Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pride versus Dignity

Pride and dignity are not the same thing. We are told not to be prideful, we are not told not to have dignity. Dignity is when you know who you are and live by it, truthfully and in the face of the world. Pride is when you think you are better than others because you made some choices that worked out for you. Pride is emotional greed. Dignity is emotional responsibility. It is being okay with yourself and being honest with yourself at the same time.

We pass through stages in life. We all have times where we learn about ourselves and see things that we do not like. I hate to tell you; but, we never get perfect, we choose which aspects of ourselves we will work on. I like my doctor, I am sorry that I terrify him because of my numbers. They will never be perfect. He has decided we will work on one thing at a time. I really like him. The thing I like the best is that he treats me with dignity. He respects people that allow him to see all their private, personal physical aspects. He talks to me like a person and not just a body part. That is showing someone else dignity. He tells me that there are parts of me that are not great and some that are bad; but, he treats me as a person.

Pride causes people to lie and hide who they are and therefore they are never truly known. Dignity allows you to show all of you and not lie about who you are.