Saturday, May 22, 2010

Secret Societies, the Soul and Words

When I was about 12 a movie producer gave me a book. It was called "The Rich and Super Rich". He explained to me that the world was not run the way I was taught in school. At the same time, I was aware of the intelligence community and how much more goes on behind the scenes than people would care to know. As I grew up, I began to investigate secret societies. I was particularly interested in the Masons, the Mormons and the hidden language of symbolism.

Fast forward, a few years ago I came across the recordings of a man named Bill Cooper. Mr. Cooper produced a series of broadcasts on the history of the Mystery Schools. Now within the tradition of the mystery schools come many organizations, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucian's, the Masons, Opes Dei and many others. The foundation for all of them was taught in Babylon and was referred to in the bible.

I should point out that I intend to write a bit today. I do not intend to leave my house. I am taking the weekend off.

What surprised me was how many different secret societies had the same symbols and very similar ritual. All of the "New Age" and "Mystery Schools" have fundamentally the same message and practices. We can therefore group any group which teaches these messages and practices as falling within a common history.

I would like to start by laying out what the fundamental tenants are of the "Mystery Schools". Firstly, one cannot just join, they must be allowed in as a novice, apprentice, initiate or the like, by the group. This means that you must be "found worthy" by members of the group. Each group has a slightly different definition of worthy.

Once a member, the initiate will go through a series of trials or teachings. One of the teachings is always about the pre-Christian history of the teachings. Most will go back to either Egypt, Babylon or the fall of Satan. One need not believe any of what these schools teach, I am more interested in what and why. Another thing that will be taught is the symbolic language that is used by people who are members, in the know.

Symbols that are historically associated with mystery schools include the pyramid, dual wings with a circle in the middle and the eye of horus (or the all-seeing eye). Other symbols include the swastika, the cross, the star and the sun. The symbols are meant to convey a message and indicate commonality. A sort of visual secret handshake that the profane (you and I) would not recognize.

Each of the mystery schools is very much into symbolism and ritual. Rather than being told what things mean, the initiate is placed in ritual. Often the rituals are very powerful. The purpose of the ritual is to overwhelm the thought process so that the initiate accepts whatever they are told. This is a form of brainwashing and many of the techniques incorporate brainwashing or hypnosis methods.

We now come to a discussion of two terms, experience and awareness. People often confuse the two. Most people living mundane lives focus on experience. We see it everywhere, experience is elevated above understanding. Experience is sort of a short cut to understanding; but, does not allow for a deeper understanding as we focus on the sensation rather than the meaning.

If we focus on understanding rather than experience we can then appreciate everything that occurs to us with a greater depth. Those who focus on experience miss the depth of the meaning. This is the fundamental difference between the mystery schools and Christianity or Judaism.

The next thing taught by the mystery schools is that we must go through levels of attainment to be shown more. We must prove worthy of being part of the "universal consciousness". In addition to the mystery schools, we have other shortcuts leading to the same belief. These would include ritual and certain drugs which are supposed to lead to visions of what is taught by the mystery schools. I will include links so that the reader can verify themselves.

In the end all of these shortcuts lead to an experience of oneself as part of a whole, their own God if you will. We become one and all that exists. This should be anathema, at odds with Christian and Jewish beliefs; however, in the last few decades we have seen these gnostic teaching creeping into both.

The mystery schools teach either that we become God or one and the same as God. Christianity and Judaism teach that we are here to define ourselves so that we can have a relationship with God. This is a subtle but critical distinction. The mystery school beliefs are becoming so prevalent in modern society and most do not even recognize it. This is partly due to the fact that we are focusing less on reason and more on feelings and experience.

Our use of words can help or hinder our understanding of events and concepts. Deceit is the twisting of words and concepts rather than out right lies. A good example is the difference between freedom and independence. Independence means that two or more things do not impact each other or effect each other. Freedom on the other hand means that while two or more things may effect one another, they are allowed to do so.

A good example would be a tree falling in Japan might never have a direct effect on me, it is independent of me. Now if I am walking through a forest and a tree falls and I witness it, I am effected by it, yet I have no ability to stop it, it is free to effect me. Some will argue "the butterfly effect", that is to say that everything effects everything else. This is simply not true, it may effect things. If a tree falls in Japan and I die ten minutes later in Colorado, the tree could not effect things quickly enough to have an effect on me, time does come into play.

The truth is inside you not because you or I are all knowing, it is there because we are capable of testing beliefs and determining which are true. The mystery schools would prefer to tell you that God is inside you and if you are open to him he will show you all truth. This has historically been known as channeling. It can never result in true understanding because you are being shown rather than learning.

