us.

Do you really think that tens of millions of dollars were spent so that people could have three parents to prevent 100 birth defects a year. It is an excuse to justify the real agenda. The real agenda is to be little gods, to engineer the future of man. That is dangerous.

As this technology progresses, will the government allow you to have children who are not "perfect"? What happens when all "birth defects" can be prevented? With universal healthcare, will you be allowed to place the "burden" of an imperfect child on society. Read up on the history of planned parenthood and its beginnings.

China had a one child policy, as a result it has more men than women. Female babies were often aborted in favor of male children. Societal engineering is fascism. It is the loss of rights. It is an abomination. Who decides, it won't be you or I.

Twits on twitter

I have written about privacy before. The library of congress is now going to archive every public writing posted to twitter. The need is non-existent. Your tweets are now and forever public record. Will that impact what people say in the future? I think so.
