Friday, June 4, 2010

A Question of Aliens

Not illegal aliens. Aliens, beings from other planets. There has been a lot of talk about them recently, in the news.

Hong Kong believes in aliens

Did SETI find aliens in 1977

Alien life on Saturn

The Vatican is willing to believe in aliens. You will notice in the article that the vatican also hosted a conference on evolution and did not allow creationists to attend.

Stephan Hawking says he believes aliens exist. If you do not know who he is, search for him. He is the most famous scientist alive.

Astronaut says aliens exist. The one who was on the moon the longest.

Just so you understand, I am not saying that I believe in aliens. I am providing links to things that were printed, I will give my take on it in a second.

Eisehnower was told aliens existed and he could meet them, or so says a former legislator

Days after Hawking's comments and the Vaticans, a mysterious object was discovered

So, why so much chatter about aliens and life on other planets all of a sudden? Not discussion from fringe groups, were talking about scientists.

According to Dr. Carol Rosin, she was told by Wernher von Braun that the illuminati planned to use a false alien hoax to bring in a world government. I have to take a moment here. Wernher Von Braun was a former SS Nazi and he along with Satanist Jack Parsons are the two people most responsible for heading our space program. Does anyone else find this just a bit creepy? Dr. Rosin is part of the Disclosure project, there are youtube videos you can watch.

On a side note. You have to watch this video where Bill Gates calls for using health care and vaccines to decrease the population by 10 to 15%. Vaccines and depopulation. He is attending the Bilderberg meeting to repeat such information according to the Spanish press. His idea is not to use vaccination to kill but to sterilize. Probably pay people to take the vaccine as was recommended in Australia by one politician.

Australia. Lets talk about them for a moment. Firstly, they are going to begin requiring anyone who sells, leases or rents a home to prove it's energy efficiency. In the same article, they talk about "smart grid" technology. I have mentioned that here before in regards to Google taking over the Department of Water and Power.

I seem to have gotten off track. That happens with me, especially on weekends when I just want to peek at weird news. I like this article from Australia, it says that our "Ascension" may have begun.

The "ascension" is described as our vibrational knowledge changing. If you don't know what that means, it is a theory that says that we are spiritual beings having a material experience and that we are going to evolve and be aware of the universe when our perception of higher wave lengths occurs during the coming years. This belief is very popular at present and was originally discussed by the occultist, Madame Blavatsky. I am not a proponent, I believe a universal deception is more likely than an awakening.

Aliens, that was what I was writing about. Are aliens real? Maybe, probably. Someone once said, if there are no aliens than we have quite a lot of wasted space. Have they come here? Maybe; but, it is unlikely. If they were so advanced technically, why bother coming in person? It takes a lot of energy and time, it would be easier to send a hologram via light waves. It would also allow one to reach more places. Still, if I saw such a hologram claiming to be alien, I would doubt it's authenticity.

Australia and aliens and the Queen. Bet you didn't think those three things were connected. An Australian news source reported how the Queen's astronomer recently said that aliens might be among us but that we couldn't recognize them. He didn't bother saying how they could have got here or why.

So here is my question. If you woke up tomorrow, turned on the television and saw the president at the white house saying that aliens were here, or coming here, how would you feel, what would you think? Reagan used to say that he thought we would all come together if faced with an alien threat. Would we, would that be a good reason? If you thought it was a good reason, would you fake an alien presence to get people to ignore their differences and stop war? If people are willing to give up their rights in order to be safe from terrorists, what rights would they give up to be protected from aliens as Stephen Hawking says we would be.

If they told you that alien abductions were real and they were putting cameras in your house to protect you from being abducted, would you let them? Would you let them microchip you so that they could find you and know if you were taken? Hey, if the scientists can ask these type of questions, why can't a blogger? I forgot, because I don't have a license to write.

If aliens came here, would they be here illegally? Would we need better border defenses? Consider the movie District 9 or the movie "Alien Nation".

In a somewhat related news story, Gene Roddenberry's "Questor Tapes" is about to be remade into a new television series. The link is to Wikipedia which summarizes the original pilot and gives the current status of the new project. Questor is a android created by a lineage of androids put here to protect mankind in secret. These androids were left her by the Masters. That sounds somewhat familiar. Another Roddenberry pilot was Assignment Earth. That show was about the decendent of a human who had been abducted by aliens and taught to help us not kill ourselves. His assistant is a black cat named Isis.

