Thursday, June 3, 2010

To the readers

Thanks for the kind words. I will continue to look for articles that deserve attention or amuse.

An article on government restrictions on "news"

On a completely unrelated note, New York plans on increasing fees for people driving in the State. Hmmmm. Could be a problem there. I recommend that people across the nation watch out for such foolishness.

Here is the information. Fees must be related to the service or product received. Taxes are monies taken that can be used for anything. The difference is that taxes must be voted on.

An example would be trash pick up. The City can only charge what it costs them to pick up the trash. They cannot increase the fee and use the overage to fund the police unless voted on. The rules for taxes and fees are different. One can require that a legislature prove that the funds are used only for the purpose they were intended. New York has plenty of lawyers, we may just see the suit.

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