Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm Back

Didn't make it home last night, traffic was too bad and a fire to boot. Well, Councilman Richard Alarcon has been indicted, how nice. 18 counts. I am surprised that is all. Perjury and voter fraud. A great story; but, why now? It is reported that he hasn't lived in his district for three years, why now?

What has happened to our country? What solution are we being led to? A medical group has begun giving autistic children in South Florida a chemical castration drug, to cure them. It reduces testosterone. It makes it so they cannot have children. More attacks upon people who are unique, beyond your socialization, who think for themselves.

On a lighter note, the government plans on making your children even dumber. "Common Core" is the new education initiative. The Obama Administration and 33 states are promoting this piece of garbage. The focus will be on teaching "critical thinking" to children. I grew up when they brought in the "New Math", it created generations of kids who could not add. You need to teach the basics, the fundamentals before you can teach critical thinking.

People who have a form of autism known as Aspergers are hard wired with certain knowledge. Kids that can look at columns of numbers and just tell you what they add up to are one example. Most kids don't have the basics hardwired. If they don't learn the basics, they incapable of truly critical thinking. To understand certain things people need to have a sufficient vocabulary. You cannot critically think about things if you do not have the words to understand the nature of a thing.

We keep looking for shortcuts and it keeps destroying our abilities. If you don't learn the basics you are at the will of others. We treat our relationships the same way, we start with sex and maybe love will come. No, it doesn't work that way. You start with basics, it has to start with love and friendship. Attraction is not the key, it will not solve fundamental differences.

We skip the fundamentals, like living in your Council District, and decide that it is small and unimportant. We skip the fundamentals, like learning words that have precision or how to share. You cannot have a good relationship if you cannot share or if you do not learn to compromise or forgive.

We don't teach sharing anymore. We instead attempt to give everyone the same. Sharing teaches working together. I have a neighbor, she is adorable. She has a pool and I do not, she invites the people living with me to use it anytime. It would make no sense for everyone to have a pool. She told me how in the 70s the neighbors all shared, each having something different.

How do we teach children to want to share, not the way we are doing it now. How do we teach them to grow up, same answer. How do we teach them that honesty and integrity matter? If we don't, what do we end up with?

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