Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oprah, Magic and the "Law of Attraction"

I was drinking my coffee and came across this article on Oprah's website.

Dream Boards

Oprah was a big proponent of a belief set called "The Law of Attraction"

If one reads the Rosicrucian literature, or the Masonic or even the Satanist literature you will discover that it is the same type of "magic" except the spiritual aspects are played down. It is the magic of the Kabuki Dance. You do the dance/ritual and if things work out as you want, you attribute it to the dance. If things do not go as you wanted, you continue the dance.

I was a magician when I was younger. Not a mystical one, for entertainment. I did tricks, not "magic". I learned that the trick was all about misdirection. Magicians have long sought to disprove attempts by some to prove that they could do real magic. It is because we know, it is just a trick.

The famous Satanist, Anton LaVey, was in a documentary. In the documentary he spoke about how he had worked in carnivals and would talk to the psychics that were part of the carnival. He stated that they were people who were better at reading body language and intent, he saw no psychic powers. Perhaps that is where we should start.

If you read your horoscope, which I do not, it may say that you will someone new. If you believe in it, you will look for that opportunity and are therefore more likely to find it. The horoscope did nothing. Ignoring the "spirituality" of the thing, the problem with the law of attraction is that it focuses one on the cookies of this world rather than morals, growth or even improving ones practical skills.

There is a "christian" version of this (even though it is clearly non-Christian), it is the "Name it and claim it" movement. The belief that we are here to get cookies and that if we have enough faith in the cookies we will get them.

In Haiti there are many proponents of voodoo, it follows the same format as "the law of attraction" and it didn't prevent the earthquake. We so want shortcuts that we give up our free will to the cookies. There is no "Secret" and the world is not all about you or me, it about all of us.

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