Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vernon, the City of ?

Now it is announced that the District Attorney wants to disband the City of Vernon. I told you so, I told you so, I told you so. Vernon is going to be the most fun of all of the little cities.

Lets recap. A friend of Mayor Villaragosa (in conjunction with CIM Group which is funded by CalPers and Lacers) bought land in Kern county that the City of Los Angeles wanted to buy for a wind farm and for the water rights. The City of Vernon has it's own electric utility company. Now, Vernon is to be disbanded. What do you think will happen next?

Hmmmm. I bet you the City of Los Angeles ends up getting that land even if it has to buy it from the County. Read the whole article, drink it in and understand where it will lead. They want us to pass a law that would allow cities to become unincorporated if it had voter fraud and an elected official found guilty of something. Guess what, that is every City in the United States. When, not if, this passes they will unincorporate every little city with money in order to take it.

These little crooks in these little cities were allowed to continue because they served a purpose, it allowed us to keep dirty industries in the area. Now, we need their money so they will be absorbed by the bigger cities and the county. Do I hear someone playing a Roman fiddle?

VERNON, VERNON. All that lovely tax revenue and the coming business tax and all of the businesses grandfathered in. All of the revenue and none of the political backsplash. MONEY, MONEY. In Los Angeles the ballot measures are moving forward to change the retirement system for new hires. I am against it, I think existing employees should bear some of the burden and that includes me. It is easy to get people to vote against what the other guy gets. Sheep attacking sheep to protect what they have (in reality it is getting yours first and we all lose).

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