Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Atheist Utopia

I was reading on-line about the ten commandments, that led me to a site about the "New" ten commandments, basically atheist's ten commandments. That led me to a link to a site which was anti-religious and had numerous articles on why spiritual people are delusional and that led to "Rule the World - An Atheist's Utopia".

It starts by calling for a global constitution. They then call for the rich to be legally required to give to charity. It then says that the most important thing is to protect the environment. It then says that schools are mandatory and will have a very rigid coursework so that you learn the right thing.

It is claimed that this approach would prevent us from having dictators. Dictators are not the problem, authoritarian governments are. I do not care who is in charge if the law is dictatorial and authoritarian. To dictate is to demand. Once again the conversation turns on the misuse of concepts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let them breath and feel the spirit of their body, this was part of the purpose if me figuring this out.