Thursday, May 20, 2010

Interesting items from England

The new English government is a "coalition" government. Now, in case you don't understand, the head of the English government is usually elected by his party. When there are not enough legislators of one party to elect on their own, the head is chosen by having two of their parties join together. That is a coalition government.

This coalition has a five year plan to turn the country around. They are in the same situation as the United States. Part of their plan is to publish all government documents on-line, almost as they are written. If you go to the Obama plan for the Federal government, it is the same.

I think I will post the 36 page document. We will no doubt do the exact same kinds of things as the English. That has always been the intent.

The article

In the same newspaper, The London Times, was an article on how Woody Allen thinks Obama should be allowed to be a dictator.

Another fun story is how Google is about to get into the business of facial recognition software. What do you think about the fact that on sites where people post pictures they can tag the pictures and that you can then search by the tag for anyone else having posted a picture with the same person or tag?

In another Google related story, google is going to release google television. And consider Google's Android phones. I guess little Google is not just a search engine anymore. Wait till they take over the electrical companies. Google is also deeply concerned about your health, works nicely with out new healthcare system.

One must ask themselves, what is Google's buisness plan? In order to figure out a plan, look at the infrastructure that is being created. In this case, keeping in mind Google's cloud computing program, what is developing is a cheap and central managed database of every aspect of your life. One company will know what you watch, who you call, what you text, who your friends are, how much electricity you use, when you are home, your health and can compute your "carbon footprint" on a minute by minute basis. Infrastructure.

Oh yeah, go back and read my posts on the stock marker again, check the dates and times. Maybe I am still capable of seeing trends in advance. Read what was going on when I posted, Greece was in trouble and the world would be saved if it was bailed out. It was bailed and then not long after the market began crashing and swinging. That up and down is called volatility, I mentioned that would happen.

Now investigate what Google's business plan is. Read it from their own website. Read what initiatives they are currently involved in. Nothing is hidden; but, you have to make an attempt to read it.

One more thing. Check out this article from Australia regarding Google Wave.

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