Monday, September 6, 2010

Big Man and Dinner

I mentioned that I had gone out for dinner with a friend. In fact, we had tried to invite one of his friends to go with us. He is a very big man, over 6'6", sturdy. Many find him very intimidating; but, in fact he has been nothing but calm and a pleasure to have around me. I like his ways and enjoy hearing the young man laugh when I recite some stupid stories, he likes to laugh.

I am a small man. I would not like the big guy to pound me in my head; but, just because he could would not mean that he would. In fact, I cannot imagine him intentionally hurting me. He would probably let me hit him and walk away. People see big men and get nervous, not because of the big man, because of themselves.

A few months back there was a birthday party at my house for my young friend that I went to dinner with. Someone had too much to drink and started a problem. My large friend was unhappy with the situation, he never raised his voice nor did anything. Before had a chance me and two young men had the problem person in the house and I had locked the metal door to my backyard faster than anyone could move. My large friend was locked out. We removed the problem and everything was fine.

Much later my large friend mentioned how he was surprised how quickly I had locked everyone out and removed the problem. He had intended to respect me and my house and remove the problem himself. I like him. Some young men still know how to act at a party and how to be calm and quiet.

The large man has been to my house many times and is always a pleasure. If you are a smaller man, sometimes people wish to test you. The exact same thing happens to bigger men. There are actually idiots who will tell professional boxers that they are not that tough, they are that tough. Most of them just don't feel a need to prove it.

There are some people that when they walk in the room know they own it. It is a confidence based on experience. They know they can handle anything that happens. There are other people who can handle any thing; but, don't have the confidence. They don't know their own abilities. Insecurity is developed over years. Confidence is also built over years, proven track records.

Sorry, my mind has attached to something and I cannot finish this post. Memories sometimes come to me and I must figure them out. Hope you are having a fantastic weekend, I am. Good food, good friends and peace. You don't get that every weekend. Oooohhh and I get to sleep in late. Be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant tell you how many time smaller guys have had a problem with my size and have goaded me to stir things up with them...I always try and calm the scene down in those and lots of stressfull situations, seems like always the peace maker...