Monday, November 22, 2010

Bait and Switch

A lot has been said about the new "security measures" being employed at airports by the TSA. Like a magician, the politicians are hiding the real purpose. Lets discuss the set up.

Firstly, we had an underwear bomber. Now this guy was a graduate student and the son of one of the wealthiest people in Nigeria. He covered himself in a blanket and attempted to ignite the device sitting in his chair. How come he didn't do it in the bathroom of the plane? If he had they would not have been able to stop him. Isn't that just common sense?

Anyways, days after the attempted explosion airports began installing the scanners. How did the manufacturer know they would be utilized and purchased. Oh, remember this, many of the people who worked for Homeland Security at the top were also lobbyists for the company that made them.

Lets jump forward a bit. As the discussion of the body scanners develops it turns out that so many problems have occurred that people are outraged. It was discovered that although we were told the images were not going to be kept, they were and about a 100 showed up on the internet. How did that happen? Who posted them? Better yet, how come Homeland Security isn't tracking down who posted them?

Now lets say you don't want a body scan, the TSA will then use an aggressive pat down even on children and babies. We have had TSA agents fondling the breasts and crotches of children, the elderly and the disabled. Sounds like they really don't want you to "opt out" of the scan.

We have been warned by the media that people are making too big a deal of this (I will not link to the articles). The head of the TSA is saying that opting out is basically unAmerican.

A alternate is now being discussed whereby people who were pre-screened and gave up biometric information would get a regular old security screening. So what are the real issues?

Are we actually safer because we take off our shoes? Are we actually safer if we let people oogle our naked bodies? Israel security says nope. Then why do it? Apparently for money, the money the lobbyists spent and received. But that is not the real reason either, to give up our privacy and accept what we are told.

With all of this hassle and the complaints, more people are expected to fly this year. Not me. The real question is what we will individually do and not do. It is a question of personal choice and privacy. What will you trade it for? It does not matter to me whether it be full body scan, aggressive pat down or biometrics. I opt out of all of them.

What happens when this "furor" is over, one of them will be accepted and none are needed. People are wondering what the least offensive method is, why should it be offensive at all? Travel is not a privilege, it is a right. Having said that, travel by plane is not. Travel by public transportation is a privilege. I do not like that the privilege has such a high price; but, that is what it is. Driving is also a privilege. Walking is a right.

Now kiddies, what will happen next. You will need to have a full body scan to drive to Mexico or Canada. You will need it to walk to Mexico or Canada. Everyone is calling for tougher border security to keep out illegals and we will be the ones who have the scans. Wanna bet?

Where will you draw the line? As a Christian I believe that eventually we will be asked to take a mark. It will be invisible to the naked eye; but, it will be taken willingly. We will take it in exchange for having the type of life we used to. Many will take it willingly and say they were "forced" to. The bible says we will take the mark so that we can buy and sell. No thanks.

This question is really for Christians, believers. If you do not believe the bible then question is just silly. How can a believer take a mark when it is the only thing clear in the Book of Revelations. Yet they will, they will for comfort. Comfort and happiness are overrated. Doing the right thing is underrated.

If you are a "Christian" would you take the mark if it was invisible or would convince yourself that you don't know it is a mark, or would you lie to yourself? This is very much a Christian question. Now I will tell the Christians something. It says that in that day many will say "Jesus, Jesus" and he will tell them to go away, that he never knew them.

We are too often taught that if we believe Jesus is our saviour, then we are saved. I tell you that is not what the bible says. Jesus said that if we loved him then we would do his will. His will is simple, love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. If you believe it will change how you act. It also says that even the demons know who Jesus is and know he is lord. They are no saved either.

The TSA is wrong for viewing naked children, it is a crime. To take your child to the airport knowing that their nakedness is even more wrong because parents have a duty to their children. Perhaps you can begin to see my point. Why would anyone expose their children to such a thing, what travel plans can outweigh their duty to protect their children? The TSA is wrong, allowing your children to be exposed is worse.

If I still had young children I would ask, before beginning the security check, what my child would have to do. If I were told that the agent was going to touch my child's privates I would not fly. How can a parent willingly allow their child to undergo such a thing?

There are many who will disagree with me. That is fine. Who do you think will be applying for the jobs to pat down your children? Pedophiles work where children are, that is their logic. TSA agents don't have top secret clearances, they are paid piddly amounts. Who wants a job groping people? Not me. It is a trick and we are being herded but we still choose. It is our choices that define us, not our so called "beliefs". Faith is belief which leads to action. Be well and love one another.

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