Lets talk about brainwashing. Brainwashing is the structured coercion of one person to accept other's beliefs as their own. To give up their free will to believe as they wish. In order to brainwash someone, it is required that you first strip them of their existing beliefs. This is done by breaking down the person. Destroying their sense of privacy, their trust in others and in their belief of how the world operates. After that the "new truth" is methodically taught. You don't have to break someone down if they don't believe in anything to begin with.

There is an old saying, "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything". Now, lets get to some more interesting questions. If aliens came here with advanced technology that would free humanity from the drudgery of work and provide for all our needs, would you accept the technology? Most people would say yes.

In college I studied Political Science. I had a strong interest in Polynesia. One of my professors thought I should make it my expertise as it would guarantee me a job teaching. Find a niche, so to speak. He understood the business of teaching and consulted with Russia and Ireland's governments. My theory was that the worst thing that happened to the Polynesians was our attempting to make their life easier.

Island cultures are very fragile because fresh water and food are limited. After World War II, the United States took responsibility for a number of islands and their people. We saw them living in thatched rood huts and sent them corrogated steal to keep them dry and provide better homes. The polynesians then stopped knowing how to build their own houses and because of the things we provided them (food, medicines...) they lost many of their traditional skills and had nothing to do. It led to a big increase in alcoholism in the islands.

If we had all of our wants easily provided and no reason to work, what would we become? Heck, video games and television alone have made us fat and lazy and incapable of advanced thinking, instead we are preoccupied with leisure and entertainment. Like mice on cocaine, the real pleasure principle. We don't all seek to grow, we mostly seek to avoid pain and maximize pleasure. Pleasure becomes our God and pain our Satan.

The heaven most seek is pure pleasure, the hell we fear is pure pain. Neither is accurate. The heaven we seek should be growth and the hell we should fear is stagnation. Pure pleasure leads to stagnation and pure pain to a willingness to do anything to avoid it, even things we know are bad. We don't want to believe that, we want to believe if we won the lottery our lives would be great because we could get whatever pleased us.

As I said earlier, I had dinner with a friend. He reads my blog every morning, or so he said. I told him I would post something for him, this is it. He mentioned how he appreciated my writing, thank you. Not hard to believe because prior to the blog he had only read my business writings which are not quite as amusing as the blog is. The blog, I hope the readers know, is much more playful and a hobby than work.

For the past decade I have had people approach me about writing a couple of books on very dull subjects, very dull. I was asked to write one book, by a very experienced CPA, about accounting and it's political consequences and the appropriate use of overheads to provide fairness. Sounds pretty exciting to an accountant, I am not an accountant and I don't think most people would be interested if they were not. The other book I have been asked to write was on public easements, the law, the meaning and their impact. I bet it would sell millions. Both have value; but, I just haven't felt like writing them. I prefer my blog where I can talk about a million things and I don't have to spend a couple of hundred hours of research.

Anyway, my friend was accustomed to reading things I wrote about such topics and I am glad he gets to see my more informal and playful writings. This is not to say that I won't write the books I have been asked to; but, I wouldn't bet on it. I had another friend, he was the world's foremost expert on grading (preparing soil for construction and drainage). He was asked by the prior expert to write a book about it, just before the prior experts death. He was going to do it but got brain cancer at the same time my dad was dying of cancer. He never got to write the book and died.

If I get a year off of work, I will write at least one of the boring books; but, only if I can continue writing nonsense on the web. I play poker, tournament poker, won a couple. My first live tournament was at Binion's, about a thousand people and I made it half way as a chip leader, I went out on a bad beat, it happens. A professional who I had taken out saw me after and asked how I did. I told him about the bad beat. I told him that I still had a great time and felt I did well. He said for him it was just a job and he would prefer to go out fast if he did not make money. It was a job not a joy. I don't want writing to be a job, I prefer having the joy of it.

So, in the end, what was the point of this post? Who said it needed a point? If the reader wishes, they can figure out the point, plenty of clues and no answer. I will not provide one, my friend who I went to dinner with will understand. What the other readers are missing is the context of what he and I discussed which is the key to understanding what I wrote. It is not about aliens, Bill Gates, Blavatsky or me. All my posts are about morality on some level. Be well and have a fantastic weekend.

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