Thursday, August 26, 2010


Rage is one of our emotions. It is the single minded focus of getting revenge. It is how we feel when we will not let anything get in the way of us conducting immediate physical harm on another. I have felt rage; but, over the years have managed to temper my anger. If we tell people to go with their gut instincts, we are telling them that rage is okay.

Emotions can be wonderful things or, if they are not managed and grown, they can lead to mindless actions. Rage stops thought. Thought manages emotions. We need always take the time to consider things before we act. Patience is the regulator of thought.

When we rage we feel totally empowered, we can do anything because we have moved past all fear. We are willing to die to achieve our goal. At that point no reason will be listened to. That is the problem with giving into our emotions rather than managing them. The collateral damage after rage can take a lifetime to fix.

Lust can be the same. Lust can lead people to do things without considering the consequences. It can also cause collateral damage for a lifetime. We need to manage our emotions, not allow them to control us. I watched as two people destroyed so much, rage was their issue. They let their emotions control their actions.

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