Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blah blah blobbly blah

I am brain dead. Brains, brains, need to eat brains. Sorry, did I write that?

Oh, I am brain dead; but, I have some lovely pictures of the Rosicrucian Museum. I just might post some of them. Hmmmmm, to what end. Amusement.

"What do you get when you fall in love? A guy with a pin to burst your bubble." "What do you get when you fall in love? You only get lies and pain and sorrow." Now if you can find the connection between Rosecrucians and the preceeding lyrics, you get a cookie.

It is San Jose. You see, the museum is in San Jose and Dionne Warwick sang "What do you get when you fall in love". She also sang "Do you know the way to San Jose". In case you are wondering, I have no intention of making any sense. I intend to make no sense or perhaps nonsense. We shall see. Be well.

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