Monday, June 21, 2010

I lied, one more thing

My attorney is the best in the world. I paid her when my taxes came in; but, she had one thing left to do. She had to send in paperwork so my retirement would be split with the ex. She sent me the paperwork and no bill. She said, when I paid her, she still had to do that thing and it would only be a couple of hours.

The law may be an ass and the system may suck (I did not cuss); but, I have nothing but the greatest respect for my attorney and my ex's attorney. They did their job and it was a job that had to be done. I cannot blame my ex's attorney for doing her job and do not. I cannot be mad that my attorney charged me for her time, it's her job. I would have been agreeable with paying them both if the court so ordered.

How many people will tell you that they appreciate their ex's attorney for doing their job? I understand the system, heck, I told both attorneys how things would turn our, they were wrong and I was right. To make any process work, you must have professionals, people who do their job and leave their personal feelings out of it, that is for judges and legislators.

I thank my attorney and my ex's attorney for doing their jobs. Neither was responsible for the outcome and I would, and have, recommended both to people I know. I have lost half my retirement and a couple of thousand a month; but, that is just what it is. Attorneys can be decent people and I am fortunate that I can say that both were.

If and when I remarry, I may even invite my ex's attorney, just to let her know that everything is all right. Respect professionals for being professional and know that many attorneys become such to make sure the process works. I don't want doctors judging their patients and I don't want attorneys to act as judges. I want professionals to be professionals. We should worry that the process is working.

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