Friday, July 2, 2010

What is the fascination with Vampires

I know practically nothing about the "Twilight" movies, books, records or anything else. I also don't watch television so I don't know much about it's rip offs. What I do know is rather disturbing. Women in their teens through 40's finding vampires sexy. That really creeps me out.

I don't think much of the mafia or gang members or thieves or murderers or rapists or child molesters or most scum bags. I don't find those who prey on others to be very impressive and usually find that in their heart of hearts they are nothing other than cookie chasing bullies. Yet, society finds a way to make all of these things appear sexy, why and how?

Why would a 40 year old married woman with a 15 year old daughter be enamored with a 20 year old vampire in a movie, what does he represent? All of the types of people I mentioned represent the same thing. The ability to take what you want without being in powerful positions. Greed and the ability to feed the animal that it comes from.

The stories are all the same. A powerful being that is not a part of the system can take from them what it wants; but, because of their female beauty chooses not to take but to be given and in exchange offers his strength. Vampires are a blue collar girls dream if she doesn't think she can get things for herself.

What is Harry Potter, an orphan with power. If we have taken the shortcuts and feel we have no influence over the world in the "normal" way, we tend to turn to fantasy and the fantasy is always one where we overcome the world rather than work through it. Shortcuts.

They say that power is the greatest aphrodisiac in the world; but, I want to talk about sex. Might as well, have had any in quite awhile. LOL.

How do you view sex? I mean, is it a sensation, is it giving or receiving? Is it what determines who you are with? Is it the meaning of life? Is it just like any other bodily function? Is it just a thing? Is it private or public, does it matter?

Sex is in the mind kids, the sensation is merely an association. What do you find more thrilling, love or sex? On one level sex is just rubbing body parts, Bill Clinton was wrong he did have sex with that girl. Love-sex is different, it is where you enjoy the pleasure you bring your partner more than you enjoy the experience. That is love-sex.

This part is now going to be a little mature, I will try and be delicate. Ladies, if you can enjoy a vibrator, don't tell the men that you need romance, it is a lie on a physical level. Also, don't think you can fake it to someone who actually pays attention, your bodies change too, problem is most guys don't pay attention and wait for you to tell them.

Here is my love advice. Ladies, men don't talk about sex with each other in a meaningful way. Tell your man what he should be looking for to know if you are excited, their dad probably did not. Men, pay attention and remember "Ladies first". Be a gentleman, you'll get there. What the heck does this have to do with vampires?

Oh yeah. The women like vampires and romance novels because they want to feel loved, to know you care. Women are insecure and crave attention, they like men and want to know that we like them. We are insecure too, we want their attention and fear they will pick the more powerful guy, the guy with money. They won't, they like compliments. It is our responsibility to be truthful and not flatter just for sex, flattery is deceit. Oh, and ladies, if you accept flattery rather than the truth from someone who still loves you, you get the liar and jerk.

Lest the men think I am giving them a free pass, if you flatter a woman and get her, guess what, it isn't you she is in love with, she is in love with the illusion of you and you will always be second. Sex and love, so often confused with one another. Love is so much more. I can love a woman who cannot have sex, I cannot have sex with a woman I do not love, I am out of step, the rest of the world thinks the opposite.

When I was dating I was not looking for sex, I was looking for love. I turned down sex even though it would have been really nice. I had not found the right love and right situation. Every woman I dated was worthy of love, not just of any love, of true love of complete love, of all encompassing love, of a love that will last an eternity. Perhaps that is what vampires offer; but, at the wrong price, at the price of your soul. Be well.

Slightly inconsistent

A couple of days ago I read an article that listed the ten worst conspiracy theories. One of the theories it claimed was completely false was the use of subliminals in advertising. Subliminal messaging is the use of images or words hidden in a normal picture, it can also be done with sound.

A book called "The Hidden Persuaders" was the first to discuss them. The author recounts a documented intentional use of such techniques. Movies at theaters run at 24 frames per second. That means each second is 24 separate pictures. Because our mind anticipates consistency, it will attempt to ignore anomalies. Anyway, a machine called (as best as I can remember the spelling) a tachistascope flashed a picture of an ice cold coke and some words at 1/200th of a second and sales of coke increased. This is not a guess, it was an experiment.

This technology is not magic and it is not hypnosis. Our minds want to create associations, to find meaning. In addition, we seek to fit in. If you hated coke, you would not buy a coke; but, if you liked it, it would trigger a thought in the back of your mind.

Each year millions of dollars are spent studying how we react to colors, there are companies dedicated to it. Scientists have lately been spending a lot of time discussing how we react to things unconsciously. The linked article discusses how we are unconsciously effected by things. The problem is when they want you to think you are nothing but reactive they will talk about how you are effected by things subconsciously; but, if someone says this is sometimes done intentionally they are called a conspiracy theorist. Hmmmmm, sounds like it smells.

Modern advertising was led by a psychologist who was related to Freud, that is just a fact. Prior he had worked for the United States making propaganda. I guess the "authorities" and "experts" want you to know that you are easily influenced and also believe that nobody would do so intentionally.

How much television do you watch in a day? How much time do you spend listening to the radio or reading mass media or playing video games? How much time do you spend not analyzing what is in front of you; but, merely going along with the "entertainment". Most people merely accept the truth they think they are viewing, consider it as not relevant to their direct lives, file it away as a fact and never question it. That is how you allow yourselves to accept things unquestioningly. Zombies, brain dead, susceptible.

I read a lot of news sources. I read them intentionally looking for the lies and subtle spins. I do not accept everything I read nor do I ignore it, I actually question it and sometimes I write about it. We spend too much time listening and not enough time quietly contemplating without input. Just thinking about things.

I would to challenge you to a little experiment. It is very simple and will cost nothing. For one full week do not watch television, do not go to a movie, do not listen to music, do not read anything from the mass media, do not use a computer, do not play one video game, do not read any book, just live. Get up, go to work, come home and think, then go to bed. People did it for hundreds of thousands of years, you can to, it is only a week.

Instead of taking in, create. Draw, write, think, cook, write or play music, exercise, anything. See what happens. Most people go through a withdrawal worse than drugs, they have lost the ability to create, they are sponges on the creativity of others. As a consequence, they give up their ability to truly choose as they do not know the options or what they can create.

To many people this sounds horrifying. We want to be entertained and do not wish to be challenged. We want to be cared for and not work. We want this to be Club Med. It can be; but, in exchange you must give up your free will. The problem is not television, books, video games or the radio. The problem is how little time we actually think about and analyze what we are being bombarded with. The problem is our willingness to be bombarded, it is laziness and it has a price.