Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It is a giant joke, I am the punchline

Dear Readers,

I must laugh. After taxes and my garnishment for alimony, I keep 38% of what I make. Today, the Mayor announced that he was going to have all non-safety personnel put on a three day week. That means I will lose 40% of my salary. I guess I will pay them the differance.

The joke is that I will be quite literally asked to work for free. This is amusing. I think my answer will be no. Some would worry about such a situation, I do not think I will. I will trust in God. What was it Blanche DuBois said, "I have always relied on the help of strangers". Something like that.

At 50, I have seen it all. I have been on the streets for a very short period once. I have gone hungry. Rarely. I have been unemployed for an extended period of time. More than once. I am still here.

I keep a box in my garage. It is what is left of my father's things. I keep it to remind me that we live a life of illussion when we worry about things. We take nothing when we leave and own nothing while here. We merely use things on occassion.

If my salary is cut 40%, I shall quit. No choice. My daughter spoke to me last night. She questioned how things turned out for me. She recognized all the effort I had put in and how much I had done for others. She questioned whether or not it was worth it seeing as how things turned out. She questioned whether or not it was worthwhile to even try to do right.

I understood her question. My answer was that it was well worth it. I did not do what I did for a reward, I did what I did because I believed in what I did. Still do. If we do right, we have succeeded in the only way that matters. The rest is bullshit and trinkets. I would say that I will not end up on the streets, too many friends and family that love me. If I did, I would survive.

Perhaps a damsel not in distress will save an old knight. LOL. Now that would be funny. Dear readers, please do not let my situation upset you. It is nothing. I will get up tomorrow and maybe even go to work. In either case, I will continue and continue to laugh at this world. Maybe even spit in an eye or two. Be well, I am.


Anonymous said...

This news MUST make you laugh, if only not to cry. It is so absurd. I for one will not worry - much. You will land on your feet, Pimpernel.

As for the damsel, well, stranger things have happened.

Anonymous said...

It is a giant joke, but you are not the punchline, because you still believe! When you take what is thrown at you and still believe, and you have those who love you...

I am sorry that you are in this place now, but I doubt you will stay in it long.

I agree with Anonymous:
"As for the damsel, well stranger things have happened."