Saturday, October 30, 2010

Randy Quaid and Tila Tequila

I don't know what to say about this. It is Saturday and I have time to write so I may just ramble and go with it. I was reading articles this morning and came across one that was just too weird.

Randy Quaid says that some underground organization in Hollywood killed Heath Ledger and is trying to get him.

Now we have Tila Tequila talking about "The Others" in Hollywood and how they are into child sex and brainwashing us all. I will say this for Miss Tequila, she can actually write. I mean she put together good paragraphs and had a good command of the language. I didn't expect it. I guess that shows my bias.

Lets not forget Dan Akroyd and his UFOs.

Or, Charlie Sheen and his 9/11 conspiracy beiefs.

Dave Chappelle on the Masons and such.

What the heck is going on in Hollywood? JayZ flashing the illuminati sign all the time and Lady Gaga doing the all seeing eye in every video she makes. Then consider Madonna and her Kaballah following. Kaballah is just witchcraft.

We have Stephen Hawking talking about meeting aliens and Hillary Clinton talking to Eleanor Roosevelt's ghost in the White House. Wrestler Jesse Ventura was voted Governor of Minnesota, Arnold was voted governor of California. What bizarro world do we live in?

What happens to people when they become famous? How much stuff do they have to hear? Lady Gaga sang about the Fame Monster. It must be. Remember when Martin Laurence was in the middle of Ventura Blvd. waving a gun? Is there a single female singing diva that hasn't completely lost her mind? Brittany, Lindsey, One-eye, the list goes on and on. Why would anyone want to be famous?

Personally, I am irritated when people I do not know, know of me. I am not famous just known within certain circles. Every now and then I meet people who have heard about me, often they have an opinion of who and what I am. I do not know them so it seems sort of unfair. Why should they have an opinion, positive or negative, about someone they have not met and don't know? In my case they have often read things that I wrote, so there is some understanding of what I am; but, I have none of them. It seems unfair.

Imagine being a star, having everyone know who you are and having an opinion about you. I think that would suck. Now, heaven forbid, you be a star and have an opinion on something that is not politically correct, everyone comments on you. Wait a second, aren't celebrities allowed to what they want also? It used to be that the studios completely controlled the stars and what was published. Today the "studio system" is gone and celebrities have to fend for themselves.

Tom Cruise is a scientologist. What those people believe is absolutely wacko. L. Ron Hubbard was a satanist and charlatan. Having said that, isn't Mr. Cruise allowed to believe what he wishes? Does he have to be an atheist, protestant or Catholic? Sammy Davis Jr was a satanist for a couple of years.

Bob Dylan said that he had sold his soul to the Devil, is that how famous people feel, as if they have sold themselves out for fame? That they must fake who they are in order to stay famous? Or at least wealthy. What about Mel Gibson, if he hates Jews, should he not be able to make films?

I don't like Jane Fonda as a person, I hated what she did during the Vietnam War. I don't much like war; but, I know that the people who fight them are the true victims. She hated the soldiers, she is an elitist twat. Not every soldier is a hero; but, every soldier had to deal with bad stuff. Not every service man is a soldier, most never see action. Everyone who ever had to sit on a battlefield had to deal with some bad stuff and should be understood as having to do such.

Every celebrity has to deal with fame. Every celebrity loses the freedom of movement that we have. Snookie (I know what it is now) is probably different than what we see in the papers and television, still, she chose to be a celebrity and be on a television show. Fame and fortune are cells, They are poison and there is a price to be paid, public scrutiny by people who don't know you. Should it be that way, maybe not, maybe yes, I don't know.

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