Saturday, November 16, 2019

Day 2 - Impeachment Inquiry

I stayed awake all night to watch Day 1 of the hearings and then again for Day 2. I witnessed nothing. We are told Trump is being investigated for trying to blackmail (originally we were told it was a tit for tat or Quid pro quo investigation).the Ukrainian President. One would assume we would hear from people who witnessed such a thing, we did not.

Day 1, we heard from a disgruntled employee that Trump didn't do what they told him to do regarding the Ukraine. He stated that he was not in on the call Trump had with the Ukrainian President and got all his information from someone who heard someone who had a guess. He witnessed nothing and had no evidence, at all. His co-witness knew even less; but, did say he thought that the company that Biden's son worked for should be investigated. The point that both made was that they thought the Ukraine was important to the United States. This is all fine and good; but, has nothing to do with impeaching the President. In fact both witnesses said they didn't know of anything the President should be impeached for. The general assumption was that these were the star witnesses, both of whom had previously been witnesses in closed door meetings.

To me Day 1 was a joke. My brother wanted to give them a benefit of a doubt and see if Day 2 would be the real inside dirt. Day 2 was a bigger joke. The witness had left service months before the call and knew nothing about it. Her complaint was that she was replaced by another Ambassador to the Ukraine. She claimed nothing about crimes by Trump.

The process of the hearings itself was a complete disgrace where the Chairman, Mr. Schiff, refused to allow questions by one congresswoman, a Republican. This is a kangaroo court and a disgrace of congress. This has nothing to do with what people think of Trump and everything to do with what people believe is fair and just.

I have made it clear over the years that I hate the "Patriot Act" which says people don't always get to have a trial and can be detained indefinitely without one, it is an abomination to the constitution and Bush signed it. We have no justice when we allow the process to change based on attitudes towards the accused personally.

Pimpernel has a law degree with honors and multiple American Jurisprudence Awards. I consider the United States Constitution the second greatest written document next to the Bible. The short sightedness of this by the Democrats shows their desperation over removing Trump before he gets re-elected. The techniques they are using will be used against the next Democratic president. That is how politics works and I know because I was in the game for half my life.

I remember when Kennedy was killed and even more so when his brother was. I remember Watergate and personally knew people who interacted with John Dean at the time. In fact, a friend was asked to represent Nixon before the impeachment hearing on some tax thing, he declined. He was a famous attorney and when I was in law school took me to dinner one night, he even let me stay at his beach house and was incredibly kind to allow me to have my graduation party at the same house. He met me when I was in sixth grade; but, my mom and dad had helped him. While we were dining together, prior to my graduation, he asked me if I would represent someone I knew was guilty of a crime. I told him I wasn't sure. He asked me if the system could work if the accused could not have people who understood the law refuse to represent people. He asked if Doctors should refuse medical assistance to people they didn't like. What about the fire department? I fear a society where we only make sure that the people we like get fairness in process.

You can only have a totalitarian society when you care more about personality than policy. Remember these words, they were learned by someone who live through the Nazi regimn.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade uinionist

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

Only fools think they are denying Trump and Roger Stone their rights, nope, they are establishing a system where those rights don't exist anymore for anyone.

News Sites

I read dozens of news sites each day. I read sites from both the left and right, I also watch dozens of YouTube political channels. For links to conservative sites I usually go to The Drudge Report, I find I no longer wish to use that site so I am creating this link list to give me quick access to the conservative sites I follow and I through in some conspiracy discussion sites as they always link to unusual news sources. This is in no way an endorsement of any site. It is also not exhaustive. On rare occasions I will read extremist sites of the left and the right; but, I choose not to list any of them. I also read multiple foreign sites, such as English newspapers, I look them up depending on the issue of the day. Perhaps down the road I will add some of them to this list.

News sites

Daily Caller
Daily Wire
LA Daily News
LA Times
National Review
New York Post
Real Clear Politics
Washington Examiner
Above Top Secret
The Daily Grail
Coast to Coast AM

Matt Taibbi - Substack.
Glenn Greenwald - Substack
Aaron Mate - The Grayzone