Friday, July 10, 2020

This bizarro world

Things continue to get more and more surreal. Want more proof. The Supreme Court has just declared that half of Oklahoma is owned by the American Indians and things will be even stranger.

Meanwhile back in Seattle decided to defund the police by 50% and required all shite government employees to renounce their "whiteness"

For over a decade I have been saying what is coming. I was on private forums and said there would be internet censorship in the west and I was laughed at and called a conspiracy theorist. I provided links to source documents from the CFR and other NGOs where they said this is where they wanted to bring the west.

Many of my Christian friends believe end times can be avoided or that they will "raptured". It doesn't work that way. The New World Order needs martyrs. Christians and other believers in God. Look around you, this is reality and it is going to get worse. There will be a calm before the storm; but, the storm will show.

Laughing my ass off, people anticipate a one world government without understanding what it means. The coming economic reset is the one world order. The worldwide economic "reset" is the new world order. It will be preceded by a worldwide economic crash. At first their solutions will make you slightly better off, debts will be reduced or forgiven; but the cost will be control over you and you will take it. I won't.

They will offer you freedom from debt in exchange for your freedom and their regulations. Once the new economic system is in place, the replacement economic system will see the largest international transfer of wealth in history.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ghislaine Maxwell did not kill herself, yet.

Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice has just been arrested. Think she makes it to court?

NBC New York -

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Do you not see, the end is near

What do you think is going on? Pandemics, locust, war and rumors of war, three eclipses, red moons because of a sandstorm in Arica traversing the Atlantic and effecting the United States. Many are so overwhelmed, they will never wake up, not even if aliens landed here. There is no normal anymore. God does not rule the world, we denied him that. We rejected him and like any man of manners, he allowed us to. Satan rules this world, he offered this world to Jesus for a tribute, Jesus said no. Jesus does not run this world.

Satan runs this world, we determine how we respond. We define ourselves. He says that if we take a knee and bow to him, he will make this life present. We are eternal. What a cheap bet.