Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The News is Boring so Lets Talk About Orgasms

I see nothing in the news worthy of discussion. Even the dumbest can analyze the stupidity that is being put forth. A former U.S. Official saying that Israel must bomb Iran before Saturday, I read it, do you really think an ex-official would say such a thing without permission? Can you imagine the repercussions, and no comment from the President. Come on.

Then we have the nonsense of the thousand fires in Russia being the result of global warming. Firstly, I live in the desert and have for decades, Russia is cooler than the desert I live in and so is Death Valley, guess what no spontaneous combustion. A thousand fires means that they were set, they don't start by themselves and it is not claimed that they were all started by dry lightening. They have tried to scare people by saying that it is approaching Chernobyl, the nuclear plant, that plant is encased in concrete because of the explosion, that fire will not hurt it, think about it, the radiation can't even escape. Concrete does not burn. Let me simplify, what are kilns made out of, so why are worrying about it approaching Chernobyl?

What then shall we discuss. I know, lets talk about sex. I will keep it clean. Orgasms, those are nice things. What is an orgasm? I mean I know what it feels like and understand what the bodily functions are; but, what is it really? We don't think about it. I don't mean physically, I mean as an experience.

Physically you can tell me all you want about nerves and vibrations and hormones; but, that is not the experience. Think about it, what you feel is not physical alone. And even the physical part, what do you really feel? One of the most basic human realities and we can say what causes it; but, can hardly describe it. Some have referred to it as "the little death".

I can tell you what it feels like to have a massage, I can tell you what it is like to burn your fingers. I am not sure anyone has ever accurately explained orgasm. I read an article that said that the parts of your brain that experience fear and pain shut off. It also said that women seem during that moment to cease all emotion and go into a trance like state.

So, what does the little death and loss of all fear and anxiety sound like to you? To me it sounds like the ultimate pleasure. I used to suffer cluster headaches, they are really bad headaches that can last for days and are generally regarded the worse type possible. When the headaches would end I would feel an odd type of euphoria. I drew a conclusion from this, the greatest pleasure I have known was the absence of pain. The absence of pain is a freedom you can only understand if you have known chronic pain.

If my understanding is correct then one must understand pain to understand pleasure. Pleasure is not appreciated by those who have not know the lack of it. We take it for granted and expect it and do not enjoy it as much unless we have known the lack of it. Pain and pleasure are merely intense nerve reactions, strong nerve reactions. They do not exist in reality, yet, they are a part of our reality. They are seen as pain or pleasure based on our interpretation of them. The mental interpretation is what I am asking about, how is it interpreted.

It seems, based on brain scans, that in fact it is a little like death, that is why there is a lack of all fear. The closest I have felt to orgasmic in a non-physical sense was when I was in love. When you first meet someone and fall in love, you lose all fear. The feeling you have when you are with the other person is almost orgasmic and lasts longer.

I remember a girl, my first real love. I remember that I felt light hearted whenever I saw her. I would go into a phase where I couldn't think straight. I don't do that too often, my brain is usually up to something. Around this girl my speech slurred because I got so stupid. Da Brain wud naught wirk write. Haven't you ever felt that way when you were in love? I knew this girl for six years and that feeling never went away and we never had sex.

I remember the second to last time I ever saw her, she held my hands and looked me in the eyes. She wanted me to do something I did not wish to do, she wanted me to take a phone call. I couldn't say no, when she held my hands my brain stopped, I looked at her and she just guided me to the phone, she could have walked me off a cliff and I would not have known nor cared. I took the call, I had to leave.

A lot of people are too obsessed with orgasm. If you are with someone just for orgasms, you miss out on the real fun, love. You can have orgasms without love; but, they cannot be anything more than physical. You can love and have orgasms they will be more than physical. It can be the icing on the cake.

I wish you all to find the love that makes you stupid. The love that makes your heart sing and your brain shut off. Before you find them, I hope you find the one that doesn't and have your heart broken. Everybody's heart should be broken once. It should be broken so that you will appreciate the one that makes it sing.

When we talked about the nerves I meant to bring up masochists. It is completely different from sadism, it is the love of pain. It is the search for extreme nerve excitement. I couldn't find the quote; but someone said that it didn't matter if the experience was good or bad only that it be intense. I don't like, so I don't understand that exactly; but, I kind of get it. A little slap and tickle can be fun, excite the nerves in anticipation of better things. I don't get the extremes.

Emotionally I have usually been pretty stable, not a wide range of emotions and not very strong. Some might say that I was a little cold. That changed over the years, they got wider and stronger. I guess that means that if I meet the love of my life I will get ever dumber when they are around. Oh crud.

When the young lady held my hands, I couldn't think. What happens when I fall in love again? How dumb can I get? I can tell you this much, I would like to be that dumb again just to be around someone. The feeling of not having any fear and only being focused on the other person is heavenly. The little death every time you see them. A lifetime of joy. Lets talk about love, we already talked about orgasm.

Love makes you retarded and nothing, no pain, no fear exist, only that other person. You feel so good that all you want to do is make the other person happy, you are happy just because they exist. I remember the day I met the girl I spoke of. I saw her and got stupid, I was in shock. I couldn't understand why looking at her made all the pain of the world go away, no fear, just her.

I should point out that when I saw her I wasn't excited. I need to explain that, it was not a nervousness love, it was a confused thing. I saw her and had to look at her because when I did, my heart felt lighter. I have not know much joy and have always felt that it was fight or die. Not when I looked at her. It was as if seeing her made everything better, I was not at war with the world, I was in paradise. Blew my little brain didn't understand it at the time.

When someone physically turns you on you get excited. You know, your heart rate increases, your little naught parts wake up, you start thinking real fast. When you meet the love of your life, you calm, your naughty parts are not awake, you start thinking real slow. You go into a trance where they are all you can see and all that matters. I hope you felt that way at least once in your life.

There is a movie coming out called "Flipped" enjoy the trailer. When I looked at my girl, it hurt when I couldn't see her. Seeing her was the relief. Seeing her was the absence of pain. That is how you know it is perfect. Everything else feels less, there is no need to be on the top of your game because there is nothing to fear so your brain can rest.

You can give up hate and still get angry. Hate is the opposite of love, it is constant fear. Anger is more like orgasm, momentary, an outburst. We can choose which we live in, fear or love. We can have orgasms if we fear, we can still get angry if we love; but, we won't act the same way.

Too much hate, it pushes out the love. I prefer love over orgasms. You can still have orgasms and be in love. You can have orgasms and not be in love; but the time in between is torture and orgasms are fun but quick.

I had dinner with a great friend tonight, a young man I used to work with. We had, I hope, a nice talk. Something had agitated him and I hope I was able to provide some perspective. It sucks to get old, you end up with perspective. I hope enjoys this post, maybe it was meant for him, hard to say sometimes.

It is time for me to go to bed. My dog has taken to eating my shoes now, he doesn't like it when I leave and I have put my socks away. Now I have to put away my shoes. My dog hates it when I leave and is happy just to sit under my chair while I write or read. I guess dogs love us, why is beyond me. Wait, maybe they love us because they no reason to fear. Be well.

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