Friday, June 25, 2010

Something woke me up

I couldn't tell you what it was; but, I woke up at 3 o'clock. I decided to have a cigarette and check my e-mail. I scanned the London Times and found this.

Scientists and Abortion

The link will be gone in a day. The London Times, front page says that scientists have "authoritative" information proving that foetuses cannot feel pain. They say the information comes just in time as some people are trying to restrict abortions. How fortunate for those in favor of abortion. Those scientists sure know how to have timely information.

This is not about abortion, I am against killing living things. Science defines life as an organism that has certain properties, growth. If it grows it is alive. Growth for humans starts at conception, that is science. It has nothing to do with abortion, it is just science, real science. Some scientists support abortion, that is okay; but, to then twist science to achieve a goal is hypocrisy.

Scientists do not know when babies begin having sensation, they cannot even tell you what awareness is. Nobody knows what you feel we can only go by what you tell us and people lie. There are no "authoritative" sources.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does a germ squirm when you kill it? Does it react to somthing killing it? Poke a fetus in the womb. I'm sure itl react. It may not have a spirit of it's own till it is born. But it sure as shit is alive.
This is just one opinion. And I would gladly scientifically challange these other retarded scientists.