I was driving my car one day with one my cousins, a younger one, and he was telling me the quickest way to get home. I told him we had all the time in the world and I did not need to take a shortcut. We rush way too much. We seek the goals rather than the trip, it is from the trip that we learn. We are the same way with pleasure and pain, we try to get to pleasure with the least amount of delay and remove ourselves from trouble as quickly as possible, never understanding or appreciating either.

Modern society is built upon sensory overload. We seek to maximize experience and minimize understanding. The overload of competing thoughts requires effort to wad through and people fear they may miss out on the "joys of life". That results in a half life, a half awareness. The Chinese have spoke about the world in a grain of sand, that is a better approach as it is attainable by all.

My aunt passed away and was buried last week. I have been so busy that I have had not had a chance to come to grips with what it means. That is one of the reasons I am taking this weekend off, to consider what it means to me. An alternate choice would be to feel the loss and work through the experience. I feel no need to rush it. I have continued thinking about my parents deaths since they occurred. They still have meaning to me, nothing to get over.

I consider "get over it" one of the dumbest things we can say to one another. Get over it, forget it rather than learn from it and attempt to understand it. Experience over awareness. Half a life.

Now the mystery schools, Christians and Jews would all agree that we are primarily spiritual in nature living in an apparently material world. Even Satanists are more concerned about the spiritual rather than the material. It should also be mentioned that Satanists use the same symbols and ritual as masons and other mystery schools.

I would like to take a little time to go over some things that are currently very popular in discussions. There is a movement which claims either that we are electrical in nature, vibrational in nature or fractal. The beliefs all end up in the same place. The theory is that we are part of a bigger consciousness and that if we are open to the bigger belief we are capable of being one with it. We just need to "tap into" the bigger truth. I prefer to be me and relate to it.

I shall now discuss "altered states of consciousness". As background, I studied hypnosis, brainwashing and sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation is fascinating. If one is placed in an isolation chamber (a tube with heavy water, so that you float, no sound and no light) they will begin seeing things almost immediately. The mind will amuse itself. That does not mean everything the mind imagines is valid.

Doctors can prescribe many drugs. Some of the worst are the psychotropic, Prozac is one very bad drug; but, there are plenty of others. The drugs work as inhibitors of certain connections within the brain. Rather than helping us to deal with our emotions, they limit our emotions giving a false sense of happiness. The result, according to scientists, is that our receptors are lessened. We become capable of less emotion and experience.

One natural chemical (I will not call it a drug unless it is synthetically duplicated) is DMT. DMT is released by the pineal gland. Frequently DMT is released during Near Death Experiences. Scientists cannot agree on why or what it means, they do agree that it can be released during NDEs. In Buddhism a similar experience is called spontaneous kundalini. Basically, your pineal glad releases an explosion of DMT and spiritual awareness occurs.

Apparently, Jim Carey had one such experience. Now whether he achieved it through taking DMT or spontaneously is not known. I would like the reader to go to the attached link and hear what he said about the experience.

Jim Carey

Joe Rogan I particularly like where Rogan says that if you take DMT you will definitely connect with something.

Yoga, certain meditative practices and certain drugs can force a DMT experience. The experience, when thus forced, usually results in a feeling of completeness and one with the universe. A euphoria is often present and an awareness of other beings on a spiritual level. It just about always results in a "out of body" experience of some nature. DMT, unlike LSD or other psychedelic drugs, results in increased awareness and not decreased awareness, it does not however result in increased understanding by itself.

You may be wondering how any of what I have written is connected. I cannot blame you, it is related in the beliefs that are common to secret societies and users of dmt. They both result in a belief that one can become like God, that one is God. This does not occur with those who have spontaneous kundalini or those who have a near death experience even though the same chemical is at work. I wondered why.

People who have Near Death Experiences usually talk about how they were reunited with loved ones and met God. People who take DMT or practice certain yoga techniques reach a place where they feel at one with the universe rather than in relationship with others. If they do meet others they frequently refer to them as aliens or spirits.

We now return to a discussion of the mystery schools. The mystery schools teach practices and belief sets that are meant to allow one to feel connected to the universal consciousness, God. The rituals are practiced in order to obtain command over this world and others. I would argue that yoga and taking DMT are done to obtain the experience rather than control.

The reader now has a greater understanding of the mystery schools than 95% of the world. The "in crowd" or "brotherhood" or whatever they wish to call themselves, the secret societies, all believe basically the same thing and are all competing with one another for who has obtained the most "enlightenment". The enlightenment is always the same with them, that they are perfect, the deceit of the ages and the ego boost people want. Stasis, perfection, the end of growth.

