Saturday, April 3, 2010

Elton John, an asshole

Now, I like Elton John's music. Still, lets face it, he is one of the biggest assholes in the world. He fails to respect anyone's beliefs others than his own. He recently was quoted saying Jesus was gay. Now, I do not have a problem with gays. What I have a problem with is Mr. John's making things up to prove his point and disrespecing 2,000 years of religious belief. He does not care nor know the truth. Asshole.

Apparently, Mr. John is now disrespecting the Mayans. What a guy. Everyone, prior to Mr. John, respected the Mayan's request that people playing in their holy place of Chichen Itza, have the Mayan's do a morning blessing. He did not bother. Next is Paul McCartney to play in the same place. He has not made the arrangement either. Why not?

Mr. John expects Christians to respect his lifestyle, yet, he does not respect anyone elses. NOw, personally, I don't give a rats rearend what Mr. John thinks or does up till the point he disrespects others. He does not have the truth or guts to address them directly. That is disgustful.

I am not a fan of the Mayan culture. It is not that I do not like natives, I happen to really admire the Hopi. I intend to visit their land. I have asked their people for such permission. I also asked for some information regarding their culture, so that if I am allowed to view one of their ceremonies, I would not offend.

Paul, the one from the bible, said, "When in Rome, do as the Romans". What a simple thought. Do not offend others to prove a point. If we are to be with others, we must respect their ways. That does not mean agree with them, it means allow them to be them to the extent one can.

I ask myself, how can you be so disrespectful of this ancient people. I am stone cold Christian, not in words, in deeds, faith and belief. Do not misunderstand, I can be very hard. You need to understand what a Christian is. It is not the weak and pleasing types taught today. Jesus died on a cross, he said what he believed and suffered the consequences. So did many others. However, I have a "psychic vampire" pagan staying with me because he had nowhere else to go. I took him in.

I am no saint. Just a guy that hates to see a friend go homeless. When people come by and meet my friends, they are surprised that I have such an odd arrangement of friends. Too bad. He treats me with respect and tells me the truth. Better than I get from most "Christians" I know.

How can we show others God's love if we do not love others? I have gay friends, I have aethiest friends, I have pagan friends, I have friends who are "sex workers" (no, still only been with one woman), I have friends who have been in the intelligence game. I know more anomalous people than I should. More than I knew existed. I, on the other hand, am quite boring. Thankfully.

It is not up to me to force others to believe or live as I do. Not my job. It is my job to be me, to define myself. If I take such a privledge, how can I deny it to others? I will discuss the value of choices, the correctness with others; however, I will respect their choices. That does not mean that I will listen to their justifications without response. I respond better to the truth of their choices.

If I go to the house of a Muslim, I know they have differant beliefs. I would want to respect their beliefs. Paul said he was free to eat food that was blessed to other gods. He knew it was not true. There is only one God. But, he said he would not do so if it caused another to sin. Seems contradictory, it is not.

Paul was saying that he would not do things that would lead a Christian to fail at meeting their beliefs. He met with non-Christians. He attempted to discuss what he believed with non-Christians. He did not expect them to change just because they met him. He knew better, he was just spreading the word. It was called "The Great Commission". Not a fight, a life.

The Great Commission was to define ourselves and then live it. To show the impact of our beliefs. A competition, to be sure, one of proving what belief system had what result. That is how we grow. If we say we believe one thing and live another, we are not competing to find out what is the best way to live. It is deceit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are living in a Modern Dark Age.