This should not surprise anyone; but, apparently it surprises the corporate mainstream media. Since the beginning of the last election cycle almost two years ago, this blog has reported on how the media has pushed propaganda to support a corporate agenda. While the vast majority of what the media has been doing is dishonest in spinning context while intentionally leaving out critical information (such as the WikiLeaks information) there have also been clear examples of outright fabrication. Remember when we were told that the Russians had hacked our electrical grid? Yeah, and that turned out to be 100% made up.
This is not good; but, it is the media's fault. It is not a left or right thing, it is just what happens when you have a monopolistic media (6 companies owning 90% of all the media) with a corporate globalist agenda. Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone wrote a whole article saying that the media's insistence on pushing a false Russia narrative was going to hurt their trust among the citizens almost a year ago.
The media has been hyping the need to restrict freedom of speech at colleges and on the internet, at the same time the media is horrified at the thought that the FCC might actually take away broadcasts licenses. Taking away broadcast licenses is not censorship. Let me explain.
Broadcast licenses only apply to radio and television. There are a limited number of airwaves. Because of this the FCC was created to regulate who got to use which airwave. Not all broadcasters can use channel 2 at the same time over the air. We cannot create more broadcast waves for radio or television. We can have as many cable channels as we want and those are not regulated. Because there are a limited number of radio waves for radio stations and television stations to use, we require that those who are given licenses to use the airwaves must work in the public good.
The corporate mainstream media is advocating censoring what you can say using the internet and overturning the election through impeachment. They are against both free speech and democracy. Does this bother you? It should. They are for abortion and against free speech. How much do they really believe in personal choice? Or only choices they like. They will defend my right to cut off my penis and call myself a woman; but, not my right to criticize that choice in others.
Look, if I went in to a doctor and said I was armed man trapped in a two armed body, would it be okay for him to remove one of my perfectly healthy arms? He would be arrested. Now, if (like Christina Applegate) I had a family history of breast cancer and chose to remove a breast that exhibited no signs of cancer, would that be okay? Most would probably say yes.
On the one hand we can view this as a legal question; but, we can also view it is a rights issue. For me, I don't ask what right I have, I ask when does society have the right to tell me what to do. Society needs to justify control, I don't have to prove I have a right. That's why the bill of rights was not in the original constitution. They believed you had to justify society controlling anything people did.
If something is legal to say in person than it should be legal to say using email or social media, even racist or offensive garbage. I don't believe we can outlaw suicide or racism. I don't believe we can prevent people from cutting their penises off or their arms. I think people that wish to do so have psychological issues and need to work on accepting themselves as they are.
We can go to this question. Do I believe that fat people who wish to lose weight are crazy like people who want to have healthy body parts removed. My answer is nope. Losing weight is not losing healthy parts, it is the opposite, it is improving health.
We are told we are being overrun by Klansmen and Nazis. Where? I haven't seen them except for a couple dozen in frickin Charlottesville. They got shut down quick. I'm old, I remember the Klan marching in states across the US. I remember segregated bathrooms. I remember when George Wallace ran for President. I went to one of the first schools in California to have forced bussing and was friends with kids that got bussed in. I remember what I experienced and saw and I remember when everyone told jokes about blacks and pollocks and ginnies and micks and women. I remember those times and kids, this aint nothing like that. Ask a 60 year old black man if things have changed or not in regards to racism. Does it still exist, hell yeah. Is it growing, hell no. Think gays are treated worse, guess again, they used to go to jail for having sex with other men, for real.
The media views their job as scaring the left, not the right, they want to scare liberals. The boogeyman they have chosen is Nazis and Klansmen. What they are afraid of more than anything else is progressives who want to deal with the economy and economic class issues. If the liberals go after economic issues they would find a friend in Trump supporters and that is what scares them. Trump refused to sign the TPP, Hillary was gong to sign it and Sanders thought it should not be signed. The only people against the TPP that ran for President were Trump, Sanders and Paul. That's it. The TPP would have given corporations to make international legal decisions. Businesses would have true legal authority over governments and democracy would not be allowed to have a say. Why do you think the Democratic party officials are still attacking Sanders supporters?