Growth and perfection are not results, they are processes that last for eternity. If they are results than they are poor ones resulting in eternal boredom and hell. Nothing to be achieved means nothing to be sought.

The mystery schools would argue that as God created us we all have a part of God in us. I can go along with that to a degree. They then extrapolate that we can be God, that is where we differ. I have water in my body, that does not mean that I can become water, it remains just a part of me or I cease to be me.

Like I said, recently I had a reason to be in Northern California and visited the Rosicrucian Museum. Symbolism was everywhere. The Eye of Horus, pyramids and egyptian wings with a circle in the middle. These all convey beliefs that they hold and the beliefs are also held by Luciferians and Satanists, not just the beliefs but the symbols. What amazed me was the symbol used by pedophiles is a variation on this theme. If you go to the prior post you will discover that the symbol of pedophiles, according to the FBI, is a pyramid made up of the Eye of Horus. The circled wire is the eye of horus with an outline resembling a pyramid.

We now begin to come to the crux of the matter. The "profane" or "unwashed masses" or the "unenlightened" do not understand things spiritual. That is what the secret societies believe and how they view non-members. I would disagree, if you can only arrive at understanding by agreeing to follow then you have not learned anything, you merely accepted what others told you, you are a robot. Having said that, most that join any of the mystery schools never do learn the real beliefs of the groups they join, they are there for other reasons, usually related to getting material things.

I used to believe that secret societies were rather limited. The ex's grandfather was a 33 degree mason, my uncle was at the top of the Elk's club (a grand boobah of some sort) and I have known others involved in such groups. I can honestly say that most of them were there strictly for business reasons and could care less about the underlying beliefs. Funny thing is that all of them would call themselves Christians. This is due to the fact that they never looked at how the beliefs they were being taught differed from what God taught.

I have friends that are Masons, heck I have friends that are pagans. Most people choose their beliefs based on how the belief makes them feel about themselves. That is the difference between Christianity, Judaism and just about every other belief set. Christianity and Judaism tell us that we are not and will not become perfect. For Christians and Jews the issue should not how be how we become good enough to have relationship with one another; but, should instead be how do we relate to one another considering our differences. For the mystery schools the question is how do we become one. We must choose which direction we personally wish to go in.

If by some strange synchronicity one of the readers is a Rosicrucian, I would be more than happy to discuss their beliefs. In fact, I plan on publishing a link to their own manuals (monographs) which explain what I have been discussing as it relates to their belief set. I shall publish links to Luciferians that show the same belief set.

One might ask why I have made this post. Well, it is because I discovered how many of our world leaders were followers of the mystery schools. It does not matter which schools, it is all of them. The basic belief set is the same so the particulars becomes somewhat irrelevant. The mystery schools were created by the Babylonian and Egyptian kings to justify their controlling everyone else, taking more than their fair share. This can only be done if they view the rest of us as less deserving and unprepared.

Some signs that are used by students of the mystery schools include secret handshakes (read a book on Masons and it will show them), hand signals (the horns being the most obvious; but also the pyramid or the circled eye - Lady Gaga loves the circle around the eye - it stands for Lucifer or Horus, the bringer of enlightenment). I know of at least two Masons who read this blog, I offer them the opportunity to correct me on any of what I have stated.

So now we get to the issue of relationship. What type of relationships are possible and what type of relationships bring growth? Beyond that, what type of relationship is best and promotes growth of the participants? In its simplest, how should we relate to one another, what are the priorities and learning curve?

I do not relate to my dog (still a puppy) in the same way that I relate to my daughters or my friends. Each relationship is unique unto itself. Part of relationship is due to responsibility, part is impacted by ability and understanding and part is related to trust.

There are people in my life and yours, that I simply do not trust. Deceit on their part makes it impossible to trust and therefore have a trusting relationship with them is also impossible. Does this mean that we cannot have any relationship, no. We have relationships with many people we do not trust. It is the type of relationship that we have that is defined by our trust.

We now come to the question of the difference between truth and truthfulness. I cannot ever be sure that I know the "truth"; we are all flawed and limited, as such, we can only hope to be truthful. I do my best to say what I believe to be truthful recognizing that I am incapable of knowing the complete truth, that means I am always off by a degree, a percentage, my limited understanding. To believe that you knowledge of the truth exceeds the totality of the truth is to believe that you are God. I cannot achieve such a thing.

Rosicrucian Instructional Materials

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