Tuesday, July 13, 2010

LADWP in the news again.

DWP is being set up, it should be obvious. Last week their Chief Financial Officer resigned and tool a lower position. At the same time it was announced that audits were going to be conducted over their Service Request, Real Estate, Risk Management and Purchasing operations. Now it is being announced that the Council is reviewing DWP and wants citizen involvement in the reorganization.

What do you want to bet the audit comes out before the reorganization goes to the public and a few people at DWP stole money or took kickbacks. Every organization has a few miscreants. The big deal that was made on television about a couple of low level field personnel drinking on the job was aimed more at DWP than at the employees who did it. I have never worked for DWP and don't work for it now; but, I can see a smear campaign with a political agenda.

Most of the engineers at DWP believe green power is too expensive at present and didn't want to see the rate hikes. I have spoken to some of their people.

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