Friday, July 26, 2013

A New Eye in the Sky

Washington D.C. is preparing to put some blimps into the air above the city. It is supposedly to protect the city from missiles. That is non-sense, we can already do that and to stop a missile you had better see it long before it arrives. Think about this, we already have the technology and if you know anything about our fighter jets, that should be very obvious. So, what else can these blimps do. According to their manufacturer, they can track the cars and the waterways. Think all of our movements are not going to be tracked and you are simply not paying attention.

You may remember that I have talked before about how all waterways are under federal control and how under MAP-21 all of our major streets are now considered to be part of the national highway system. It was only days ago that I also pointed out how all vehicles will be required to have tracking devices to even use the national highway system. I will talk more about these things; but, want you to check out the link to an article about it and the manufacturer of these blimps website. - JLENS Simultaneously Tracks Swarming Boats, Cars and Aircraft

Raytheon - JLENS.

Now if you find this all interesting, you will love ISIS.

Wikipedia - Integrated Sensor is Structure. The darn thing can stay in the air for 10 years and can monitor whole states. Everything that has a chip can be monitored, your dog, your car, your horse, your computer, your phone even your passport if it has a chip. This is not science fiction and this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a real technology and it is about to be deployed too. JLENS apparently only has months worth of staying power, not ISIS.

Isis is an Egyptian God. You might assume this is just a coincidence; but, that would mean you did not know the history of aerospace in this country. Remember how all the original rocket programs were named after greek gods? For fun look up the history of Jack Parsons. Daily Grail - The Tragic Tale of the Rocket Maker. You could look up Mr. Parsons in any online encyclopedia; but, I like reading the Daily Grail and thought you might enjoy looking at some of their other articles.

Maybe is just an accident. Here is an article from Arizona SciTechFest - OSIRIS-REx. Maybe Nasa naming a future space launch after ISIS's husband Osiris, was also an accident.

Personally I find these things silly; but, they are consistent and follow a pattern. Symbols are used to explain things to people who are insiders and by combining symbols you can tell a whole story. The question is who is telling the story and what does it mean. In the case of Isis and Osiris they were the parents of Horus. Think of the eye of Horus as being the all seeing eye. Isn't that what they are doing, seeking to be all seeing?

Wikipedia - Information Awareness Office. The earlier name of this organization was "Total Information Awareness" and their symbol included the all seeing eye. While the organization was defunded in 2003, the programs have continued on by other organizations. Here is a quote from the article, "On November 14, 2002, The New York Times published a column by William Safire in which he claimed "[TIA] has been given a $200 million budget to create computer dossiers on 300 million Americans."[31] Safire has been credited with triggering the anti-TIA movement.".

A lot of people have been talking about NSA surveillance in light of what was brought out by former NSA contractor, Mr. Snowden. I said it before and I will say it again, this is not news, it has been going on for a long time and they don't care about 99.9% of us; but, if they do take an interest in you, they can go back and look at everything you have said and done. I find it amusing that the first place to adopt this blimp is Washington, DC, I guess the first people to be monitored by the intelligence agencies will be our politicians. ROFL.

A Thought on the EU and England

First an update to my readers, I am doing fine and still adjusting to my medication.

So, for quite a while now there has been a movement within England to get out of the European Union. This can be done easier by them then most other members as they still use their own currency. Nigel Farage of the UKIP party has been pushing hard for this and his party is gaining strongly in their elections.

Euro Crisis And Economic Collapse 2013, Nigel Farage, The Media Still Has No Grip On Reality

The linked video gives a pretty good sense of how the perspective regarding the EU is changing. It also talks about how England, like the United States, gave up on manufacturing. What is also discussed is how England's strongest industry is in the financial industry, same as here. Both panelists discuss how England needs to bring back manufacturing and they do because if they leave the EU, they are going to face a problem that was not discussed.

The "City of London" is a one square mile of financial businesses. It is autonomous and is one of only three such cities in the world. The other two are Washington, D.C. and Vatican city. The City of London controls much of the world's financial transactions. Not long ago one of their institutions known as the London Interbank Overnight Rate or LIBOR was discovered to have been rigged. They effect every interest rate in basically the world and they were all rigged. In the last few weeks it was determined that this rate would now be set with more international influence.

Why should you care. Read on. If England removes itself from the EU, there is a good chance that Europe would cease allowing England to be the financial headquarters for Europe. Without a manufacturing base, England will be economically destroyed if they lose their biggest industry, finances. The same could happen to America when the dollar ceases to be the world's reserve currency. The world is changing and it is planned.

To have a truly global, free trade economy, you have to have a global currency and it cannot be owned by any one nation. Once you have a global currency, you can have a global stock market in the true sense of the word. In order for that to happen, the existing system needs to be destroyed and that is what we are watching. In order for us to accept this change, there has to be a good story and we have to lose faith in our economic system. I am not talking about capitalism, I am talking about the Federal Reserve, the dollar, Wall Street and the manner in which we manipulate our economy and the world's economy.