Friday, November 5, 2010

Electronic Democracy

Go back and see that I have written about direct democracy and coalition governments. This article talks about "direct democracy" in Russia. In England people are talking about taking back their government; but, they have gone to proportional representation and will not be able to gain consensus. In the United States we have "kicked out the Democrats" who were making us socialist; but, we are looking at four years of gridlock and nothing will change.

In other government news, George W. Bush admits to ordering waterboarding. The ex-president admitted to ordering torture. Peoples response was to say it was a good thing. We have become like our enemies. Our ex president admitted to violating the constitution and international treaties.

Oh, lets not forget the people who lied about the presidents ordering waterboarding. Your government lied to you, the people you voted for lied to you. Is that okay? What about the military officers and the CIA who knew, is it okay that they lied to. Friends, that is conduct unbecoming and officer and a gentleman. That is a violation of the military code of justice. They can and should be court marshaled.

Now if you want to read something really crazy, here is an article about a legislator in Parliament who says that a secretive organization wants to give 5 billion pounds to help England out. It starts about 2/3rds of the page down. I read about it on a couple of news sources. I don't know what I think about it. It is Guy Fawkes day. Look it up. The Lord also admitted to having laundered billions for terrorists. It's a joke. It is just a very odd joke. It didn't make a headline on the London Times. I am assuming that each year on Guy Fawkes day someone in their Parliament makes an outrageous statement or something along those lines.

What about the volcano in Indonesia that they say could be the biggest explosion of a volcano in ten thousand years. That is not a good thing. When Krakatoa blew it sent a shockwave three times around the world. This would be louder. If it blows as they fear, kids that is a game changer. It will be colder on earth, fast. I don't even want to think about the tidal wave that it would send up. Katrina and the Haiti disasters will quickly be forgotten. This is a possible earth changing event. The national debt and your personal debt will matter little. Growing food will matter. People need to watch this one.

We had a spike in readership yesterday, 20 views in a day. Today someone read about Pastor Carol Daniels. The post on her is one of my most read. Comments are always welcome, even on old stuff. It is good to know that people are searching about her on the internet. The case needs to be solved.

I don't know how my readers feel about me leaving little parts of a story at the end of some of my posts. Just a literary thing I wanted to try.

I have something I want to say; but, I can't get it. A feeling. I feel like I should talk about tomorrow; but, I can't remember why. Oh well. It is November of 2010. Heck, I remember watching "2001 a Space Odyssey" in 1969 and thinking that I would never see the day. Now it is 2010 (the date of the sequel). I am living in my own science fiction. It was science fiction when I saw the movie.

The oldest person in the world died, I think she was 116. She was 20 when World War I was going on. She saw people use planes for the first time and then saw us land a man on the moon. She was living in science fiction land. How do you handle that, seeing those changes? How much science fiction could you handle seeing and living? Be well.

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